SWFS are only 3% more likely to win than SoloQ (OFFICIAL STATS)



  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440

    I'm going to disengage from you at this point since you want to continue arguing against a strawman and not have discussions in good faith. If you would like to reset the conversation and continue talking, you can answer my previous question

    Should this game be balanced around high level players (top mmr) or average players (where most players are)

    If you aren't willing to go on that route and want to continue arguing with a strawman then i'll just move on from this discussion. No point in continuing if someone won't do so in good faith.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    Isn't the answer to that question a pretty obvious "both, and also people who are below average too"? What's the discussion that comes from that?

    Genuine question, to be clear.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440

    Ok, so now,

    • You have something that is super overpowered in the hands of a high level player, but super underpowered in the hands of a low level player what do you do?
    • You have something that is super overpowered AGAINST low level players but super underpowered AGAINST high level players. What do you do?
  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    There's no way of answering a question that vague without also being super vague.

    Like, the answers are "change it so that it's more approachable but has lower overall potential" and "change it so that it's a little bit harder to use/has less frontloaded value, but has higher potential", respectively, but that's meaningless buzzwords for the most part because there are no specifics involved.

  • wsm10
    wsm10 Member Posts: 28

    I've been following the forums for a minute since before I actively engaged with people. The one thing I've learned is that both sides of the playerbase have people who absolutely have no interest in having a good faith conversation, they just want you to know why they're right and you're wrong. The person you're engaged with 100% is one of these people, and people overall need to stop engaging with them. It's just an exercise in insanity. Like I said, there's people on both sides who do it, so I'm not trying to single anyone out, but the majority of voices right now are people who obviously play killer more, so once you identify it, it's better to just let them do their thing without engaging.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619
    edited February 19

    All I get from this is that overall the game is pretty balanced.

    This also makes sense to me because I'm not good at survivor yet my solo queue is nowhere as bad as some are saying. I was wondering if I was just lucky. Apparently my matches are the norm.

    edit Found the source.

    So as it is pointed on the very page with these numbers. I'm paraphrasing: SWF4 may have a lower numbers than expected because friends are more likely to sacrifice themselves to save another.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,728

    No point in continuing if someone won't do so in good faith.

    Are you going to recognize that you are confusing me with other people in the thread? Because if we're going to accuse others of bad faith that would seem to be the absolutely basic level of a good faith argument would be recognizing that actual arguments of the person you are engaging with.

    I've given you the page number where all of my replies to you exist. Before you accused me of attacking a strawman there's two of them. But you bring up things like skull merchant that was never in the conversation between us.

    If you want to do a reset, that's the reset you need to do. Until then, your entire argument is bad faith and a strawman.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440
    edited February 20

    Hey, i'd appreciate at this point if you would please stop tagging me, i'd rather not have to use the block feature as i really don't want to be blocking people in the community. Again, would be happy to continue discussion if you reset and answer my question. Thanks!

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,728

    Again, would be happy to continue discussion if you reset and answer my question. Thanks!

    As long as this reset is both ways, I'm fine with it. New discussion starting now.

    Your question was:

    Should this game be balanced around high level players, the best of the best high MMR. Or should the game be balanced around average level (the vast majority) of players?

    It's a false dichotomy. There is no yes / no answer that can be given to that question. Each issue in the game needs to be addressed on a case by case basis. You'd need to measure both the degree of the impact as well as the number of players impacted.

    On a purely hypothetical level, if there was an issue that was negatively effecting 15% of players, but changing it would now negatively impact 5% of players, they should make the change. The MMR levels are irrelevant. But actual issues rarely are so cut and dried.