What if the Hatch spawned when all of the generators were done?

Keys were busted. Now they kinda suck.
What if the Hatch spawned when the Exit Gates were powered, allowing it to be opened with a Key again? This would prevent those super annoying early escapes that old Keys were despised for while still giving them a good amount of use outside of the last Survivor Standing.
All of the current Key mechanics would still apply: Hatch would take time to open, Keys without charges can't open the Hatch, Hatch would close 10s after opening without triggering EGC.
What do you think? Would this be a good way to make Keys more useful? What would you change about this idea? Or do you think Keys should be kept exactly as they are?
That would still put the killer in a lose-lose situation because then they'd be expected to defend two gates AND the hatch wherever it is.
The Hatch is only supposed to be a pity 'win' for the last survivor, nothing more. Certainly shouldn't allow multiple survivors to escape through it.
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That would still counter endgame builds which I don’t think would be very fair. I feel the hatch is fine the way it is now. It helps bring the game to an end when there’s only 1 survivor left and that’s what it should do, it doesn’t need to be anything more than that.
That said, I would like to see keys be a little more useful in other ways, either by giving them some kind of additional base functionality (especially for green keys which are useless on their own) or at the very least improving some of the addons.
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I'd be okay with it, but just if it's like current keys only letting the person out using the key. So for all 4 escaping through hatch everyone would have to bring or find a key.
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Itd be interesting if a key hole was under the exit gate switch and if you put it in and turned it it acted like a toolbox but for the gate. But then again gate speeds are already fairly quick.
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Yeah, that could be a decent idea. What if the Hatch opening time was increased when there's more than one Survivor left, but multiple survivors could escape?
Maybe, you'd have to make it super fast to be worth it though.
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Mhh maybe if it takes the same time like a gate, it would basically be an third escape with a random position that is uneffected by perks.
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what an awful idea
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I am against this idea. Keys used to be unfair and i am happy they got nerfed. This would make them insanly strong again.
The hatch has its rightful purpose, but not like that.
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I think it is fine the way it is with hatch. But items like keys, maps and the ring should be reviewed.. those things have become so unused
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Hatch is fine. I have a build or two for keys that are fun. Same with maps.
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Only way I’d be okay with this is if killers can mori anyone on death hook, regardless of the amount of gens completed.
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22.5s of aura reading is still good they just aren't free escapes as often
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A big part of the hatch changes were to prevent the whole survivor team from just using hatch to escape after completing a certain number of gens.
While I don't think the hatch mechanic is perfect in its current state (promoting slugging for the 4k), this isn't the change we need.
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Some maps the exit gates are so fat apart you need a helicopter to get from one to the other. Adding a hatch escape to those maps for more than one person would make it very very difficult to get to any remaining survivors as you couldn't possibly cover all 3.
It would basically be a 1 in 3 chance you pick the right exit.
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The most annoying part of Old Keys was when you were winning and two to three Survivors would just disappear. Full team hatch escapes were less common and less frustrating.
Having the hatch spawn when all of the Generators are done would require the Survivor to actually do a majority of their objectives first, and be in a position where they're winning.
Right now Keys are in a terrible state, you probably won't get use out of the actual item itself in 90%+ of your matches (addons are different as they add a whole new functionality).
I'd hoped people had more ideas to contribute as to improving the usability of the item, but oh well I guess.