What’s going on right now?

There’s a live stream happening on the official dbd YouTube channel it’s kinda strange
I have no idea... But I seem to have tuned in in the last 30 seconds of the 5-minute run.
Did I miss something or was it just an empty theater?
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Nothing happened. I was actually scared watching cause of that creature they teased
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What do you think? If nothing apparent happens... Could this be the new map? I mean, it's a bit strange that we would go from a monster lurking in the woods to a disheveled theater, but it is all 3d modeled.
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That was just my sleep paralysis demon saying hi.
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I thought it would end with a jumpscare with the new killer, tbh. I freaked myself out watching it, lol.
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I was scared about that too lol
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I think that movie theater they showed will be the new map I assume
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You can see a pallet in the bottom of the theater so definitely the new map
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Why is the title project0r01 and not projector01?
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My assumption was because the lore of this new killer will be that this was a failed government or scientific project... It's a pretty common horror trope of "Experiment Gone Horribly Wrong! Monster on The Loose!"
And then it shows a projector to obfuscate this and sow some doubt.
So that's what I'm going with.
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Movie theatre?
kino der toten teaser real? #codzombieschapterconfirmedobviously
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Looks like a new map, movie theater indoor map if I'm not mistaken.
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I would like to know what the reason is for converting o to 0 ... I guess that will be revealed in a few hours at the PTB... Does it represent the lore that it failed?
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the link for those curious
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What I was trying to explain was that I believe that it is not supposed to be "Projector 01" is is supposed to be "Project 0r01" as in a project with the ID 0r01. Then, to throw in a bit of a red herring, they show the theater.
(Although, I do still think this is the new map... I just also think they are at the lore as well)
Post edited by Dontyodelsohard on0 -
What I was trying to explain was that I believe that it is not supposed to be "Projector 01" is is supposed to be "Project 0r01" as in a project with the ID 0r01. Then, to throw in a bit of a red herring, they show the theater.
(Although, I do still think this is the new map... I just also think they are at the lore as well)
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Ahh, maybe the killer was created by humans like singularity?
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Maybe killer is from the movies like in that failed dbd clone? With the teenagers and guns and such