What's your favourite or main Survivor Perk Build?

Mine is Sprint Burst, We'll Make It, Shadow Step and Wiretap. Sprint Burst and We'll Make It are pretty meta or common perks, but Shadow Step and Wiretap are really fun to use even if they're niche. What's your go to perk build?
We'll Make it, Renewal, Empathy, Deja Vu
Loads of info (can see when a survivor is about to go down, and who needs healing, and what needs repairing)
Plus fast heals under the hook that bank my Renewal, throw in a decent medkit and I can get that heal for around 5 seconds.
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Self Care, Botany Knowledge, Deja Vu, Dead Hard
Stable healing is always important for SoloQ, and Deja Vu for gens, DH for chase (also can work for anti tunneling)
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I don't really have a favourite build as i enjoy changing it up too much. I'm currently using Overzealous, Alert, Shadow Step, and Circle of Healing and feel i get pretty good value.
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No Mither, Inner Strength, Self Care and Urban Evasion.
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OtR, DS, Dead Hard, Mettle of Man
Ultimate bodyblock build.
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My core build is Sprint Burst, Botany Knowledge and Self-Care. Sprint Burst so I don't hit the dirt in a 10 second chase and to run away from the hook if the Killer likes to tunnel. Self-Care and Botany for reliable Solo Q heals (30 seconds to heal really isn't that bad).
The final perk slot is usually filled by Resilience, Deja Vu, Fixated/Vigil or whatever else will help me to complete a tome challenge. But I also like to mix it up a lot and try out fun builds or themed builds when I'm not playing so seriously.
I might also use a full stealth build when playing on Nintendo Switch (Lightweight, Distortion, Iron Will, Light-footed) because looping is harder to do on Switch.
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I swap between a few.
Overzealous, Circle of Healing, Deja Vu, then a fourth perk that is either Detective's Hunch for tracking totems or, if I bring a Map, something like Kindred or Alert, is my go-to if I want gen speed.
Empathy, Botany Knowledge or Autodidact, Deja Vu, general fourth perk slot, is a good altruism build.
Yesterday I was trying to come up with a sort of general-purpose solo queue build, and decided on: Empathy, Botany Knowledge, Lithe, and Breakdown. That fourth slot would cycle out to anti-tunnel or anti-camp if I face a lot of that in a row, and I'd bring a medkit with green charges + an instaheal syringe to get two heals even with Botany. If I don't have an instaheal syringe, just charges and a lil extra speed.
That build kinda has a little bit of everything you'd strictly need. Teammate info, altruism, chase, a way to self-heal if you need it, and then whatever extra utility you'd want. Worked out okay yesterday, at least!
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Bond, Botany, Shadowstep, DH
I started using DH again recently as a form of anti tunnel, sometimes it helps. Botany because I refuse to accept current patch healing speed in this game and Bond is always in my build, its my favourite perk for survivor.
Shadowstep for some fun scratch marks hiding on indoor maps, but mostly its just for some extra BP and also extra goal/objective ti do
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Sprint Burst, Bond/Kindred, Distortion, Calm Spirit.
Hopefully if Ultimate Weapon is nerfed, I can switch out Calm Spirit for something more consistent.
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Self Care, Botany, Distortion, Deja Vu.
Faster healing on others, self healing without a huge drawback if I need it, 3-gen prevention, aura read prevention and info.
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self care + no mither
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I pretty much always run Kindred and Lucky Break (more survivors should run Lucky Break), and then usually some exhaustion perk and then a flex spot for helping out with challenges. But Kindred and Lucky Break are must haves.
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I have so many different builds but I am going to make a build for Kate soon.
It will be: Dance with Me, Quick & Quiet, Lithe, and Lightweight.
Now you see me, now you don’t 😎
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My comfort pick is:
- Sprint Burst
- Windows of Opportunity
- Bond
- Deja Vu/Resilience/Prove Thyself/Adrenaline
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A guilty pleasure of mine is making the game difficult for the Killer.
Love the loadout. My David is the Survivor I use to run builds that make the Killer angry 😂
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Resurgence, solidarity, reactive healing and botany, yes, i love healing me and other people at the same time
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I usually go with Prove Thyself, We'll Make It, Lithe and Adrenaline.
I think it is a balanced build. It helps with gens, altruism, chases and a little extra help if I survive until the end of the game.
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Those perks are doing terrible when killer want to tunnel. So i found different way to use them.
And yeah they are getting really mad. I am getting a lot kiss hits on hook.
