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So a few weeks back I did this cool concept for a pyramid head addon pass and one of the addons I reworked for my concept was the crimson ceremony book addon (I’m not gonna show the whole addons cause they’re just broken and outright embarrassing)
but thank you for the crimson ceremony book rework it looks exactly like the one I made and the best part of all is that this addon is actually viable to use now and I am beyond satisfied about it :D
No way, new Pyramid Head add-on... we are so back.
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Oh my god he's got a different useable addon that isn't range everyone stay calm
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I'd still like to see more of his addons changed, but it's good to see them slowly changing them anyway. Also, VERY cool your idea was adapted, even if the developers didn't see your suggestion. (Unless they did, which in that case I raise my glass to OP.)
It's the little victories.
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Thank you :D
and yes hopefully we should be seeing more changes to his addons very soon and hopefully he’ll also get his deserved addon pass sometimes this year most likely
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Yeah, it's pity that all Mangled addons have a place in a trashcan now.
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Mangled nerf isn’t rlly that bad tho
the duration is still solid on some perks and addons
but I think some of them should have the duration pumped up a bit
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Mangled nerf makes this effect completely meaningless. It doesn't exist anymore at this point. I tested it yesterday and i don't even know who will take Mangled addons and perks, because Unrelenting will have more value than this. The only players who will affected by Mangled are bush selfcare (now basement selfcare) Claudettes , who do it after every hit. Mangled is dead.
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Wait what? Where?
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Well that’s good on you that you think mangled is dead ig
but I’ll still use this addon
80 seconds of a survivor either going through slow healing or 80 seconds of a survivor being 1 shot down is gonna be great
+nurses calling is gonna be even more fun on this killer
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Glad to see this! Hope to see that iri as one of his iris as well. Also if they ever decide to bring back tormenting on PoTD make that his other iri. Itd reward him for constant use of his power. Since the trails are pretty meh for getting value out of cages.
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Funny enough…. This is actually the description that I censored off
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Most people agreed tormenting on hit was broken for basekit. But i don't quite remember the reception if it was made a iri. Some people said itd be fine. Some said only hits from full health with it. We'd have to see.
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It would be worth a PTB testing to see that again as an addon but I’d also say that the addon concept would need some restrictions like “disabling trail of torment” or making it something similar to the iri tag blight addon
but it could still have downsides cause any pyramid head who knows how the cage spawns RNG works is just disgusting
or maybe we should think of a new idea for his addons
And also if anyone happens to care this is what the description worked like if anyone’s interested rlly
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And also one more thing I forgot to add and even if I have this as addon concept I’m personally still against that idea
mostly cause any heavily experienced pyramid head will outright be able to tunnel in the fastest way possible and I’ve had many games where I run towards the cages just for someone to Uncage w survivor infront of me which didn’t end well
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Mangle is the one i most like in this game. It makes healing perks viable (We'll Make It just eats away any Mangled effect; Botany still top over 30% over mangled) and can be a very smart slowdown to killers without envolving hitting gens.
Please, add your feedback to the feedback topic, we need the devs knowing that.
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Agree. I already did one full topic on this change and I mentioned it in full PTB feedback too literally few minutes ago. Nothing depends on my opinion alone.
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Another idea i saw was since he has the same problem billy did. Just combine both the range addons and make them one singular addon. Range in itself is very important to him so fitting he only has one addon for it. Or something else like undetectable for 30 seconds after caging. Idk.
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I did that idea btw or atleast something similar to it in my addon pass concept (not showing the rest of the addons cause they are so bad)
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Yeah i could see iridescent burning man painting. Which just increasss punishment of the damned range by 4 meters. If they feel itd need a secondary effect they can throw one on. I love iri engravings since i dont have to run both on billy anymore. I think pyramid head should get the same option. Then they can throw other addons different effects. If he got a addon-pass thats just what id do personally. That plus the pallet break iri would make him strong with double iri. But probably not overbearing or cheesey like tormenting on hit.
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I like the idea of an iridescent burning man painting
but I personally think the range addons could stay at their current tier but the Iri addon could have something unique for his basekit
the engravings idea is pretty neat but I feel like BHVR should try new things for his basekit and addons
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So I'm not crazy when I say the new Invocation perk works very similar to the summoning circles I suggested a year ago for an alternate game mode. They do seem to be taking community feedback this time around - with varying degrees of success, but they're trying at least.
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What would you think of a pain res addon that procs on cages?
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Problem with that comes from probably them trying to limit regression. Its very rare i see a regression addon. For instance ghostface has one. I mean what if they just had a iri where cages procd hook perks for phead? So if he say sends them away bbq would activate. Or grim embrace. Ect.
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He's still weak for me... He needs a slight rework in my opinion
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His basekit is pretty strong and it’s in the greatest spot it’s ever been in
it’s just the addons that need to be buffed
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That would actually be interesting so technically it’s gonna have the downside of working exactly like a hook so that would be worth the try for an addon
also speaking of the ghostface addon I also made a concept similar to that one as well
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Mhm the main advantage might be the fact you can say send the obsession then get furtive chase. Or have grim embrace proc. Or have bbq proc. It basically makes it a portable hook you dont have to spend time on.
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But it’ll still have the requirement to have a survivor tormented in order for it to proc
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PH whole kit changed with that addon cant wait to not run it for double range 🤣
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I will forever be unhappy with Cake Daddy until the devs give him back his cake.
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His add-ons still need work but I’m happy they’re showing him some attention.