Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

I took a vacation and missed the entire event tome :(

Why was this event tome so short? Like 7 days and that's it. A one part event that has exclusive banners and badges, 2 extremely limited things at the moment. Like I was literally gone for a week and missed the entire tome. When I logged on this morning I had 1 hour to complete it and the first challenge I only got 1/10th of the way through. I also apparently missed the new year banner and badge deadline. Like why were these so much shorter than all the other events and things. You can still get pride charms 6 months later (which is great I love that) but its less than a week after the new year and I can't get the banner or charm anymore. This just makes me sad for all the times I finish a chapter or tome early and play so many games without a challenge but because I literally was gone for a week I miss this entire segment. I am not super upset about missing the new game mode but having to deal with those jumpscare snowmen for 2 months and this event lasting so short when its completely optional just is upsetting to me.


  • aerie
    aerie Member Posts: 68
    edited February 14

    yeah one week was pretty short. they could've at least made it two. especially since it has some fomo banners and badges. i feel either don't have the event on at all or make it longer. i didnt even like lights out but hearing people missed out on rewards because the event lasted so short (for really no reason) sucks. they're hosting a bloodrush (or hunt? i forget) right now because there's a dry patch of content and it's really upsetting. they could have just extended the lights out mode and also given the blood whatever it is on top of that, but it's always one or the other with these guys :/

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    This was Peanits response when I asked why the event was only 1 week last week:

    "This is our first modifier, so we're still experimenting to find what works best. There's a couple reasons why it's only available for a limited time, but a big one is to help get matches going in the modifier. If it were available permanently, there would eventually come a point where the novelty wears off for many people and they move on, leading to extremely long queue times for the few people who still want to play it. Like an event, we'd like for modifiers to be fun things that pop up from time to time that people are excited to take part in.

    There will be more modifiers in the future, though, and it's not out of the question that popular modes could return in the future. Any feedback is welcome!"

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,413

    A few of my friends took two weeks off for family stuff and this was what they saw upon returning. They've since ceased playing this game. Sigh.

  • sharpef3rn
    sharpef3rn Member Posts: 111

    Okay but literally the PTB is longer and doesnt have anything you could miss if you failed to participate. I honestly am okay with missing the modifier. I have a hard time following scratchmarks in normal games and losing the terror radius would make me cry. But I would have done the games for the tome stuff that is only available during the modifier. And that doesnt explain why the lunar new year code for the badge and banner is done less than a week after the new year but the charms and bp are still up. I am never gonna use one of those charms because I own 10000 but choosing between 5 banners I would like more options.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    Why are you talking to me like I’m Peanits lol, if you wanna tag him go on the thread in my profile.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,957

    Erm... as someone who also missed the event because I have had family to look after followimg their discharge from hospital... it seems like they don't like the game much if missing a few cosmetics is all it took to completely quit...

    Does a virtual wardrobe really mean that much to people?

  • sharpef3rn
    sharpef3rn Member Posts: 111

    I was more explaining how that response doesn't really address the main issue with my post.

    Lunar new year. Which I am now retracting my sentiment because although I was told it was DRAGONGIFT it is apparently DRAGONYEAR

    I can understand because its the feeling that BHVR doesn't care. If you play the game on a super consistent basis to the point of having all tomes maxed out and your week long break encompasses the entire event for exclusive content, it feels like a slap in the face. Did they do it to attack you, no but you assume they knew that an event that short would screw over some of their normally very active players especially having it centered around a holiday. So not playing while you still feel angry towards the company seems legit

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    You asked why the event was so short, Peanits literally addressed that in the response I pasted. Just because the answers not what you want it to be doesn't mean it wasn't answered lol.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    Dude I feel the exact same way, I'm actually shocked 🤣

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396
    edited February 16

    I'm just absolutely lost on how the dev response to "Why is Lights Out limited time" to the question of "why was the Lights Out tome only one week" doesn't answer the question. Can you please explain.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    Because you immediately called me rude for trying to help you guys, I still don't understand how the dev response doesn't answer your questions after I explained multiple times why it did.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,174
    edited February 14

    Big picture - who cares, there will be plenty of events and modifier game modes that come in the future. This was an experiment and an introduction to modifiers. & guess what - I didn't finish it either. No big deal.

