The new chapter teasers are so good and that makes me really depressed.

Adaez Member Posts: 1,243
edited February 2024 in General Discussions

Why would a chapter you're hyped for makes you depressed?

Because all the trailers, the chapter reveals are really good and gets you hyped for the game even if you're a new player, you cant wait to hop in and play dead by daylight and feel the thrill.

But when you actually get over the trailers, the teasers, the chapter cool designs and actually play the game, all that hype and excitement turns into depression when you realize just how unfun the loop of the actual game really is.

I wanna play the new cool killer and chase survivors, have fun, you cant because of the issue that is generator going too fast due to survivors not having any second objectives and influenced to ignore anything else in the game(totems, chests, interacting with the killer, looping the killer, get the killer attention) and slam gens as fast as possible and get out.

Literally game tells you the best way to play the game to win is to interact with anything else other than gens as less as possible because if you do its bad for you.

And this brings be to the problem from the killer side on why survivors not having second objectives is bad and why the game influencing them to just rush gens and not do anything else is as well.

The core problems and complaing from people that play killer a lot and from people when playing survivor and facing a killer are:Tunneling,Camping,Slugging.

All 3 of this are really bad for the game and are amplified by survivors not having secondary objectives and genrushing and ignoring everything else because this is the best way to win.

In most of my killer games when I lose pressure and I see the survivors slam gens too fast, what is the best way to stop the pressure and turn the game in your favor?Tunneling,camping,slugging in this order most of the times.

And this is why the gameplay loop sucks, you feel miserable, you're not having fun, you're in an unhealthy state of mind and you start being toxic, and the game just becomes unhealthy for your mental health because you get frustrated at these gameplay flaws that are not yet fixed.

I have made plenty of suggestions that I believe will work and I dont think they are not possible to be added to the game with bonus fix for insta down killers camping a hooked survivor and preventing any chance of unhooking.

I have returned many times to the game after the burn out and suffering from the effects of this game mechanics that have always soured the experience for me, but this time no matter how cool the new chapter is, or the event, or anything else, I dont have the will to come back to the game until the gameplay loop changes with the issues stated above fixed(genrushing,tunneling,camping,slugging).

BHVR has added many good things in the game throughout the years, but them trying to fix what actually makes the people quit after thinking dbd is such a cool game, it is if it didn't have these issues.

Remember when the first Resident Evil chapter dropped and the game had over 100k players on steam in-game at the same time, that quickly dropped because no matter how cool the presentation of the chapter, the killer design, power, chase music is, the gameplay loop will sooner rather than later turn people away, especially new players.

And BHVR way of fixing them so far just doesn't fix them, they tried to fix facecamping, sure that fixes facecamping, what did their way of fixing it do? Made camping even better because now killers proxy camp which is so much more efficient than just face camping.

And another issues that just makes the game worse on the same level with the issues I stated above is 3gen.

They tried to fix 3 gen by making the generators not being able to regress after you regress them 8 times.

This barely makes a difference and the only solution I can think of that could actually work is to just remove 1 generator from the maps, so the generators will have enough space to spawn further from each other(set parameters: 2 generators cant spawn closer than x meters away from each other, 2 generators in a formation of 3 cant spawn closer than x meters away from each other).

I hope one day these will be problems of the past and we can play the game without ignoring most of the game mechanics because in the current state of the game ,its just better to do so if you wanna do better than your opponents.


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    If you feel like gens are getting fast than you would like, you can also use meta perks if you have access to them.

    There are some great and strong perks and combos that will delay Survivors.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I've had some struggles playing killer this year, despite playing well and utilising my power properly, I end up inadvertently spreading hooks too well and survivors turn the game around and I run out of time.

    Since putting the new grim embrace on with my other gen regression perks, I'm unbeaten as Knight. Grim Embrace rewards me for spreading hooks albeit the survivors still get the gens done, but the gen progress haulted as I traverse to the next gen is absolutely invaluable.

    The OP makes sense though. All the hype, all the excitement, all the thoughts about mastering said new killer, only to get rinsed by survivors multiple times who are of higher skill.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    Lot of true words spoken here, fr9m a person who actually has passion for the game.

    There was one such instance that gave me a reality check and ground my excite train to a grinding halt: when Alien chapter was released and I was pumped, someone on the forums said: "LOL I can't wait to get facecamped by the Alien or have the Alien looped and tea-bagged by a cheeky Nea with a flashlight."

