What Is Your Favorite Era Of DBD/DBD Forums?

An Era is something that historians typically use to categorize time periods and events to make them easier understand. China was known for their Dynasties, sets of rulers contained with a set of bloodlines or families. USA was known for their various revolution and territorial expansions. They have a clearly defined way of expressing each era.
Why am I giving a basic history lesson?
Well, Dead by Daylight is known for its shifting meta, events, and vast array of changes, all of which can be divided into eras. Since DBD does not have the most clearly defined eras compared to actual historic events, I think it is important that context and clarification is included.
What is your favorite era of DBD/DBD Forums?
Mine was the early days of Patch 6.1.0 where everyone was trying to figure out what the new meta would be.
Teaser time surrounding the Hellraiser chapter.
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I remember when one of the teasers had “1987” on it and FNAF fans were freaking out bc they thought it was FNAF. I don’t care if FNAF gets in the game but I found it really funny how much people were hyping it up only to be disappointed.
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Never forget when some people thought they saw a bunny silhouette in the background of the very first teaser. When the point of the image was very obviously the S in the smoke.
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2020 forums where every 2nd post was asking for spirit to be nerfed and saying prayer beads was overpowered
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Late 2023 DBD Forums.
Freddy was trending a lot, every other day had a thread about him, and the support for my Old Freddy struggle had never been stronger. It is a matter that means a lot to me <3
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During the Hellraiser NFT fiasco.
It was hilarious.
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The release Ghostface PTB was epic around here.
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That still continues! We will get him there. TRUST!
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Thank you, my friend.
I appreciate the support, always <3
This struggle doesn't end until I get my favorite killer back.
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Definitely the like 60+ page long post about improving old gen console experience that was never once addressed by a dev :)
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The silent hill chapter
I still remember all the “omg it’s heather Mason from silent hill 3” reaction clips that came out in 2020
great times….well most of it was atleast
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Probably the scorching summer bbq event, came with free cosmetics, and I really liked the look of the gens.
on the forums? Back when not_queen used to comment a lot, she was super funny. I hope she’s doing well, she made me laugh a lot.
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For the game, that period from Stranger Things through to Silent Hill was glorious! It was a fun time with fun Killers, interesting perks and the whole vibe was one of intrigue. I still remember the Silent Hill reveal and me saying aloud "You bloody brilliant bastards, you did it!". Such good times!
As for the forums, I'm not so sure if there's been much difference other than the topics targetted. Oddly, maybe when the Tools Of Torment chapter was released and nearly everyone - no matter what side or opinion they held in opposition to each other - joined together to oppose the poor design.
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Definitely the Pinhead era. The NFTs were hilarious, the FNAF speculation was funny. Oh man, good times.
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I miss Orion and not_Queen.
Orion had such grounded viewpoints that felt fair for both sides. It made me realize how whiny I sounded and made me think twice before posting. Now it feels like I just come here to vent. (Even though I think the game's in a great spot and am enjoying it lately!)
not_Queen brought levity to the toxicty and to the dev streams.
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When Orion was posting regularly on the forums
…Yes, Sluzzy as well😄🫶🏽
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Pre 6.1.0 era. I vividly remember the floods of DH discussions. It was kind of special to see one perk with so much controversy. I am glad though that we now don't have to have the same argument over and over again.
Other than that, I kind of miss Patrick. I don't know why but I was always in a good mood when I watched the dev streams with him. Oh and of course the brief moment in history when the forums were full of hockey memes.
Although @GeneralV is right. It was nice to see so many people in agreement that Freddy deserves better. It's refreshing to see people not arguing but uniting for a good cause for once.
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No one will ever be able to top Sluzzy's performances. A true master at his craft.
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Oh yeah I was thinking about Orion the other day, hope he’s doing well too.
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i came back from my own forum pause and was kinda sat to not see sluzzy around anymore. atleast it was always a wild ride when they made a new post
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Eruption plus Overbrine kick meta. I was finally free to interact with the survivors at my leisure and meme with them if I wanted or kill them off if I felt like it, finally living the power fantasy that was the killers role by birthright.
Lol, just kidding. I only used that combo for about a day and relised how broken it was and that it would get inevitably nerfed and played at least without Eruption.
