We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

why is every Hillbilly playing bad?

TheycallmeLix Member Posts: 334
edited February 16 in General Discussions

what happened to all the wholesome and funny ones? all I get is billy's who immediately go back to hook everytime and tunnel someone at 5 gens, it's so lame and boring and just makes me wanna go next every time.. not to mention that most of them are on anonymous mode (not surprised)

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • aerie
    aerie Member Posts: 68

    since he's a good killer now he's attracted a lot more new players, i reckon. or people newer to billy. these people i find are unconfident with his power so they tend to proxy more often to try and get more saw downs because insta down dopamine. maybe when people have had more time to play overdrive billy the amount of proxy camp will go down, but who knows. billy is a killer people didn't play super much and will probably need time to learn.

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 372
    edited February 14

    I mean it really is, and its unnecessary for the most part. Against comp teams, the massive minority of your matches, it might be necessary. Still not really convinced on this one as I have had my fair share of SWF p100 sweat squads and I didnt do this type of playstyle, granted I lost some as well, but also won. But I would say I am in the minority for this type of play style, I prefer to just ignore most unhook noise notifications, unless its blatantly in my face sure.

    Its very easy to say "well if I had tunneled..." when you could reflect a be a bit more observant. You see this if you record your gameplay. "well if I had pressured that side of the map..." "pressured that gen more...." "not chased that one at that point"

    If you play like this then you have the tunnel playstyle going, which yea, you will be playing for unhook notifications. You dont really have another option as this is how you decide to play/win. It's extremely unfun and pretty scummy on the survivors end. You definitely dont have to play like this to win in nearly every pub match you join.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269
    edited February 14

    If they do that going up against solo q players they missed the point of gameing altogether on purpose. They can do their competitive stuff in their private tournaments. They really should leave the average player base alone with that

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 372

    Both can be true though. I dont think anyone is trying to take away it being efficient from your POV.

    Trying to pass it off as the ONLY way to play is peoples problem with it. Tunneling/camping is a strategy used by the majority of killers but it's not because it's the only way to win or secure kills. It just so happens to be the easiest thing to do and extremely hard to counter on the survivors end in pub matches. You can come up with a decent scenario where it might not work in the killers favor, but those scenario's are very rare/not viable for public matches.

    You have to think of it in terms of the survivors end as well,

    Its not a fun thing to do, sitting on the hook for the majority of the game and have the killer ONLY target you, im pretty sure most of, if not everyone, can agree with that. You would like some room to actually play the game.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 457

    Uh, the original post was literally all about how the OP was calling Billy players "scumbags" for returning to the hook when someone is about to get rescued. This wasn't "picking a part of the post that was not well written" - it was addressing the one and only point of the post. @I_Tunnel 's response was a (yes sarcastic but very valid) explanation for why killers do it.

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 308

    Probably because previously only a specific group of ppl used to play him and focused on M2s for fun even if they threw the game.

    Right now is a popular killer which means all kind of ppl will play him, and tunneling is on the menu right now, it seems. But I'm pretty sure all those Billies u mentioned are still chilling with their curves lol

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    Yeah, hard tunneling is incredibly demoralising for the survivor team. I understand the feeling of just being done at that point and wanting to move on. Although it's not a really Billy thing. Just sweaty killers trying out a new toy.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    I didn't say anything about that. Simply that having someone tunneled out at the start of the match is demoralising, which it is.

    Survivors are perfectly capable of being sweaty. I've seen plenty of survivors bodyblock the first potential hook when it's totally unnecessary.

    Sorry you felt singled out by that statement, but survivors are free to discuss their miserable experiences just as much as killers do on this forum.

  • sickdeathfiend
    sickdeathfiend Member Posts: 139
    edited February 15

    funny thing is they don't need to learn, the devs made this a viable strategy that works every time, especially against soloq and since it hasn't been addressed I take it's the way the devs want the game to be played. *shrug*

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 743

    I mean, tunnelling is at an all-time high for two simple reasons;

    1: Turning the game into a 3v1 at 3 gens or more is basically guaranteeing victory.

    2: Gen defense (and almost every kick perks, regression-based or not) is essentially gone with the 7.5.0 patch and, unless they make it so the "Anti-3-gen" system only kicks-in during the last gen, Killers are punished in endgame for regressing gens during the entire trial. Killers, especially non-S-tier Killers, have to get some slowdown somehow and it's becoming harder to do it without simply getting someone out asap.

