Reward good behavior rather than toxicity

If people don’t like toxicity in this game, how about rewarding good behavior more? The post-match “thumbs up” does what, really? How about replacing it with a 500 Blood Point award? That way, we can reward the random who goes above and beyond, make apology to someone we inadvertently (or maybe purposely ;-) screwed over to survive, reward killers for farming or letting a survivor go (since the killer is giving up points and the survivor gets way more in return). Give the recipient notice post-match, so they see it right away. Yes, a SWF could gift points to a killer they just outclassed as a sort of final insult, but, hey, at least the killer gets something of value. And for a killer who is a noob, which survivors don’t find out to the end, it could be a “Hey, you’ll get better, here’s something to help you prestige up faster.”
While the concept of rewarding positive behavior appears appealing in theory, it's crucial to consider who is responsible for the evaluations. BHVR has already established guidelines on acceptable player behavior. Implementing a system for players to judge and potentially hold rewards over others could lead to a negative impact on the gaming experience.
Community rewards have potential, but it's essential to acknowledge the risk of fostering rude and harsh player behavior.
Regarding tunneling, I believe the Entity should prioritize rewarding fresh hooks over recent ones. I personally hope to see this consideration reflected in the game eventually as perhaps a part of the steps bHVR wants to take if any, against too much tunneling.
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For tunneling I'd really like to see something where players get teleported when unhooked. This prevents most purposeful tunneling and is balanced by survivors needing to take the time to find someone to heal them. This would also make the circle of healing boon much more useful and interactive.
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I'm a bit puzzled over your comment, but maybe you see something I don't. Regular game play should not result in any expectation of receiving a reward, so I'm not sure where a "hold rewards over others" , or "fostering rude and harsh behavior" might apply. It ought to be given only when someone does something extra positive. It costs the giver something, so that by itself will limit its use. This should not be a participation trophy, which IMO does too much damage in unduly raising expectations. This isn't a community award, its a personal one, as respect and thanks should be. I did mention what I expect would be a rare potential for taunting by gifting, but there already are ways for taunts to be made, and the recipient gets nothing - my idea at least gets them something.
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I think people overthink this a tad here.
They can just make the commendation system that gives 1k-5k or more BP to any player you want to commend, a reward number that can't be effected too much by spam anyway, and disable the ability to commend players on your friends list.
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Personally, it would be really sad to reward players for not acting like an a**hole since it takes very little to not be one and it should be a given to not be one. I also think this reward will not help because these type of players don't care about BP but to give the otherside a bad feeling - that's the reason why they play the game - so it would change nothing in the end.
In my opinion, the developers should rework their rules and make it more clear what good and bad behaviour is. Many Players complain about tbagging and slugging but both are part of the game and legit strategy in some way to win a game. However, there is a huge different between slugging all four survivors for four minutes just because I can and slugging to end the match and then hooking or tbagging at the exitgate just because I can and during the game to get killers attention. If the developers would make it more clear - if they would really care about it - what is good and what is bad it would help a lot to make the community more healthy. Personally, I'm over it and don't care about bm anymore but other players do care about it and this hurt them which results either in they quit the game or do it as well since it seems okay because the developers don't care about it. (Of cause there also camping and tunnling but these also legit strategy and not a bad behaviour at all if someone do it - they are in some way bad gamedesign but not humanity issues).
Tl;tr even with rewards toxicity will still exit in the game and only really solved if the developers would care about it.