I honestly think that 6.1 was the most interesting time that I personally played at. It was the first time that as big a rumble as this went through DBD, before I felt like playing killer was at its lowest, with many games feeling like a masochistic undertaking, me staring at the screen with dead-eyed acceptance at the abuse I was suffering at the survivors hand, without any tools to strike back at them and any DH was defended with a "lol, relax, its just a perk. Git gud."
6.1 then pulled the whool from everyones eyes and revealed how much the survivor community had come to rely on second chance perks. The first day was like utter chaos, with survivors being unable to cope with the loss of DH and some of the other tremors. It honestly felt like an "all you can kill buffet", with survivors just running around headless, unable to counter anything and I had games were it seemed that no one dared to touch a generater, lest it exploded or something.
It took nearly 1 1/2 days before the dust settled and some survivors regained their composure, touched gens again and just tried to play. It was a wild time of exploration and wonder, the meta was crushed, so there was no meta, so everyone played whatever they liked and tried out perks that had sad in their discard bin for literal years. You saw all kinds of exhaustion perks, all kinds of builds, all kinds of new and wild and different playstyles. And it was a time of brave duels of skill and raw expression of the desire to surviv/kill. It also was a time of 10min killer queues, but that was okay.
That all changed, of course, when the Fire Nation attacked, eh I mean, when survivors realised that the new DH was actually much stronger and reliable then the old. Plus everyone woke up to the fact that splitting up was the way to counter the +10s gen repair time and that genie will never go back into its bottle, sadly. But until that, this whole time was such a fun and interesting experience and I really loved and cherished it. I know that 6.1 is seen as controversial by most, but I guess I had a more unique POV on the whole thing, as I didn't try to be as much a douche bag killer as possible and tried to explore new and crazy builds myself.
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Just trying sth here
I use my phone to access the forums, and fwr some of my posts have vanished; When I go to the discussion that I posted in, they’re gone.
Was wondering if it’s a forum glitch on my end, or if they really are disappearing?
Asking, because I replied to you around 3pm’ish and that reply isn’t visible when I look at this discussion, just the original post that you replied to.
I can see you replied, and when I select the link to your reply, I get the reply in the second pic.
Did the posts disappear for you too?
This has been happening since the weird issues w the forums being inaccessible a few days ago.
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Yeah they’re gone on my end as well, the servers must be having trouble still
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Lets bring that back.
The devs said that the stats include closer to 1 million games, but still less than that.
Freddy's pickrate is 1%, but as they round it is probably <1%.
That means last month there were <10,000 matches involving Freddy. I honestly could see this as just being 90-100 Freddy mains just playing around 100 games per month, maybe less.
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Third lowest pick rate in the game, unfortunately. And I do not blame people for not wanting to play Freddy, I really don't.
But I have hope he will change for the better, and my favorite killer will come back. Every support is sincerely appreciated, my friend <3
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omg wow, okay thx!
Hadn’t seen anyone else mentioning this and it was starting to make me feel crazy lol
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May I ask who is Sluzzy
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A legendary querulous person and troublemaker of this forum, with unabashed survivors bias, especially during the times when survivors were the undisputed power role.
No one rant knew if Sluzzy was real or trolling, but everyone enjoyed the madness. But eventually Sluzzy overstepped their bounds time and time again and had to retire.
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The Great Cataclysm.
It was an all out war... 2 Titans clashing with each other relentlessly. One took the form of Laurie Strode.. while the other took the form of Ghost Face..
Nowadays they have been put to rest. But it is only a matter of time before lightning strikes twice.
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The ultimate Killer vs Survivor battle.
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I remember when that happened for the first time ever. It was insane, we all gathered up our popcorn for that.
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I think alot of people undervalue freddy he's alot better than the credit he gets, I would like to see some old freddy back mixed in with the new, I've been playing him alot lately and there are certain aspects to the old freddy I caught myself missing.
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If you allow me the self-promote, may I share my own idea? Perhaps it might interest you:
Power: Dream Demon
Pull survivors into the Dream World
-Survivors who are awake do not see The Nightmare.
-Once targeted by The Nightmare’s power, survivors enter the Dream Transition for 7 seconds.
-During the Dream Transition Survivors can see The Nightmare intermittently and they suffer from the Incapacitated status effect.