    There's also the fact that Billy has been C-tier at best for several years, so not a lot of serious players used him, and now he's been suddenly bumped up to high B-tier/low A-tier (only dragged down by his high skill-ceiling and map-dependency). So lots of people are bound to play him.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,189

    Stop blaming the character over player actions.

  • BoxGhost
    BoxGhost Member, Mod Posts: 1,355

    Hi, guys. A friendly reminder to keep your comments civil and respectful. Thank you!

  • BoxGhost
    BoxGhost Member, Mod Posts: 1,355

    Hello! A reminder to keep comments civil, respectful and about the topic at hand. Thank you!

  • aerie
    aerie Member Posts: 68

    this thread is so annoying. every time someone even dares mentioning they don't have fun being tunneled they get jumped by like 3 different people calling out double standards that the original person didn't even make. how is this even discussion? it just feels like a playground for people to just annoy people who are already frustrated.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    People who find tunneling extremely boring are either people who don't enjoy chases, people who just have a hard time chasing, or people who are sweaty and only interested in their own survival.

    Survivors with intermediate skills and thoughts who can find meaning in changing the match and helping the remaining survivors escape in exchange for their own death, consider it an honor to be tunneled and try to contribute to the other survivors as much as possible.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited February 15

    Most killers return to the hook.

    Some killers will leave the hook, go on patrol, and if they don't find a survivor to chase then that noise notification at hook just told them where to find 2 survivors...

    For that reason, if I'm close to the hook I will wait a bit to see if the killer can start a new chase before I unhook.

    Doesn't work like that with Hag though. If the survivor she's chasing doesn't take her 50 meters away from the hook and I failed to find and remove the 1, 2, 3 or more traps she placed around the hook and wipe them first... she's coming right back. Other killers cannot use their power directly next to the hook or get a penalty for doing so (like Singularity), but the ONE killer who has the easiest time returning to hook is free to trap all around the hooks.

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,240

    I've been thinking and concluded that "at 5 gens" is kinda ridiculous.

    "At 5 gens" is anything between 7 gens at 0% and 7 gens at 99%.

    Additionally It's not like theyre just working on one generator with one survivor at a time. By the time it takes to do that first gen to turn the 5 into a 4, there could be enough gens primed to skip the 4 right to the 2, or even a 1 if the killer has a bad run.

    It's like the complaints about survivors dying too early as if they were the ones to choose how long they can stay in the trial.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 416

    The only people that play weak killers are OTPs and memers. Killer gets buffed = Try hards migrate to new easy way to get wins. More likely you'll see a Hillbilly, just as likely as before (read: pretty rare) that you find a funny memey Hillbilly.

    If you ever feel like something that was fun stopped being fun the moment it got meta, it's 100% because of the people that would kill their mother for an extra 0.2% win rate got their hands on it.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    Yes there are lmao.

    Just admit if you can't win without tunneling. Tunneling is a lack of skill. A desperate try to bring back a match you lost because you made bad decisions.

    There are tons of sweaty survivors. There bully squads, the flashlight tryhard triads. And so on.

    We call them out too. You're trying to defend something bad on two different posts with no valid argurments.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,872

    Lot more people playing him since he got buffed, so it just increases the odds of getting the less wholesome players as Billy.

    I think Billy was so hard before the people who got good with him learned humility through sheer pain lol

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    They do what they did before playing with billy again. It's a habit that is difficult to change.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    Yes it is true that the intent is different but ultimately a tunnel killer does make a game miserable for everyone too. Just not to the extreme a 4 slug killer does.

    Doing 5 gens while one survivor is chased doesn't even happen in competitive dbd. That's just not realistic. Especially not in solo-q.

    It is absolutely mandatory for survivors to learn how to survive the trial. It is respectivly the main objective. If you deny to learn these you could also argue why should the killer learn his killer power? Why not m1 tunneling?

    Well simply because the game was never intended to be that way.

    To even out the field we could suggest an anti-tunneling system but this system would also need to show the killer if he goes up against swf and would need to reward the killer for not tunneling.

    But right now people seem to forget pretty fast that a game should be fun. At least sweaty killers/survivors seem to. Winning by tunneling just doesn't feel earned to me so the boost from winning a good match is much bigger while the frustration on the survivor side is much lower for loosing the match. Some survivors forget that the killer is a player too and are toxic towards him from the start. Yes thats a thing too. But ultimately the survivors cannot control the movement of the killer, the killer controls the movement of the survivors.

