Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The Blight Add-On Feedback

Hi. Wanted to share my opinions about Blight add-ons.

Blighted Rat & Crow: They needed to be tuned down a bit, but this was little too much and Rat is useless itself. I think they can add 1% speed more each so they become Rat: 3% and Crow: 4%.

Adrenaline Vial: I guess it is fine as it is now.

Alchemist's Ring: Strong but not overpowered. Also fine as it is.

Compound 33: This is too weak. Only one chance to perform lethal rush is too harsh penalty even considering increasing rush duration and turn rate by 33%, especially regarding Adren Vial now doesn't increase token numbers. At least it should have one more token imo. Or another rework.

Iridescent Tag: This one is broken and cannot be left as it is. Tbh, the I think it can go back to instadown one, but make it trigger when Blight rushes more than 4m, so it can solve the original reason why it was changed.

And also, I think some of his underwhelming ones can get changes.

Compound 7 can get rework so it can actually help newbies. Current one doesn't help that much.

Shredded Notes should get rid of it's token removing penalty.

I felt infinite rush was pretty fun to play as, and I think it can be implemented to Soul Chemical with some changes.

How do you think?

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  • Member Posts: 78

    I agree.

    For double speed, I advocated for the same.

    With Iri Tag, I was never a fan of infinite rushes. I would love to bring back the insta-down with a 4-meter rush requirement, but also give survivors a globally audible and visual indicator when Blight will use this add-on on the last rush.

    For C33, I honestly don't know what to do with it. XD

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    iri tag+blighted crow seems pretty strong in new blight. it has penalty of -2 charges... but it is same speed as old green crow instantly. i don't think you need more then 2 charges to hits on blight. this is same add-on combo but now it just costs an iridescent for what once a yellow and green.

    Shred notes+alchemist ring seems pretty decent if your looking for fast recovery blight. the -1 charge gets off-set by longer duration so your not really trading map mobility. It is kinda like weaker old alchemist ring/worse pre-changed adrenaline vial.

    he feels same with drawbacks on add-on's.

  • Member Posts: 5,784

    Shredded notes isn't a penalty

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