Tunneling Fix Suggestion

This is my third thread about tunneling, after MULTIPLE waves of discussions with killers and survivors, I think this is the ultimate solution...
What do you guys think about that solution against tunneling: the moment a survivor is unhook, he is immune to be down until:
- He touch a gen.
- Start healing itself or someone else
- Being heal by another survivor
- Is fully healed
- Touch a dull or hex totem
- Sabot hook
- Open Chest
- Close Trapper Traps
- Disable SM Drones
- Place Flame Turrets
- EMP Singularity Cams
- Break Ghostface Stealth
- Break Demogorgon Tunnels
- Find Pinhead's lament configuration
- Another survivor got hook
- Timeout of 90 seconds.
During the whole immunity, the survivor:
- Cannot have collision against the killer
- Cannot drop palettes
- Cannot use flashlights...
Survivor is unhooked, rescuer gets downed. The unhooked Survivor immediately starts healing the downed one, preventing pick up. There are a few perks that would make it all but a guaranteed escape for the rescuer. Or, the unhooked Survivor follows the Killer during a chase and immediately starts to heal a Survivor the moment they're downed, punishing the Killer for not camping or even returning to the hook. Or they spend 90 seconds disarming traps or the like.
TL:DR; if you make Survivors intangible, you need to make sure healing another Survivor in that state or interacting with Killer items counts as a conspicuous action.
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No, because that's a minute and a half where the unhooked Survivor can just:
- Follow the Killer around & report on his actions to their SWF friends
- Break dull totems (They are not hex totems, after all)
- Hunt for hex totems to inform their SWF friends
- Get to a powerful pallet/loop to be healed
- Get a free health state
- Sabo hooks
- Open chests
- Heal a different Survivor
- Close Trapper traps
- Disable Skull Merchant drones
- Place flame turrets for Xenomorph
- EMP Singularity cameras
- Break Ghostface's stealth
- Break Demogorgon tunnels
- Find Pinhead's Lament Configuration
People need to stop suggesting blatantly OP/abusable mechanics to 'fix' a problem that does not exist. Tunneling is just the Killer playing efficiently. Returning to a half-dead Survivor is no different from Survivors going back to half-completed generators.
The only difference being that Survivors like the one that helps t hem win, and expect changes to the one that makes them lose.
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ok let's add, is being healed.
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it's not like...about complaints, it's about preventing tunneling abuse and keeping "Fun" safe.
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Are we going to make it so every time a generator gets 25% progress, it becomes blocked for 90 seconds so survivors can't tunnel gens and make the game less fun for killers?
Because survivors should always have the threat of being killed and immunity just doesn't fit in with the game.
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For your point #1, #3, the point of a SWF is to do that at start, share information, communicate, make it easier, so you'd need to prevent people from playing together at start with immunity or not. It would not change much. XD It's kinda invalid for me.
Why is #4 a problem? if they use it and you break it, they don't have it anymore, it's a price to pay for later.
I will add the others tho.
No, I will not stop suggesting solutions because alot of people are leaving the game for people that just want to break others fun by tunneling at 5 gens.
Your username "I_Tunnel" doesn't inspire me that you play something else than killer.
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Man do you want someone to play for you at that point with all the gen regression and blocking perks that exist lmao?
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So? You don't give Survivors a way to share info with complete immunity.
It's clear by your idea, and your replies, that all you want is an OP mechanic that Survivors can abuse whenever they want.
And yet you're the one asking for literal Survivor immunity for a minute and a half.
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So? You don't give Survivors a way to share info with complete immunity.
Why do you have aura perks then? Are people able to play together, just to die together? no it's for communication and information sharing, if sharing info was a problem, they would not have implement the UI feature that we can know what the others are doing without even being in a SWF.
It's clear by your idea, and your replies, that all you want is an OP mechanic that Survivors can abuse whenever they want.
I don't think so, if I wanted a OP mechanic that survivors could abuse whenever they want, I'd not take part of your feedback in consideration, which I am doing by adding some points you said to the main thread. I play both role. You can search my stats by my username.
And yet you're the one asking for literal Survivor immunity for a minute and a half. Yet you're complaining Killers are being entitled?
