Pig needs serious buffs not a nerf. the dev patch notes is complete joke. Game is already survivor side and they nerf already a weak killer. They need a buff her traps for example: They should activate immediatly after unhooking and timer should be 1 minute 30 second.
Yeah, 90 seconds timer. Not busted at all.
Seriously, the Slowdown she provides is the same as before. The traps are less lethal. But Pig will have better chases with the Buffs to the rest of the Kit.
11 -
she crouching at 3.8 m slower than survivors and traps are less deadly cause you cant sneek to survivor who try to deactivate them cause you cant see jigsaw boxes location. If they remove her camping potential she became from C tier to Garbage tier along with Freddy/Sadako/Shape and Trapper
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The counterplay to the crouch is the same, just leave the loop. Its nice small buffs to her crouch ability but its still no way close to be good in chase I think.
Extra time for traps feels bad, like its not needed. Survivors will just ignore it even more and do it later because they will be less pressured to remove it = less slowdown.
Pig doesnt need nerfs!
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The last part of your comment was an absolute lie because the buffs are microscopic
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They literally JUST revealed the average kill rate, how are people still saying this game is survivor sided, when the official stats show that the average kill rate is above 50%, meaning that more than 2 survivors get killed on average,
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buffs were qol improvements AT BEST and didn't warrant compensation nerfs at all. i run the glue add on and only play chases as pig so ambush buffs are all welcome even at the cost of rbt nerfs, but at least buff their slowdown aspect in return. poor pig tasting it once again.
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the 200 hours nea dying on the first hook because she got downed by a baby trapper is not something that should be part of the stats, but well, it IS part of the kill rate so we´ll never know the real statistics
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Ranks 20s inflate the killrate a lot and that should be obvious
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why shouldn't it? two players played the game and one's character killed the other, that's what the stats are designed to keep track of
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If they were to buff the head traps like that it would only make her ability to tunnel and harass someone off hook until dead way to strong. It's a horrible playstyle that shouldn't be encouraged
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because it only shows that the nea dislike the killer, freddy is one of the most lethal killers in the game, but also one of the most weak ones
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I guess that's why even in high MMR, the escape rate for survivors (except 4-stack) is pretty close to 40% ???
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They literally revealed high MMR escape rates as well...
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Which counts for 5% of the player base - maybe? Whoop, whoop.. What meaningful stats
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My dude. The guy I was replying to said that low ranks inflate kill rates. I replied that at high ranks, the rates that drastically different. And you come in "bUt iT OnLy coUntS foR 5%!"
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Maybe because getting the whole team out alive is supposed to be a legitimate challenge, and dare I say, a scary or thrilling experience?
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i´m talking about survivors who kill themselves on hook, we´ll never know the real stats because people give up
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The nerfs are unnecessary. Period.
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If the timer was 90 seconds and you would have to do 4 boxes to get rid of it, which takes 12 seconds each, you now have 42 seconds to go to all 4 of them... That basically guarantees a kill on every survivor that has to do 4 boxes, without any killer input... So yeah you might want to think that through again...
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She got 15% longer dash, 25% less miss time and 30% faster crouch and uncrouch... How is that microscopic? Those are quite some big numbers dude...
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How is longer dash and faster crouch qol and not a buff? What exactly is your definition of qol and what differs front hat and a buff?
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There are no ranks anymore, but mmr... Soooo phrasing...
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Her dash is still the worst chase power in the game, survivors just run as soon as you lower and you lose distance
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I don't think so... You can use this to your advantage and just uncrouch and follow, and with the right addons you may even still get the hit and if not you have a really short miss cooldown and follow up with an m1.
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The nerf to box auras is a perfectly fine change in order to stop Pigs from just tunneling a trap. It shouldn't really matter since the time it takes to tunnel a trap is basically the same effort and effect of just tunneling normally but many survivors considered it unfun as it gave them very limited options. Thus this change is alright for the games health.
The increased timer duration however is completely unnecessary. A Pig that is going to tunnel traps will do it with or without this change. An increased timer duration only hurt the Pig players who do not force RBTs; and with this change, the chance of RBTs being useful even as mere pressure is diminished.
TDLR: All the changes are fine and good except the increased timer duration which must go.