    Crying about this changes nothing (its over) and pointing your pitchfork at Nebula who just plugged what the CM said on this & wanted to help, is poor behavior. Stop being offended over the dumbest of things.

  • sharpef3rn
    sharpef3rn Member Posts: 111

    I am just gonna throw out that I don't care about missing Lights out. What I do care about is that they put exclusive permanent content in a tome that was so short. Content for an feature that has extremely limited options. For a feature designed to allow you to express yourself. In addition to doing all of this they centered it around a holiday and eliminated the event that was generally done around this holiday.

    All of that being said the tome did not even require you playing the lights out game mode. All the challenges were normal challenges. It was "linked" to lights out solely by being released at the same time and the theme of the rewards...kinda because 2 of the rewards were Alan Wake themed.

    I really made this post to vent about how as an active player in this game this huge time constraint was very annoying. It kinda got derailed and I apologize for this but my main point is that One week, surrounding a holiday, is way too short for an event tome with exclusive content.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    We need a charm and badge shop at this point. Purchasable with iri shards. Event participants have the advantage of getting the items for free, so having another opportunity to obtain the badges would be nice. Plus, I'm not really liking how all of the badges we've gotten so far (aside from the Chucky one, which I assume is still obtainable) have been limited time opportunities to collect.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,420

    I sympathise. I'm pretty neutral when it comes to cosmetics, but I'm enjoying collecting the badges and banners so I'd probably be disappointed too. On the flipside, I also understand the devs reasoning behind it being so short. I have two big holidays planned over the next couple of years so will probably experience the same at some point. It's just one of those things. At the end of the day, I think the memories and experience of vacations is a better reward than any virtual item.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,413

    Nah, its not 'the' reason, but another they added to the list. Not liking the game live, but mostly just playing with a few friends and bots in customs.

    Dbd just doesn't seem to be very 'new player friendly' like it might have been in the past. Regardless of what kind of player you might be, you will still meet all the problems with the game head on, and I'm not talking from a locker.

    Sorry about your fam, but also TMI.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,957
    edited February 15

    Well the point I'm making, is that BHVR explained why the event was short. It's the first they've tried this kinda thing and: -

    • They had concerns about splitting the player base between 2 modes.
    • They weren't sure how modes modifying gameplay will be received so didn't want it to stick around long.
    • Are testing the waters and will do more of these based on how this goes... it's a test run.

    They didn't want to set the event for a long time in case the event was a bust. Given those concerns how long should they set it? A month is too long if those things become a problem. 2 weeks still has the same issue if someone takes holiday anyway. As a test run, their choice of a week is not unreasonable to my mind, and rewards for people who take part and provide feedback seems reasonable.

    I have far more reason to have FOMO because at least others who couldn't take part were doing something like having a holiday. Yet I ain't mad about it, cause I understand their reasons for doing it, and I can't expect BHVR to stick to MY personal schedule.

    Sometimes you miss out on things, you don't get everything you want all the time. That is life.

    I'm not trying to attack anyone, but people really need to grow up amd stop whining about "FOMO" just because they missed a particular T-shirt. There are so many cosmetics available that can be acquired for free in this game, anyone who feels like they have to own EVERYTHING in the game to not throw a hissy fit about FOMO comes across to me like an entitled brat.

    EDIT: @sharpef3rn just to be clear, not targetting yourself with that, posting about your disappointment is fine. Being disappointed and wanting another chance at the tome later is all fair.

    I am talking specifically about arguments of FOMO and claims such as "they manipulate their player base" and "they don't care about their players". Those kind of claims are completely unfair and inflammatory.

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,413

    Imo, it's not that serious. You dont mind, others do. They still lost players. They are still losing players. People are upset over the 1 week fomo cosmetics. It has nothing to do with BHVR's reasoning. Adding the event without the cosmetics would have been the better move. But insight with BHVR is basically non-existant.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,957
    edited February 16

    After stewing on this whole thing while the forum has been down... I acknowledge that I'm quite vocal against FOMO... possibly overzealously so.

    The concept just does not click with me, and in hindsight I tend to disproportionately fly off the handle and rile myself up about it... possibly as a (potentially) incorrect assumption of greed and entitlement.

    So with that in mind, even if I dont agree, I applaud your level headed and factual response. Well done sir.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 617

    Even if the modifier itself had to end, they could have at least kept the tome for a while longer, maybe another week or two, since those challenges could even be done in the normal mode.