If the survivor do nothing during the entire minute and a half, it's going against his whole team and it's going into your favor, he is wasting time, but preventing being tunnel right away. If you follow him and wait one minute a half, it's your problem, you wasted the whole time just to piss that person off while you could chase someone else, or protect your gens.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
yes, perfect, lets keep nerfing tunneling because doing the opposite (playing nice and going for mixed hooks) is TOTALLY a reliable way to win against teams who are even remotely efficient on generators. I dont know when people will understand, you cant play "nice" against a good team unless you're playing nurse,by the time you get your 4 separate hooks 3 gens are done .
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I know tunneling ain't fun for survivors but there's really nothing you can do without people wanting it to ramp up. I'm not sure of the 'immune' you're talking about, but by immune you mean tank hits until they do one of the actions to disable it or expire due to time, so in this scenario the survivor can follow the player who unhooked them to tank hit after hit after hit after hit for their team until the 90 seconds expire. Now even if you can't hit the survivor, they will still follow so that any attack the killer makes would automatically target the immune survivor hit box cuz auto-aim (or the aim dressing meme). It has been proven that when survivors gain a mechanic, they will abuse it as much as possible. Look at base kit borrowed time, every survivor gets unhooked and runs in front of the killer to block their path and tank a hit, but the killer sits there staring at them, the survivor panics and starts running, their enduring runs out, killer downs them, "OMG YOU'RE SUCH A BAD TUNNELER NOOB BRAIN DEGENERATE, SWEATY KILLER TRY-HARD, WHY ARE YOU SO BAAAAAAD AT THIS GAME!" but you know, with a lot more spicy words.
All in all, I don't think there's anything that can be done about the tunneling problem (as those weaker killer players don't want to take the effort to learn) as the weaker players have adopted it since it works for them because survivors are really altruistic to a fault and camping/tunneling is easy against altruistic players, so why would anyone want to learn the game, when there's a simpler method that works
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I agree with radical anti-tunnel mechanic basekit only for the 3 first minutes into the game or as long as more then the equivalent of 2.5 gens left to repair (>225 charges left before exit Gates powered to avoid 99ing exploit) AND:
it would be healthy to introduce it to the game only if we have a strong anti-fast gen repair mechanic like a corrupt intervention that only go away 60 secs after the first down + basekit 30 secs deadlock + basekit stronger dying light (all survivors give stacks and receive penalty) as long as all survivors are alive (basically a "generator immunity" counterpart).
Post edited by Adrien on0 -
OP literally said that the immuned survivors would lose collision. In that regard auto-aim or body wouldn't work.
Plus no palet/flashy save/Hook sabo(I guess).
Basically the unhooked survivors is a ghost until they do one of the "extended" conspicuous actions.
However game would need a anti fast gen repair mechanic to balance it for both sides and not only be a major survivors buff.
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Making survivor immune is the only way to prevent tunneling. But bhvr will never add something that would benefit the gameplay overall. Instead trash surivor perks again and make regression meta even worth. thats the way of bhvr for years now.
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That's a very pessimistic take considering they addressed recently :
- Face camp.
- Trigen strats.
I don't see why tunneling wouldn't get any basekit mechanic counter in the future in that regard.
But even as a survivors main I vehemently stand against an anti-tunnel mechanic that works all trial long (should only work early game) without the introduction of a gen slowdown mechanic basekit.
Asking for an all game long anti-tunnel mechanic only is asking for a murder of the killer main experience.
Yes I make it sounds dramatic, but I don't want to imagine how bad the low/mid tier killers experience against the sweatiest SWF and even good solo Q survivors would be.
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How about survivor and killer cannot see, hear, or physically interact with each other during the immunity time and survivor cannot see totems or auras. Survivor and other survivors still see each other normally and survivor can end the immunity by any conspicuous action. Make immunity only last for 30s max.
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You do realize that salty, selfish survivors invented the term "tunneling" off of "tunnel vision" and the only fix is to shut up about it and stop trying to frame a made-up concept as a colossal issue. Maybe you should take a closer look at just how fair things really are.
- Gates can be powered mere minutes from match start (never forget that).
- You're playing on a team of 4 people vs one other person.
- A lot of loops are designed on purpose to be easy to run and hard to be caught in.
- You get to use unfair perks that make hooking a moderately punishing thing to do as well as perks that let you keep going even though you got caught (devastating when gens can be done so fast).
- Map resources are so plentiful and close together that they basically form an EZ-2-navigate safety highway that almost never runs out or becomes considerably unsafe before the gates are powered.
