Sabotaging hooks

there's no reason to do it anymore. it's so nerfd it's unplayable really. there's too many hooks to start, killers can walk past the hook your sabotaging and still make it to the next one.
a hook that's been sabotaged is respawned well too quickly especially if you're running it as a perk at level 3.
it's literally a useless perk take it out of the game.
I like how it is now. Seeing the nearby hooks when someone is picked up and even knowing which ones are normal is huge. I only run it when playing with a friend who has a wiggle build.
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i think sabo builds and wiggle build are as "weak" as they are because all this years ago bhvr gave us swf.
i dont want to hate on swf but the existens of up to four players that can coordinat in my mind bring the need to make sabo and wiggle stuff weak.
your normal solo q or duo q player would have a normal chance to get around getting hookt if they where stronger but swf would probably be a problem