Still need Balance Adjustments

"The no hook slug"

In order to solve the problem that the game time is unilaterally delayed by the killer side for too long.

after change, every survivor can fully recover from the Dying State once per Trial.

when all Alive survivor in dying state, survivor get: every 45s, the one of survivor can immediately recover from the Dying State. (If killer hook the timer reset.)

when all Alive survivor in dying state, killer get: Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability

Reveals dying Survivors' Auras when standing within 12 metres.

Survivor Perks


because the anti-"slug" this perk need a little change:

  • Increases the fully recover from the Dying State once per Trial by 1 times.(change)
  • Increases the Dying State Recovery speed by 25/30/35 %.(keep)

Background Player

This perk is too weak and useless, hard to take effect:

200% → 400%, Exhausted 60/50/40 became 50/40/30。


This perk now in most cases, it does not take effect, so it need a change:

change to Whenever you are in the Injured State, Made for This activates, and you benefit from the following effects:

Gain a 3/4/5 % Haste Status Effect while running.

Gain the Endurance Status Effect for 10/13/15 seconds after completing a Healing action on another Survivor.


First of all, we've prepared some changes to the Pallets respawn to address the issue of survivors do not drop the pallets (the "saving pallets") then hit by killer. upon further investigation, it was found that the number of pallets was insufficient. In order to address the "save the pallets" behavior of survivors, we have made the following adjustments:

("saving pallets": Survivors only loop around the pallets and don't drop it.)

after change, every pallet can respawn 3 time after broken. The pallet respawn 14 seconds after pallet is broken.

At the same time, we want to address one of the killer side's pain points: when broke pallet is hard to see where survivor go.

killer can free look around when broke pallet.

These changes will help ensure that survivor always get some benefit from drop the pallet, force the Killer to think carefully about timing when breaking the pallet.

Blight add-ons.

Blighted Rat & Crow

These two add-ons are quite powerful, making it difficult to dodge:

  • Increases Movement speed during a Rush by a stack-able +1 % & 1.5% for each consecutive Lethal Rush.

Alchemist's Ring

These add-ons are powerful, making survivor hard to consumed blight tokens By leaving early:

  • Extends the Rush duration by +10 % for each consecutive Lethal Rush. (nerf form 20%)

Killer perks


because the anti-"slug" this perk need a little change:

Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability

Reveals dying Survivors' Auras when standing within 20/28/36  metres.

when all Alive survivor in dying state:

Increases the Reveals dying Survivors' Auras when standing by 12/20/28 metres.


This perk is quite powerful, making survivor hard to save their teammate on the ground, Remove the following effects:

  • Reduces the Healing speed by 30/40/50 %.

Increases the following effects:

  • Survivors failing a Healing Skill Check instantly regress the Healing Action by 6/8/10 % of its maximum possible Progression in addition to the default Progression penalty.
  • complete suppression of the Warning cue when heal.

Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance

new Regression Events make this perk too powerful, so make a change for this perk:

  • The Generator with the most Progression explodes, instantly losing 9/12/15 % of its Progression and starting to regress.
  • Survivors repairing that Generator will scream, but not reveal their location.
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance loses 1 Token.

Pop Goes the Weasel

new Regression Events make this perk too powerful, so make a change for this perk:

After hooking a Survivor, Pop Goes the Weasel activates for the next 40/45/50 seconds:

  • The next Generator you damage instantly loses -10 % Progression.
  • Regular Generator Regression applies afterwards and Pop Goes the Weasel deactivates.

this change makes killer once damage the generator -15% progression when pop gose the weasel is activates.

Bitter Murmur, Fire Up, Cruel Limits, Deadlock, Batteries Included, Terminus, Machine Learning, Rancor, No Way Out, Coup de Grâce.

Add the following effects:

When close the generator hold the "drop Survivor" key to finish that generator. only use in not finish generator.


    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    Blight Power

    Fatigue duration: 2.5s→2s

    but blight will have twice fatigue.(Meaning full fatigue is 4s.)

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242


    survivor have 2 hand.

    so, survovir now can carry 2 Item in Trial.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    Dead Man's Switch

    now killer have so much way to Transfer obsession, so old activates is good for now:

    After hooking the Obsession, Dead Man's Switch activates for the next 30/35/40 seconds.

    • While activated, any Survivor that stops repairing a Generator.
    •  before it is fully repaired causes The Entity.
    •  to block the Generator until Dead Man's Switch's effect ends.
    • Affected Generators are highlighted by a white Aura.

    can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242
    edited February 2024

    yes, because now MFT is too weak, that survivor can not know how to use it.