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My current go to build is DH + CS + OtR + BK. I'm currently in anti-tunnel mode, and this loadout gives me the best chance of not going straight back on the hook and possibly losing the killer so I can reset. Even if I can't lose the killer it allows me to extend my post unhook chase for as long as possible. BK is a nice QoL to counter all the sloppy booper users.
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I'm enjoying Shadow Step atm but mostly for the Distortion aspect for my team mates. It's good with CoH I think, because if they're injured and in the boon range then not only will someone know to heal them but the killer won't see their aura when they're vulnerable.
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hyper focus, this is not happening, stake out, dead line. With the purple toolbox
Engineer tool box with double repair speed addons so you can repair a regressing gen in about 2.5 seconds.
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Add Inner Strength + Solidarity for maximum efficiency!
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My core build is always resilience dead hard and then 2 whatever perks I feel like using
Recently been using babysitter bt and it’s probably my favourite form of teammate anti tunnel
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The breaks-Background Player-Dead Hard and Buckle Up. Sometimes I switch Buckle Up for Iron Will if I’m getting an headache from the injured noises
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I don’t really have a build, it’s whatever I’m feeling like running but here’s my favorite perks to use and they’re almost always a mixture of some sort for synergy:
bond(empathy also good) + alert
self care + botany knowledge
iron will + calm spirit
exhaustion perk + lightweight
Honorable mentions as standalones:
plot twist(high risk high reward)
prove thyself
windows of opportunity
Shoutouts to:
premonition that single handedly carried my stealth builds back in the day.
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I have three builds that I run daily:
- Bond, Open Handed, Windows of Opportunity and Kindred. A pure Information Build and it helps quite a lot!
- Vigil, Leader, Dramaturgy and Boon: Circle Of Healing. A more support focused Build where you try to use Drama as often as passible.
- Empathy, Botany Knowledge, Overcome and Empathic Connection. A Heal-Focused Build that gives you a lot of information too. Also Overcome helps to gain enough distance, so you are hopefully not the main target.
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Sprint Burst, Vigil, Kindred, Deja Vu
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Deja vu, Balance landing , DH , windows of opportunity
But my true love is Balance landing, the other 3 change almost every day
My favorite perks: kindred, wiretap , blast mine, flashbang, head on + quick & quiet, plot twist, adrenaline, saboteur + breakout, inner strength, we'll make it
My favorite meme build: plunderer's instinct + appraisal + ace in the hole
My favorite meme perk: red herring 🤣
Post edited by ImWinston on1 -
You must hate Sloppy Butcher
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Déja Vu, Hope, Sole Survivor and an Exhaustion Perk (most the time it's Lithe)
Déja Vu helps me finding Gens, Hope for Endgame (I don't play Adrenaline because I think it's too powerful), 1 Exhaustion Perk because why not,
and Sole Survivor because I mainly play Solo Queue
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You should add Break Out to that build to be even more annoying lmao.
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Personally I love Dramaturgy and Kindred. Those are almost always in my builds. Being useful to the team while hooked feels good and I love the randomness of Dramaturgy 😬
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My favorite WAS Spine Chill + Resilience + w/e else, but since the nerf I just play whatever. Currently, I'm running all 3 slots with one of each Surivors unique 3 perks and making builds around them.
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I want to make something clear. I was using window's before the cooldown even got removed
My usual build is lithe, quick and quiet, dance with me, and WoO
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Distortion, Bite The Bullet, Kindred, and whatever I feel like. Right now, I'm running Balanced Landing.
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Nice try devs you can't fool me
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Main build for Solo Q:
Sprint Burst
Champion of Light
Object of Obsession
Secondary Build:
Mettle of Man
Dead Hard
Second Wind
Plot Twist/Unbreakable
Medkit w/Gauze Roll and Surgical Suture
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Distortion / Overcome / Inner Strength / Plot Twist - Solo queue ofc, works for me. I like that safety net of a heal available and aura denial. Overcome because it's just something i can slap on and forget about but also being useful at that first injury for distance. Funnily enough overcome and plot twist has saved me quite a few times paired together.
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tbh this changes regularly, but right now it is Distortion, Lithe, Adrenaline and something random i decide freely. I've for example used Diversion as 4th perk or Fixated
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Reassurance, We'll make it, Distortion,
4th is flex.
Liking resurgence since I cant rely on anyone to bring a medkit or other altruism related things.
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Does fantastic, apparently.
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dead hard, plot twist, decisive strike and balanced landing. really strong anti tunnel and a lot of useful tools for almost any match up
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Open Handed, Kindered, Wiretap and Windows of Opportunity. I can see everything, sucks when you go against stealthy killers tho. 😢
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Glad to see a fellow wiretap enjoyer!