    Whatever cinematic scenes went through my head at that time instantly died, and yeah, that's dbd for you. The gameplay loop can be fun, but these days it's only fun if the players somehow try to look out for each other.

    I had a game where I absolutely dominated as Billy the other night, and when I cornered the same survivor at 4 gens for the third time, I nodded at them ,spun and sprinted away, downing someone else.

    I then tried to get 8 hooks before killing anyone and got a 3K with a gifted hatch. Still, the survivors claimed to have fun in the post game chat. I really tried to curb my toxicity of late and take survivor experience into account. Of course, this was an extreme example, because most games you can't effort to give survivors that much of leeway and still come up on top. But if I had just stomped that game and got a 4K at 4 gens, the experience would have been that much more crushing and bitter for the survivors.

    Most games aren't a back and forth and on the edge, most favor one side rather early and put the other in the worst situation. And its on us as the playerbase if we capitalise on that and just stump down and ridicule the losing side, or they to have some fun for everyone. Fact is, the games basic loop doesn't take fun into account, only success and efficiency.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243
    edited February 2024

    The only way to have fun as killer these day is to 2 hook everyone and let them escape, I get no satisfaction form sweating like crazy and then be dissapointed, this way everyone has fun and I get a lot of bps and xp as well, and survivors do as well.

    But I stopped and wont be playing unless the issues adressed above are fixed for good, not band aids that dont fix the issue.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
    edited February 2024

    So with the kill rate exactly where the devs want it right now I don’t see a reason why they would again nerf survivors by making their escape paths more difficult. And every secondary objective survivors have gotten has been nerfed into becoming an extreme detriment to survivors.

    While you personally may feel like specific playstyles are unfun and thereby avoid them, they’re still tools available for your use at any given point in a match. If you find fun in 2-hooking survivors then letting them go, continue to do that. But there’s no near future where the devs nerf survivors again so that I guess killers can 4K at a more ‘chill’ pace.

    Survivors are going to pressure gens and try to escape because at the end of the day they are human players who enjoy the thrill of victory just like you. They’re not canon-fodder, they don’t exist for your (or anyone else’s) entertainment. Neither do you, so play in whatever way feels congruent with your idea of fun.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Don’t force yourself to like or even play a game you obviously don’t like.

    it really sounds like you need to take a break from the game or at least consume it differently (eg through content creators)

    the issues you describe are obviously there and to some degree problematic. But it’s very unlikely that these issues will ever cease to exist even if directly addressed by the devs.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243

    Its not that I dont like it, I like the core ideea, I just dont like the issues it has.

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 295

    I played a game as clown and got 8 hooks but zero kills.

    Now I for one find that much more satisfying than going for kills (I let a Billy Bob run free instead of killing him on hook and went after a Claudette trying in vain to flashlight click).

    Until hooks are used to judge killers then nothing will change. The kill rate is completely screwed up when you have survivors killing themselves on first hook and AFK against stronger killers. Kills will never tell how good or bad a killer actually is.

    And therein lies the problem with new chapters. Try learning a new killer you get stomped and when you learn how to play, the new killer is suddenly nerfd as survivors cry and throw the dummy out the pram when they can't bully the new killer anymore.

    I was so hyped up for alien but don't play it much anymore. Avoiding turrets on console is so much harder and it basically becomes a m1 killer.

    Chucky is great despite the numerous nerfs and original in his 3rd person view. And some great voice lines make him the only new killer I've really enjoyed recently.

    I look forward to new killers with less a less excitement.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    The core idea with gens and hooks will always come with these issues imo.

    best bet is (finally) another good asymmetrical horror game that doesn’t introduce other more prominent issues - best attempt to this day is still Friday 13th….

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    I feel the same. As excited I feel for new content, I have to remind myself that this new content is for DbD, and will be subject to all of DbD's usual problems that can make it a miserable experience. I'm looking forward to the new killer and playing as/against them if they're any good, but it's not going to fix anything. It's just a new thing to mess around with.

    My biggest hope is that the new map is good. You may have to buy the DLC to play it, but everyone gets the map.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243

    I gaved up on that, so many have come and none of them got it right, dbd is still the only one worth playing, but for me, not even this until they fix those issues that I just cant deal with anymore.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I am not excited too much.

    Because even killer is fun, it still will be same DbD we have, core mechanics are same.

    Killer and survivor will get new garbage perks nobody will use. So there is no reason to be hyped for me.