    Post edited by ABAEX on
    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    Spirit add-ons

    Rusty Flute & Rin's Broken Watch

    These two add-ons are quite powerful, making survivor have no chance to dodge it:

    • Increases the Recharge rate of Yamaoka's Haunting by +20% & +15%. (was 40% & 30%)
  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 279

    Asking for too much I think, we don't need nerfs to more killers/perks, we need more changes to maps preferably. Survivors are at a perfect strength arguably more so with Insta Heals and BNPs still being 22.5 second time saver.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Background player to 400%

    You might as well have the perk give Survivors the ability to blink like Nurse

    Your justification for nerfing Killer perks is literally (It's too strong.) Any stats on that?

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242
    edited February 2024

    some blight after add-ons nerf still have stats that in 95% Trial survivor can't finish 5 gen be 3k or 4k.

    so I think that still too powerful.

    Post edited by ABAEX on
    ABAEX Member Posts: 242
    edited February 2024

    Not too much, like all down no hook just slug, it truly delay the trial by killer.

    Survivors are not at a perfect strength. even have free Borrowed Time, 8 kick limit per gen(ant-3gen).

    Survivor Escape rate still have no change.

    may let pallet need became more. like 2016 LT have 2 pallet.

    Post edited by ABAEX on
    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    survivor after so much buff but escape rate have no change.

    so maybe is killer being too powerful.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    Survivor ghost

    when survivor Sacrificed, thier will be back to trial. Can only interact with generators by 0.75c/s.

  • I_Tunnel
    I_Tunnel Member Posts: 81


    Survivors don't get rewarded with immunity and any form of repair speed after they've lost.

  • I_Tunnel
    I_Tunnel Member Posts: 81

    So your 'fix' for tunneling and 3 genning is "Allow Survivors to keep trying to win after they have died, and the Killer has no counter to it"?

    And you don't see how this is broken and would kill the game on the spot? I can't tell if you just have 0 clue about game design, or are trolling.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242
    edited February 2024

    killer can dely Sacrificed to avoid survivor been ghost.

    and ghost survivor only can fix the gen, and can't stop the gen Regression State, so the fix speed can Adjust to 0.25~0.75c/s. downed survivor can not be heal up by ghost survivor. it can be:

    0 survivor on hook or dying state: 0.75c/s (if gen in Regression State is 0.5c/s)

    1 survivor on hook or dying state:0.5c/s (if gen in Regression State is 0.25c/s)

    2survivor on hook or dying state:0.25c/s (if gen in Regression State is 0c/s)

    3survivor on hook or dying state:0.1c/s (if gen in Regression State is -0.15c/s)

    so killer need smart hook or Sacrificed the survivors. not Brainless sacrifices.

    this change will Completely resolved some survivor unhook themselves 3 time, and not struggle in Struggle Phase, Sacrifice themselves.

    Post edited by ABAEX on
  • I_Tunnel
    I_Tunnel Member Posts: 81

    killer can dely Sacrificed to avoid survivor been ghost.

    So the Killer's choice becomes:

    1. Sacrifice a Survivor, and they come back & do gens while being untouchable.
    2. Not sacrifice a which point they do gens, plus can heal, do flashlight/pallet saves, and can pick up other Survivors.

    What a stellar choice! How did I not see the genius of this idea sooner?!

    and ghost survivor only can fix the gen, so the fix speed can Adjust to 0.25~0.75c/s. downed survivor can not be heal up by ghost survivor.

    So the 'Ghost Survivor' can just focus on gens, which helps his living Survivors win. And the Killer can't stop them.

    Nope; Still a bad idea.

    so killer need smart hook or Sacrificed the survivors. not Brainless sacrifices.

    Essentially; You want to force Killers to 12 hook, or be punished by having invincible & unstoppable 'Ghost Survivors' working on gens.

    All because you dislike so-called 'tunneling', and 3 gen setups (that Survivors inflict on themselves, BTW).

    The idea is a broken mess that tips the game so far in Survivor's favor that it would become unplayable. All over this idea that Killers should be punished for trying to win without Survivor approval (What you call 'Brainless sacrifices'), and Survivors should be rewarded with literal immunity/immortality when they die.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242
    edited February 2024

    "Not sacrifice a which point they do gens, plus can heal, do flashlight/pallet saves, and can pick up other Survivors."

    or leave them on the ground 3 min delay the Sacrifice, the survivor that in dying state only can crawl, cannot fix gen or heal others or something else.

    killer even can use dying state survivor as a bait to free hit other survivor Not to be looped by that saving survivors.

    you need play more killer, Take advantage of the survivor's dying status, not Brainless 1 down 1 hook tunnel.


    you not good enough as killer, you have to carry perk like: Pop Goes the Weasel+ Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance

    let perk and luck not your skill to lead 3k 4k the trial?

