What other potential killer powers are there?

Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,288

So with the revelation of the new killers powers, I’ve read some comments that express dissatisfaction with the killer power. These comments pop up with every killer release. There’s always the complaint of the Devs rehashing and combining older abilities into new ones.

My question is, what else is there?

We have the following powers in game:

* Barf and infection(Vommy Mommy, Whiskers, Nemo)

* Teleport(Sir Fredrick, Demo, Dredge)

* Blink (Nurse)

* Multiple trap types (Trappi Boi, Hagatha, Skully Mommy and Piggy)

* Multiple dash types (Demo/Whiskers/Chucky)

* Run fast (Legion/Spirit)

* Multiple chainsaws(Bubbi Boi and Sir Billy)

* Stare until exposed(Myers/Ghosty)

* Whatever Cake Daddy Pyramid Heads power would be categorized as

* Projectile (Huntress/Mr Cowboy/Mr Popstar)

* Slowdown/vision impediment (Clown/Dredge/Mr Baldy)

* Whip/lash (Tentacle Daddy/Xenokitty)

*AI zombies

*Anti Stealth and interruption (Doctor)

*Invisibilty/Stealth(Wraith, Spirit, Piggy and Myers)

* Aura reading (SM Myers)

*im too lazy to think of more.

I feel like this covers the spectrum of what powers characters can have. What else is there that they can come up with that wouldn’t feel like a rehash of old powers made more modern? I can only think of a few that will be based on environmental effects (such as flooding certain parts of the map or summoning lava) but that would definitely require a new engine for the game.

Anyone have any other possible ideas?


  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,713

    There was a post on this 3 weeks ago if you want to read through people's ideas: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/comment/3637876

    I'll just copy my post from back then with a few minor changes:

    A killer who could disguise themselves as a survivor, but the difference between soloq and SWF would be even more enormous than normal.

    Maybe a killer who isn't even on the map at all, but instead just summons different creatures to attack the survivors. That might be a bit too much like Evil Dead: The Game though.

    A stealth sniper. Very slow moving until he tags a survivor from range and goes in for the kill, but also he has to retreat if he gets spotted before a successful shot.

    A stealth infector who can dart survivors with a poison they can spread to others / causes hindrance, but they don't know they have it until it actually afflicts them (so it has a meter like the plague before injuring, during this time survivor can spread it, but they don't actually know they have it if they didn't spot the killer).

    A jumper/rampager, like existed in Deathgarden, who can vault across the map. Would require that certain maps never occur if selected.

    Someone who could alter the map, changing the way loops look and the position of windows, but I don't think the engine could handle it. Would probably be a good design for Freddy.

    A killer who can teleport the survivors closer to him instead of teleporting to the survivors. The way I see this is that maps would be divided up into sections and the killer could target a section and teleport all survivors there to his section, being able to stop gen progress and not having to chase them, but if chooses the wrong section he's wasted time.

    A killer who randomly shifts between other killers in the game (out of control Shang Tsung). