is there a way to disable the auto aim? it makes me lose easy hits from time to time

i made the aim assist in the ini files to false but its still there. yes i also made it read only. thanks!


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    We've asked for this for years. BHVR's answer is there IS no aim assist. That's "aim dressing" to make hits LOOK better... COMPLETELY different...

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    Unrelated, but similar _ I just wish I could turn cursor slowdown in the menus off on console.

    That is ALSO annoying.

    Pretty sure the aim dressing auto aim issue is a combination of the game's actual intended "aim dressing" which is likely just meant to be a minor refocus of the camera when a successful hit happens and the latency bug where the cursor keeps going in one direction until the game resynchs. Then rollback happens and you miss the attack because of lag and rubberbanding.

    That or it's a bug with the menu cursor slowdown/sticky cursor effect showing up in game. Idk. I'd have to see the files.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,721

    I think you're referring to Aim Dressing, which in theory is there to clean up the visual on killer hits that look like misses and/or of impossible range but connect, again visually not the actual hit boxes.

    In practice the combination of latency, lag, game performance, and the varying character model sizes all make this feature look and feel iffy. And when it gets confused, usually leads to killers missing when they're sure they should connect. That happens far too often in tight spots, and I've smacked so many trees & rocks & walls & blessed thin air because of it.

    They claim it doesn't cost anyone actual registered hits, and that there's no Aim Assist in the game. You should be the judge on all that imo.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 690

    I remember them saying years ago that the issue was that the game incorrectly rechecks to see if a hit actually hits after being aim dressed, but I guess they just haven’t fixed that in 4+ years because ???????

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,477
    edited February 21

    The worst is when you try to hit the unhooker, but instead hit the hooked person

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,636

    BHVR specifically said something like they “don’t claim it can’t ever steal hits”, which is a purposely vaguely worded statement, that I’m sure has confused many people.

    Killers are forbidden to lunge if they are too close to a survivor. It doesn't matter if a killer is holding a direction and the M1 button at the same time, because the game will force a short M1 tap attack if the killer tries to attack while right next to a survivor.

    The game validates lunges more than once. The first set of validations, is to check if the killer is allowed to lunge, or if a killer lunge needs to immediately turn into a forced short M1 attack.

    There is a COMPELTELY SEPARATE hit validation for whether or not the M1 attack hits the survivor, and that is what causes the stolen hits. The game can forbid the killer from lunging, or forcibly end a lunge early, but then tell the killer the attack missed because the survivor was too far away to hit.

    The game should only validate M1 attacks once. This means that if the game forbids a killer to lunge, or forcibly ends their lunge early, then the game should automatically give the killer the hit. There shouldn't be this multiple validation garbage, especially if the proximity validations are done on the killer side (instead of the server side), which means that latency would make it extra worse.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,721

    You're prolly asking a lot from the janky coding of this game, especially using the older consoles and the Switch in particular. 🤪

    Frame rate issues along with latency gobbles up many a hit!.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,721

    Oh my how that feels soooooo bad! In particular once the gates are open.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,636

    My current conspiracy theory is BHVR purposely keeps this broken mechanic in the game, to give survivors “exciting moments” where they honestly think they’ve outplayed the killer, when in reality the game stole the hit from the killer.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,721

    It is likely tied into the 2% or so success rate of my random butt wiggle maneuver I do as a last resort as a surv! 😁