    "So the 'Ghost Survivor' can just focus on gens, which helps his living Survivors win. And the Killer can't stop them.

    Nope; Still a bad idea."

    is a good idea, because it gives survivor a chance let them teammate to save them, so they will not Blame the killer.

    like anti-camp, some survivor still blames killer camp, even their teammate never trying to save them.

    Ghost Survivor can and only can do the gen, if killer can Put pressure to the other survivors(hook、hit to dying state), the ghost survivor The fix efficiency will be reduced , survivor even have a ghost teammate will still be 3k 4k.

    Essentially; You want to force Killers to 12 hook, or be punished by having invincible & unstoppable 'Ghost Survivors' working on gens.

    All because you dislike so-called 'tunneling', and 3 gen setups (that Survivors inflict on themselves, BTW).

    nope, I mean killer only need 3~6 hook hole trial is enough.

    let the survivor have free unbreakable let survivor and killer play more intensity.

    because player always play Stable but boring.

    DBD apparently encourage killers to use a more aggressive playstyle.

    (like camp, camp is very stable for killer, stable for less 1k when anti-camp hook catch is not implementation)

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 456

    MFT is still very strong. Pair it with DH and you're insanely hard to catch. Granted you actually have to have some skill to use DH now, but MFT paired with it is insane. Also it screws over Legion, Deathslinger, and to a lesser extent Skull Merchant.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242
    edited February 2024

    The idea is a broken mess that tips the game so far in Survivor's favor that it would become unplayable. All over this idea that Killers should be punished for trying to win without Survivor approval (What you call 'Brainless sacrifices'), and Survivors should be rewarded with literal immunity/immortality when they die.

    nope, just most of player play DBD very bad.

    they not play for fun, they play for win.

    lights out events now Almost no one play.

    Players play it only to get tag decorations, this event is obviously a lot of fun, but no one like it.

    "tips the game so far in Survivor's favor."?

    even anti-camp and anti-3gen not increase survivor escape rate at all。

    Why can you conclude that this change will "tips the game so far in Survivor's favor"?

    May this change that would make the Killer playstyle more aggressive, survivors get lower escape rate?

    the ghost survivor can Completely resolved some survivor unhook themselves 3 time, and not struggle in Struggle Phase, then be Sacrifice by themself.

    Are you just afraid of change? As long as it's changed, it will be booed?

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    I play both sides, have this suggesting will not changes both sides.

    killer still have to Do everything they can to kill as many survivors as possible.

    survivor still have to Cooperate to escape, whatever they do. and as always "Death is not an escape"

    some survivor unhook themselves 3 time, and not struggle in Struggle Phase.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    maybe is very strong, but carry rate is not very optimistic.

    31.5% down to 2.7%.

  • I_Tunnel
    I_Tunnel Member Posts: 81

    they not play for fun, they play for win.

    Maybe they find winning fun? But of course, you don't approve of that, so you want Survivors to come back as freaking untouchable ghosts that can complete generators.

    Because, according to you; Killers winning is bad and Survivors should be allowed to complete generators while being literally invincible after they die.

    Trash idea is trash.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    this idea when killer only know tunnel is trash for those killer.

    not Implementation ghost survivor, just change Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance & Pop Goes the Weasel.

    Tunnel Built on hook gains, if nerf a little those hook gains perk.

    tunnel will be 1k build.

  • I_Tunnel
    I_Tunnel Member Posts: 81

    Yes, let's just nerf tunneling. Again. Because Survivors can't win without massive hand holding.

    I mean, Survivors already malded over tunneling & got basekit BT. Which they abuse with bodyblocking, then mald some more about being trunneled.

    Then they cried over camping & got a camping timer.

    They screamed over '3 genning' (Their own fault, btw), and now Killers have limited gen kicks.

    What's next? Weeping over being slugged and demanding basekit Unbreakable?

    Malding over the Killer closing hatch & demanding basekit Key powers?

    Why not just remove the Killer's ability to play. Make all Killers a bot. That would make Survivors happy.

