Spine Chill Rework

An unnatural tingle warns you of impending doom.
Whenever the Killer is Undetectable or you are afflicted with the Oblivious Status Effect, you will retain the ability to hear the Killer's Terror Radius.
Whenever the Killer is within 16 metres of your location, your action speed in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Cleansing, Blessing, Opening, and Unlocking increases by 15/20/25%.
"There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen.." — Sassy, The Lost Tapes
This is extreme...
Nullifying killer power and perks is already too much. That's just game ruining
Then increasing action speeds by 25% if the killer is within 16 meters? That's overpowered and even more so on 2 floor maps.
Really not sure why you would look at spine chill's history and think this is reasonable
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16 meters isn't actually that far: it's hag with monitor and abuse range. The reason its 16 meters is because that's the range where the Killer can hear generators, grunts of pain, healing noises so you'd likely only be able to use it if the Killer knew you were there and would be quickly interrupted generally. As for the percentage, it's unlikely you'd be able to get very many seconds of it being used because of the range. For context, toolboxes are +50% repair speed and this reworked spine chill might not even be active throughout entire match as long as even a brown toolbox lasts.
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I know how far 16 meters is. It's onryo's TV distance. When there is walls in the way and multi floors and elevation like stairs it would come into effect fairly frequently. And it would also allow survivors to rush gens in front of the killer which isn't fun and it's something that they've attempted to address with the removal of gen tapping.
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But finishing tasks in front of the Killer was one of the things old spine chill used to allow survivors to do when it had a long range and was easier to activate. So I'm trying to channel that into the rework. Maybe the numbers could be dialed back a bit but if they're too low it feels like it doesn't do anything. Maybe like 10/11/12%?
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I know it’s miserable for stealth killers but I just want its nerf reverted. It was my crutch perk against Spirit and Nurse and it sometimes helped me survive against Ghostie and Myers. Sometimes it made me walk into them 🫣😅
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I don't think there is good way to balance spine chill without limiting its usage in some form. it is too strong at enabling pre-running and stealth. I'd probably revert the radar function in version before they nerfed it and make it work in undetectable/oblivious but put 30 second limit on the perk. When you are put into the dying state, the timer is restored to full.
that way the perk has some usage in countering stealth and enables pre-running but isn't overly powerful.
Something that I have always wondered is how strong do you need to make premonition as a perk to compete vs exact coordinates of a killer. I would be open to experimenting something like 15 second cooldown with 28 meter radius.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
Wow. While I can understand the sentiment that you mourn your favorite perk of the past, this is too strong for sure. This would utterly demolish any killer with stealth and rob them of their power. A killer without a power is just an M1 slasher and thats not very fun to play. MAYBE it could give you an indicator when the killer is approaching your direction while you are repairing the gen and not looking in that direction, but you could see them. This would be very niche, but also be in the spirit of the perks description, but please leave stealth killers alone, they already suffer a lot by callouts and discord, they don't need a perk that invalidates their whole gameplan back in the game.
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This literally just disables stealth killers and they are not strong killers to begin with.
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Okay i probably shouldn't have said that. It wasn't really the main point.
Main point is the ability to retain terror radius against stealth killers and perks is game ruining.
They nerfed original spine chill because of it allowed you to anticipate any killers approach from 36 meters but only if they were looking at you. That allowed for the awkward counterplay of killers looking where they aren't moving to counter it. But mainly it negatively impacted stealth killers the most, their power is a hidden approach and spine chill would reveal it. Only the vault speed boost was problematic, 6% extra on actions wasn't really that impactful.
This rework makes it completely nullify stealth powers and perks. 25% within 16 meters would feel unfair with how the maps are layed out. With 2 floor maps, buildings like coal tower and borgo and maps like hawkins where there is long walls in between generators.
But the main problem with the idea is that it brings back it's problem that was already addressed in a worse form. It does not take into account the past.
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Yikes... Ghostface and Pig get hard countered by this.
Tbh, I think all Spine Chill needs it to have its affects provided when within 36 meters and the killer has line of sight of you OR can see your aura.
That gives you a warning against aura revealing perks, which fits the theme of the perk and makes it pretty decent. Would also synergise nicely with Object of Obsession.
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This would be meta and everyone will run this
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Killers like Myers and Onryo already have a small terror radius by default and Monitor and Abuse can still give Killers completely un-counterable stealth. Also the red stain hiding and inability to be aura read while undectable would remain.
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Yeah but Wraith, Freddy, Pig, Ghost Face, Demogorgon, Dredge and Skull merchant have 32 meter terror radius.
And it invalidates stealth perks on every other killer too.
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It'd be like Distortion. A perk that's strong when played against the right killer and build but sometimes gets very little value. I don't think everyone would run it and like I said if it got crazy popular then Killers could just run Monitor and Abuse which is a stealth perk thats completely immune to this reworked Spine Chill
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It completely outplays stealth killer's and the many undetectable perks and addons in the game. At least with distortion it only counters perks and addon's instead of entire killer powers.