Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Hillbilly changes are fine!

I don't know what else to say other than that BHVR achieved their stated objective.

Hillbilly is now retrofitted for all of the maps in the game now.

He can achieve curves with the proper distance and timing on nearly any tile in the game. He is where he was on release: the most dynamic traditional 115% movement killer in the game in the right hands. And he is a great intro for other paid killers who can achieve far more consistent results than he can.

Overdrive helps players learn how to juggle a killer's power ala Oni, Dredge, Singularity, etc. in a limited time phase. Instadowns reward the Killer for learning how to use M2 power efficiently and effectively rather than simply "m1".

Billy can still be countered by the tools given by developers in the game. Windows, tiles, and pallets are still the best defense. The concept of "greeding" tiles for fun is player choice rather than design. Until BHVR changes their map design philosophy, I think Billy is PERFECT where he is with the 1 second turn rate. Maps such as badham, eyrie, crotus penn, azarov's still exist with plentiful designed resources.

If BHVR wants to reduce the turnrate window back to .75 seconds, I'll still play the killer, along with my other favorite killers. I don't have any branding, attachment, or misguided notion that my effort put into a video game gives me some status as a stakeholder in DBD.

If BHVR wants to find a middle ground for the turnrate window, .88 seconds is a good spot to start. There are concerns regarding "his identity" on the roster with a buff from .75, but reality is that BHVR dictates what that identity is.

My point still stands. BHVR has to balance between maps and killer design. And rather than do a cohesive rework of maps, they've chosen to stand by the map design and instead tailor killer powers to the maps.

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  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Yeah i freaked out about changing his muscle memory and his basekit even more. But playing him he seems to have fairly good checks and balances now. Good billys can shine very well. And maps are still a balance. And now missing a saw gives the survivor a chance to get some distance to a pallet.

  • Member Posts: 133

    I would only change the heat mechanic.

    Just the chainsaw tapping shouldn't stop heat regression. It should stop After charging the chainsaw for 99% of the revving bar for instance.

    It would mechanically both slightly nerf overdrive trigger time and make his heat related adds-ons useful.

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    You have to charge it a decent amount to start getting overdrive again. I don't think further nerfing that is necessary.

    You can make the heat related addons useful by reworking them.

  • Member Posts: 141

    I think they should revert his curving buff it’s a little too strong at the moment because it makes nearly every loop unsafe against him unless he messes up.

  • Member Posts: 133
    edited February 2024

    It is fairly fast to charge. Like 2 good sprints and you are done.

    It's not OP but a minor change as I described is an easy fix to make adds-ons relevant and will have small impact on an already strong feature (overdrive trigger).

    Post edited by Adrien on
  • Member Posts: 34

    Yeah I agree with this specifically. The issue lots of people are having in tandem with the turn rate buff, is how easy it is to get overdrive so frequently. And then people are just running Iri engraving Overdrive with spiked boots to hit those crazy clips.

    Overdrive itself should be more difficult to obtain by like....maybe a value of 1.5x more difficult, maybe even 2.0x more difficult. And by doing so (along with using my suggested add-on rework idea BHVR :] ), you make all his overdrive addons actually more than just Nemesis Licker Tongue v2.

    I know lots of Billy players are torn on this, because there's people who will say his turn rate is the problem, not his ease of overdrive access. And then there's people saying his base speed should be higher and overdrive should be taken out or have the speed reduced.

    I am in neither camp.

    ALL of his current values at the moment are fine. Every. Single. One of them. It's the overdrive activation window being too easy that throws everyone off or makes it feel unsatisfying.

    In this clip, this is what makes Billy a fair buff at his current basekit rate WITH the turn rate +. Plenty of value with fair counter play.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    The only real issue I have with him is the damn sound cue that tells you the chainsaw is ready. If survivors need that, fine! Let them have it. I have never needed it but it's not a big deal. However, when I play as him it's really annoying to have that sound play every few seconds. It triggers me so much.

    Other than that, I just want them to leave Billy alone for a while so that we can really test him and see how strong he really is, once everyone has gotten used to him.

  • Member Posts: 276

    I don't know, this turn rate change is stupid and makes Billy feel less interactive to play against and as. No billy player asked for this as basekit since it makes curving braindead easy.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Probably the best stance at the moment. We had the whiplash over the past few weeks of:

    1. The initial overdrive Billy with the overly broken cooldown and overdrive combo (because they stacked) and volume/cue issues
    2. The first hotfixed Billy that introduced the difference between overdrive cooldown values and add-on combo values,
    3. Now the current Billy with the further nerfed cooldown and increased turn window.

    There's never been a discussion about what we can live with or otherwise sit with about these changes.

    I think as it currently stands, this is perfect for me to sit with and others as well. Hence me saying it's fine along with what I see as the developer's intent and decision making. On paper, the nerfed cooldown stuff doesn't seem like anything major.

    But really, they cutdown the cooldown issue by a SIGNIFICANT amount:

    1. removing the overdrive/cooldown addon interaction,
    2. further nerfing the addons, and even slowing the cooldown movement by 50%
    3. and adjusting the collision interaction. They know how tenuous the values are for Billy, because the values on paper are super small.

    I'm so glad to see such concise feedback with it though. :))))

    The closest thing we have to speculation that they want us to sit with this? Is that they unpinned the massive feedback thread.

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