Any new curve billys?

So... this update to Billy has really lemme do something I didn't think I'd be skillful enough to do EVER, which is curving on Billy. All of a sudden structures that have no business being curved...are doable, especially with the change to his hitbox letting you hug walls better without bumping as much. It boggles my mind that these shots I use to see in compilation videos are being done by ME now on controller, lol.
I feel ya! Just earlier tonight I curved around a rock. A ROCK on Ormont. And some bushes on Garden of Joy. Felt so unreal, in the past Garden of Joy was a surefire way to have an aweful match, especially with Billy bumping into everything, but this match was such a down fest and after the DC within 2min I made friends with the other survivors and farmed a bit and hitting them with a couple more sick curves, but only 2 hooking everyone ^^ Once in a while this is a fun diversion from the normal gameplay loop.
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Right? I'm left looking at WAY too many loops going "...I can curve that". No more Milly for ME, lol.
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Yup, just played a couple matches today and had a few nice curves; also on controller. I had one around one of those big rocks on Eyrie as well as a 180 through one of the doors at main.
Also had a couple nice curves through the doors on Lerys.
I'm also not great at Billy either. Most of the time I just let go while pushing the stick and hope for the best.
If these changes feel this good for a bad Billy like me I can see while all the good Billy's are over the moon.
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To be a really good Slinger I feel comes down to knowing what all he can shoot through. There's so many gaps that his gun can go through. Perks like Coup de grace works well on him too for making spots where you wouldn't down a person even if you shoot em, turn into a down.
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Seems like they are popping up more now that Hens put a video out on it.
Its getting tiresome. Not sure what BHVR is thinking.
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The changes should help promote more skilled gameplay rather than just cheesing fast cooldowns. I feel like that would be more fun for both sides.
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Unfortunately what we have happening is just a bunch of new "billy mains" jumping on the bandwagon. The skill expression for the killer now is near 0.
The thing is turning wayyyyyy to sharply now. Its over tuned.
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I was maining oni, i now main billy ...
BTW spiked boots are crazy, they allow you to 360 at the start...
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I just gonna leave this for you curve billy fans. I am kinda impressed by that but I don't know how to feel about it from the survivor perspective. :c