    Denying to learn the game mechanics and therefor justifying tunneling just doesn's sound valid to me.

    Also as explained tunneling a survivor at 5 gens will lead to the collapse of the match. If you are not as good at looping because as you intended you never learned it then you will die quick and the 3 remaining survivors will have no chance to escape anymore.

    It is just an easy way to play the game, cheap I'd say but that doesn't mean you're good at it.

  • I_Tunnel
    I_Tunnel Member Posts: 81

    Otz has also admitted to losing BECAUSE he avoided tunneling, to his own detriment.

    But your post whos what Survivors always, and I mean ALWAYS do; Claim Killers are mean for not considering their opponent's feelings over trying to win. Seriously; It's always the fallback when all else fails. Just claim Killers are 'sweaty' or 'toxic' or, as you hinted at, 'lack empathy'.

    I've never played another PvP game where one side tells the other 'Stop trying so hard, it makes me sad'. But that's basically the Survivor war cry at this point.

    • I've never seen CT's in Counter-Strike say 'Stop planting the bomb so fast. We T's barely get to play!'
    • I've never seen one side tell the other 'Stop moving the payload so fast!' in TF2 or Overwatch.
    • I've never seen someone say 'Stop sniping! I don't get to play when you headshot me!' in ANY FPS.

    But in DBD; Killers are expected to think about Survivor fee-fees and stop trying to win. Or they 'lack empathy' and are 'toxic' and 'sweaty' and 'tryhard'.

    Survivors mald 'Play off-meta because we're bored!', as if Killers are required to make the game fun for their opponents.

    It's nothing but an attempt to shame Killers into losing so Survivors can rofl stop with 12 META perks, 2 basekit perks, SWF and Discord. But, of course, going in gung-ho is fine for Survivors.

    Because double-standards. 🤮

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    I really had to laugh about this one. Is Otz DBD Jesus now? Is what he says the holy rule? Of course I would tell him the same. Why should I hesitate? He may have a lot's of hours in dbd and a good understanding of the game mechanics but that doesn't mean much. He's still pretty bad in solo-q and even hens said he can't play around Otz because his movement is weird. He may be good with some killers but again, being good at a game doesn't grant you the status of the Dungeon Master or something. There are a lots of players in dbd with tens of thousands of hours.

    I stand by what I said. It is absolutely possible to win matches without tunneling at 5 gens unprovoked. Because that is what the initial conversation was about. It is about making the right decisions. There are plenty of people on twitch and youtube who can do so. So yes when tunneling is your only resort to win a match you lack skill and/or messed up big in the match. Otz is only human so it's natural for him to make bad decisions in matches too.

    Tunneling however is not going to fix that. Further you are not very constructive or contributing much to the discussion at this point. I could accuse you of wanting easy kills because you don't have enough skill as killer but that wouldn't lead us anywhere in a discussion would it?

    I play both sides equally and besides competitive dbd (which is completly different and has nothing to do with our topic here) tunneling from the start is and will always be embarassing.

    The only exception I'd make is when you run into the survivor you hooked last by coincidence. It's totally fine to hook that survivor again because obviously he wasn't paying attention enough and it is not your job to excuse mistakes done by survivors.

    It's a game after all. You have to accept the fact that you will not win every match. If you can't bare the thought of loosing a match and therefor tunnel from the start to make it "easy" for you then you maybe should leave the game for a while to gain some mental distance from it.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,531

    I mean if we are going that high. What about supalf against teams like oracle? Where even nurse can't keep up against a team of that calibre? You say alf could win by hooking each oracle member equally?

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I mean if I haven't found any other survivors by the time the unhook happens, of course I'm going to where I know 2 of them are. It's ridiculous not to.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    Imagine playing a high mobility killer and hook chasing, then wondering why he gets nerfed into oblivion when he’s wiping out most ppl at 5 gens up with this strat.

    and I hear ya just don’t save against billy just sacrifice the survivor and get into the 3 v1(bc that’s winnable) so it doesn’t snowball but a large majority of players are not 4 man on comms.

    It’s just sad to see ppl play him like that, bc like he’s high mobility and made for map pressure…

This discussion has been closed.