Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

survivors state

the game is in the worst state it has ever been for survivors. killers keep getting buffed, abusing all game mechanics like slugging camping and tunneling like crazy and the anti camp and tunnel doesn't do anything at all killers can just go through it. the new billy run so fast and can curve so much it's nearly impossible to dodge and know they are buffed even more. only the pig one is good but all the other ones should be reversed especially huntress and hag. huntress is a very strong killer and don't need a buff. giving her more hatchets is a terrible decision. hag is a very camping toxic and obnoxious killer she's absolutly not fun to face. her traps are too dark, she can place too much traps and she barely have any teleportation animation it is praticly instant. but now you decide to increase her teleportation distance even more. clown can spam his bottles and slow you down so much you can barely move it is a garanted hit and can't see anything but you decide to give him even more bottles to spam. you nerfed blight and decided to re-buffed him for no reasons and now you quys decide to make a new killer with both projectile and teleportaion ability making nearly all loops in the game useless. killers have a dozen extremely strong anti gen perks making games very long like it double or triple the lenght of games which is super annoying and give killers another strong anti gen perks and on top of that plus a new speed perk wich can stack with blood lust and all the other ones making killers stupidly fast with their base speed being faster than survivors. what do you want survivors to do at this point except sitting in a corner letting the killer killed everybody. this is really getting ridiculous. playing survivors was already a terrible experience and you're making it even worse.

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  • Member Posts: 97

    do you even play survivor ? ever ? because it is a terrible experience it is really bad. killer keep getting buffed and survivors nerfed and killers are free to be as toxic and obnoxious and abuse game mechanics like tunneling camping and slugging as much as they want without any consequences. survivors anti tunnel perks got nerfed to oblivion and are useless now, healing got nerfed multiple times over the years it's a nightmare and really not a fun experience.

  • Member Posts: 499

    As a player of both sides, i agree with the things killer can abuse. But those are entirely player descisions, sadly we have a lot of mean killers, but they are also created by bully squads. Both sides have a ton of exploits and a hardcore bully squad can abuse things so much the killer can barely kill 1 person. Trying to balance the game around both sides exploits is nearly impossible. But i remember back i the early years of dbd when you got found once you were prettymuch dead. We get so mamy chances to keep playing now that the killer trying that hard kill you quickly feels personal. Ive come to just try and get back in the old mindset where if u die or the round goes south due to these exploits just wait for the next round. Eventually ull get a good one. Or atleast one u can play without dieing at 5 gens. Can't change what they want to balance as they mostly just look at the meta and try to adjust it

  • Member Posts: 501

    I would say the only issue on survivor side is the bad team mates the dcs, the rage quits, people hiding all game, people killer teaming or trolling

    Play with even remotely decent people an there is no issue.

  • Member Posts: 72

    Survivor is ridiculously easy. So much so that many survivors don't even try to play the game but would rather just mess some with the killer. I often get paired with these people when I play survivor and it's incredibly boring. If I end up playing against survivors like this as the killer it's even more annoying.

  • Member Posts: 97

    do you play as survivor ? because it is a nightmare it's really bad. killers is so easy they don't even have to use their brain and try hard to win and they can abuse tunneling camping and slugging all they want without any consequences plus extremely powerfull abilities than can be even stronger with add-ons and can also abuse because of very low cooldown and they run faster and have blood lust that gives a massive speed boost for free.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    then play killers... survivor is clearly not your good side.

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