    No, wait; Then they could not trash talk the Killer upon winning with all their BS hand holding.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242
    edited February 2024

    now you know the key.

    survivor don't know how to save the hook, don't know not fix been 3 gen. The mistakes of the survivors are borne by the killer.

    killer can not Take advantage of survivors' blunders, just because survivors Can't handle those.

    but after the anti-camp & anti-3gen is Implement.

    survivor still don't know when/how to save the camp & how to not fix to 3gen.

    so survivor still no change in the escape rate.(80% player)

    nerf blight add-ons, even -50% speed, just because they don't know how to dodge it. so need hit to take effect(ring & tag)is nerf(rework) just because survivor don't know how to do. they even not play blight.

    If want them to understand the killer's abilities, killer's abilities need to Intuitive and simple like Huntress.

    a little complex like blight and Skull Merchant will smash the survivors brain.

    Post edited by ABAEX on
  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    The problem with slugging is that you don't actually progress the game by doing so. That survivor will get picked up and then you are left with nothing. Survivors are a lot faster in picking up their team mates than the killer is finding and downing the next one (outside of specific survivor-made scenarios). Also, when you only slug and don't hook, then you don't get the benefits of Pain Res, DMS, Grim Embrace and Pop.

    Your suggestions really come down to: "There should be no way for survivors to lose a game. Ever." You suggested to nerf absolutely everything that allows killers to build up pressure. Slowdown, slugging, breaking pallets, killing survivors and even specific killers. This is beyond unbalanced. MfT was too strong with a 3% haste effect and you suggest to buff it to 5% because survivors are bad? Well, if they're bad, then they should lose. It's as simple as that. The same goes for killers. If you play worse than your opponent, then why should you win?

    Most of us (if not all) thought you were trolling. To be honest, I'm still not sure you aren't. This is the most one sided post I've seen so far. You have raised no good arguments why something is too strong or too weak so far. It only comes down to: Survivors play bad, so they need help. Maybe you should play a bit of killer yourself, win your first few games and then see for yourself that survivors aren't actually that bad at the game. We have a MMR system that will put you against some decent players soon. Don't worry.

    This is an insult to all the good survivor players out there. This game wasn't released yesterday, so survivors had a bit of time to learn the game. And learn they did. Even in solo queue you see some basic levels of coordination thanks to the HUD and survivors having a bit of game sense. You know when to go for an unhook, you know when to heal, you know to spread out on gens and you know when someone is in chase. This is all the information you need to play solid. If all of this is not enough, then there are also perks to help you out.

    The most ridiculous out of all these suggestions to me was the thing with pallets respawning. There is such a thing as looping and it is what survivors should use to delay killers. Pre dropping isn't exactly skillful, so it shouldn't be a guaranteed win. Your suggestion however would create maps that don't allow the killer to get any downs. Does that sound fair to you? Because to me it doesn't. The Game for example has more than 30 pallets (consistently btw). Now multiply them by 4 (1 pallet + 3 respawns of that pallet). That leaves this map with more than 120 pallets. That is enough for 10 games. The average match doesn't last 1 hour and 20 minutes. But this is how long it would take to deal with this amount of resources. Even on old Shelter Woods, which sometimes had no more than 5 pallets iirc, this would become game breaking. The funny thing is though, that Nurse wouldn't really care. And she is the strongest killer in the game. So this would affect all but the very strongest killer.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    survivor only can in dying state for 240s (4min.)

    "Survivors are a lot faster in picking up their teammates than the killer is finding and downing the next one"

    if killer use the pickup and hook time to seek & chase other survivor, or intercept other survivor heal downing survivor up. survivor need more than 1 survivor to heal downing survivor.

    In fact, Done right or good skills, it is possible to injure even knock down another survivor before they are rescued.

    killer need to use black-box theory. Let the survivors waste their time. (Move to downing survivor but hit by killer and downing survivor picked up by killer.)

    when killer only slug and don't hook, then killer don't get the benefits of Pain Res, DMS, Grim Embrace and Pop. but survivor also don't get the benefits of DS, DH, Off record, unhook 10s buff. (etc.)

    hook can be broken, pickup can be saved by their teammate and perk, if killer down a survivor that hook will Sacrifice, but this survivor be save, In this case, killer don't actually progress the game by hooking.

    a downed survivor can't fix the gen, can't heal other, they move even very slow.

    if anti-camp and anti-3gen not insult all survivor, why anti-slug is an insult to all the good survivor player?

    pallets respawning is good to Limit the time of the game.

    if BEHVR want a trial in 20 min, so the pallets respawning time can be 1200s.

    "if they're bad, then they should lose."