The structure of the game is so stacked against the killer that they need to jump to desperation tactics immediately if they want to win (btw everybody needs to collectively stop talking to/about killers like they're not supposed to try to win the game, it's pure 100% Grade 'A' Cringe).
So many survivor players want to go on and on about what feels unfair from their perspective alone, never acknowledging the full game picture...never thinking about why killers develop the strategies and playstyles that they do...Mostly harboring thoughts like "I don't care if there are other important factors to consider about it. Me, Myself and I did not have any fun, therefore there is an issue and I shall now lobby the dev to change the game without thinking about what I'm doing."
If you want something designed to spit out fun like a vending machine spits out candy bars, then you should be playing a single-player game and you know it...Not ignorantly trying to diminish the power role into the prey.
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Anti-Facecamp just increased proxy-camping ecen more. Also it is exploitable by killers when they "fixed" it to be not "exploitable" for survivors.
Anti-3Gens just shortened 3-gen situations by some amount if the killer doesnt know what to do. didnt fix 3-gen cause at all.
Both are just band-aids and do not fix anything at the root. Thats all bvhr ever did, band-aid fixing and ruining the gameplay with their perk overhaul. You dont make it sound dramatic, you tell us something that wont ever happen, just to pretend drama.
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Know what? I kinda like this idea.
If the unhooked survivor can't throw pallets or do anything until an objective object is touched, it also defeats players who sabotage their allies who waste all the pallets on a map too.
Now my only big argument is this allows the unhooked player to just be in a safe spot and progress a gen, or tap a 99'd gen. Or just run to a hex and pop it if the killer doesn't follow. I propose a small debuff for say, 10 seconds after touching an objective where repair speed/cleansing speed is slowed and generators can't be completed until the debuff is over.
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Proxy camp was already a thing back then. Your assumption about Anti face camp being a cause of proxy camp increase IS hard to verify. Anti face camp killed the most obnoxious Bubba/huntress/Billy strat. That is a big improvement.
Anti 3 gen is very effective, 8 events are very rapidly reached. In fact it IS even a survivor buff because now survivors don't get punished by an automatic loss when they 3 gened themsleves.
For some reasons you managed to find negatives features in those while I witnessed a lot of positive feedbacks.
The only complaint I saw the most is that people expected an anti proxy camp feature as well.
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no because there will be no collision.
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Yes, exactly, let's nerf tunneling to the ground and then balance the game from there. Gen speeds and all.
Tunneling a player to death at 5 gens FEELS like breaking the intended gameplay loop. The main reason survivors hate it so much is because it feels like cheating to get a cheap win. It is frustrating, boring and often feels uncounterable. Many killers here have also commented that they themselves feel like it is boring to do, but they "must" do it to secure a win. Here lies the main problem.
When killers spread hooks and focus on chases, the matches feel more balanced i.e. "playing the game as intended". That's why it puzzles me sometimes that tunneling is considered a valid strategy by the devs. Kill rates aside, the quality of matches overall would be so much better if this was addressed.
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The only way to prevent tunneling is to make the killer feel like they don't need to. People died very quickly back in the day unless they abused infinite loops etc. But for the average player they didnt really care about getting killed fast because it was normal and fun because the killer was a huge threat. Once dead theyd just go to the next round easy and quick. Weve been given so many more chances to survive in a round now that the killer trying to kill you off quickly always feels like a personal attack rather than simple efficiency. Im not sure how the game could change back to what it was. Or make tunneling feel less personal somehow. As long as hook states exists tunneling always will too.
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And there are a number of anti-tunneling perks in game to make it harder to get tunneled out of the match.
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The issue on tunneling seems to center on SWF groups vs soloQ. The game knows which survivors come in together. Can a counter be added to the game to track how many come in as a group, and adjust the endurance timer so if its all soloQ, or 2 solo + 2 friends, the endurance effect is, say, 2 seconds longer, versus if 3 SWF + 1 solo, no change from current? Would that balance both sides?
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I dont see tunneling as a problem because the survivors are doing their objective as fast as possible, so the killer will as well. nerfing tunneling into the ground and balancing the game from there will just result in a heavy survivor sided experience . survivors are doing their objective as fast as possible, killers will do their objective as fast as possible as well. if you "nerf tunneling to the ground " you would have to make gens take like 160 seconds to complete. which will never happen.