Made For This

I kinda feel like this could be a solid anti tunnel perk if the haste percentage was a little higher. The screen does get darker so if the tunneled manages to lose the killer, they will have to mend in order to do gens or heal themselves. I'm fine with it even going to a low haste percentage if all the gens are complete. I know sone people will get value with dead hard, but it does take a perk slot. It would remove a gen rush perk or Distortion perhaps, but Idk. Any thoughts anybody?
I wouldn't mind increasing the Haste now that it's tied to Deep Wound. It's much more difficult to activate now so it's fine if the reward is higher. 4% would be fine, maybe 5%.
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The main problem with MfT was that it didn't really have any condition to be met to be activated apart from being injured and it granted haste. So I agree, it's pretty difficult to even get deep wounded unless you're tunneling and it's basekit BT, Off the Record, Borrowed Time, etc. I think it's a problem with Dead Hard because you don't need to be tunneling for it to activate and the duo would quickly rise to meta again so that's probably where the issues arise with the suggestion.
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That's a valid concern but Dead Hard does have its usual counterplay. If Dead Hard doesn't work, MFT can't work.
Personally I'm more concerned about FTP+BU+MFT.
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I swear I saw something about BU + FtP getting addressed soon? It's crazy it's still in the game...
Yeah you're right, but there's still some people that think Dead Hard requires a nerf so there's that.
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This is a fun concept. Even the balancing issues discussion is fun. I hated og mft enough that I made a bunch of builds based on exposing survivors. With it tied to deep wound I think it could use a buff. Definitely would make it a solid anti tunnel build.
Would legion need a speed buff to prevent deep wounded survivors body blocking or otherwise sabotaging them?
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Sure, I agree, but the other problem is it would easily counter Legion and Deathslinger who have deep wounds baked into their kits.
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i could imagine 7% haste MFT being a meta anti-tunnel perk. I know I would use OTR+MFT+DH as my build.
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Legion is one of my favorite killers to play and I don't want to see them nerfed. Maybe take killer survivor collision away during deep wound. No body blocks from deep wounded survivors.
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I don't perceive the need for a buff to this perk, as it serves a broader purpose beyond just being an anti-tunnel perk. The ability to take a protection hit for a teammate 10 seconds after finishing healing, especially when combined with perks like For The People, adds strategic depth. Could you provide more details on why you feel the current chance to take a protection hit and gain haste isn't sufficient? Elaborating further on this aspect could help in understanding the perceived need for a buff.
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it is too situational that specing into protection hits is pointless. I rather run Mettle of man if I am going take protection hits.