    Yes! Exactly!

    if survivors are bad at loop and save, let killer down a survivor and hook them, camp to get an advantage from survivor blunders.

    if survivor are bad at Determine the location of the generator, let killer camp 3 gen, let survivor fix the other gen, and win the game, because survivor are bad, so they should lose.

    if survivor are bad at Handling slug, so let killer 4 down survivor and win.

    that is the right approach, not a "crutch" for survivors who can't handle those, but "crutch" in survivor that can handle those, will be "sledgehammer" Smash the killer.

    let survivor learn how to do it right, not depend on "crutch".

    now survivor save hook is worse than March 2017 Borrowed Time perk that give both survivor Endurance Status, they now all save at killer face. trade hook, so [Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance] & [Grim Embrace] is Very useful.

    killer can easy and quick get instantly gen losing 50% of Progression, 24s Blocks all Generators.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,184

    What did i read? This has to be a joke!

    Alone the backgroundplayer thing is absolutely stupid. You can already save over half the map with it.

    I don't even have to start with the palettes making chases basically infinite or mft that makes basically every killer the same speed like huntress or even slower.

    The only thing that would make this any balanced is insta-mori on m1.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    maybe is a joke, but before anti-camp, every one think anti-camp has to be a joke.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    Huh? That's news to me. Some people said that it would be highly abusable and BHVR would need to be very careful with that but I did not see anyone that thought it had to be a joke. Of course there were also people that were against it but not the majority. What you suggested is in no way similar to the AFC mechanic.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,184


    It's still a joke lol, the only thing it does it keeping you from standing directly at the hook. But the anti-camp is not even close to the joke ideas above, that would be absolutely insane and destroy every little try to balance this game in any way.

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846
    edited February 2024

    I think about slug.

    normal time to full recovery for first time.

    20% more fast in comparation first time.

    40% more fast in comparation secound time.

    60% more fast comparation trird time.

    maybe add tenacity kit base after second time slug!

    bye bye slug !

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242
    edited February 2024

    anti 3gen is a joke.

    survivor can hide wait killer kick 8 time.

    survivor even can fix 4.9% and stop, then fix another 4.9%, killer can't kick the gen.

    killer can ignore 5%gen but can't ignore 95%gen, so killer will kick it.

    now gen is almost in survivor's hand.

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846
    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    anti-camp Definitely a joke.

    keep 12m to camp will let survivor self-save for 66.6s charge to full. but 60s is enough into next stage.

    survivor always self-save when it is full charge.

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    anti-camp ajustment for maybe 24m. So affect proxy camp too!

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242

    anti-camp max 16m.

    kind like fix gen.

    fix gen need 90c, survivor fix speed is 1c/s. so need 90s to finish a gen.

    After hooking a Survivor, there is a grace period of 7 seconds before the meter starts filling up, giving the Killer the opportunity to leave the area without being immediately penalised, as well as leaving some wiggle room to damage a nearby Generator or reload at a Locker if applicable.

    anti-camp need 100c to full to self-save.

    0-4 m: 5 c/s.  100/5=20+7=27 s to self-save.

    5 m: 4.5 c/s.  100/4.5=22+7=29 s to self-save.

    6 m: 4 c/s.  100/4=25+7=32 s to self-save.

    7 m: 3.5 c/s.  100/3.5=28.6+7=35.6 s to self-save.

    8 m: 3 c/s.  100/3=33.3+7=40.3 s to self-save.

    9 m: 2.5 c/s.  100/2.5=40+7=47 s to self-save.

    10 m: 2 c/s.  100/2=50+7=57 s to self-save.

    ↑ 0~10m survivor will self-save not to next stage.

    11 m : 1.75 c/s.  100/1.75=57.1+7=64.1 s to self-save.

    12 m: 1.5 c/s.  100/1.5=66.7+7=73.7 s to self-save.

    13 m: 1.25 c/s.  100/1.25=80+7=87 s to self-save.

    14 m: 1 c/s.  100/1=100+7=107 s to self-save.

    ↑ 11~14m survivor will not self-save in that stage.

    15 m: 0.75 c/s.  100/0.75=133.3+7=140.3 s to self-save.

    16 m: 0.5 c/s.  100/0.5=200+7=207 s to self-save.

    ↑ if no one save, survivor will hook to death, even in anti-camp.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,184


    I think as long as they don't make the regressionperks to weak it's an healthy change and not to much of an problem. The thing with the stopping is already announced to be fixed as far as I know.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,184


    As long as it's just to counter bleeding out. Sluggs for preassure are alright and if all 4 go down at the same time it's a mistake on survivor side, so it's fine as long as they get picked up

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    I can’t say that I agree with this post. The changes seem to be off the record.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 242