-When the Dream Transition Lapse, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.
Once in the Dream World:
-Survivor’s auras are revealed to The Nightmare when they are outside of his terror radius.
-Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 40%.
-To exit the Dream World, Survivors can find non-sleeping Survivors to perform a wake up action.
-Failed Skill Checks can also wake up.
-Hooked Survivors wake up.
Special Ability: Dream Projection
-Teleport to a Generator in view. Releasing the button early will cancel the action.
-Survivors cannot interact with the targeted Generator.
“You have nothing to worry about. This won’t hurt one… little… bit.” -Freddy Krueger
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2020-2021 Tryhard Era
Crossplay was released, but I was fully convinced that PC players were superior.
Regardless of whether or not that was true, other people believed it, which meant turning off crossplay would land you with PC players sweating their butts off. It was a tryhard's paradise.
Every other game was a cracked Blight, who made you absolutely hate your life, but you wouldn't be playing PC-only if you weren't looking for a challenge, so you endured. As Killer, every game was an uphill battle, but again... you weren't playing PC-only if weren't looking for a challenge, so you endured.
For PC players, turning off crossplay was a proof of concept that seperating DBD matches into ranked and casual was a good idea. PC-only lobbies was high MMR before SBMM was introduced, and it was fulfilling to know that everyone else in the lobby was playing with the same mentality, even if you weren't all of equal skill.
If I could turn back time to replay that era of DBD, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
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Favorite era...
From 6.5.0 to 7.5.0.
The HUD update was a godsend and one of the greatest addition.
Bad Killer ideas and old MFT excluded, nothing game-breaking happened for a while, even the surprise healing nerf was manageable and was adapted to pretty quickly. Things looked more stable than they'd ever been.
Then came 7.5.0 where 90% of gen regression perks and all non-regression kick perks were made a detriment and limited ressource, weaker Killers were made weaker and more stressful to play by proxy, one of the best chase perk that S-tier Killers couldn't really use was nerfed into even more of a tunnelling perk without touching it's actual issue (hurting weaker/M1 Killers more and not bothering powerful Killers that didn't really used it in the first place) and despite lots of feedback including videos and streams nothing was changed so far.
Sure the other changes in 7.5.0 were either great, good or not bad but the "Anti-3-gen" system and STBFL nerf were so ill-thought-out... and the worst thing is that the gen system is so close to doing what it's supposed to do (which is only prevent endless games and not affect the game otherwise) and all it would need is simply activate only after the 4th gen is done.
The STBFL nerf was also in the wrong direction and simply should have been to deactivate the perk when too close to a hooked Survivor and not work on basekit BT to keep it's chase power without taking away a great chase tool from weaker Killers and reducing tunnelling in one fell swoop.
If BHVR does those changes (heck, just fixing the Anti-3-gen would be heavenly) I'm gonna have to edit countless messages on multiple platforms but I'd do this any day of the week if it's the price to pay.
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May Orion be happy and free, wherever he is 🫡
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Either when afk pig was being defended by someone people or when there was outrage over someone asking the devs to give feng a crop top outfit
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Just before 6.1 came out. The game was balanced for (in my eyes perfectly fair) 50% kill rate before this patch (for most players anyway, sure there were top ~5% and bottom ~5% where it was definitely not balanced, but I didn't belong to either group).
It all went downhill from that moment until we get to this point where deadliest killers (DC games excluded) have 70% and 67% kill rates.
Like sure - there were patches with clearly broken mechanics on both sides (e.g. boil over fiasco from patch 5.5.0, or guaranteed kill upon RNG even being afk as pig with just iri addon or absolute need to bring BT otherwise camping was free kill instead of hook). So it definitely wasn't perfect.
But the most important bit that broke me and I stopped playing this game came with buff to the perk I was using most games back then - with background player buff (patch 7.3.0) came a rework of maps - and suddenly hooks were so close, that it became a rule instead of exception, that doing perfect sabotage and getting hit still meant killer will likely get to hook anyway - even without iron grasp or agitation.
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"It's not Pyramid Head just because the 4 is kinda pointy!" The theories around anniversary 4 were fun.
The anti nurse crusade was an experience. People frothing from their mouths all around both sides lol.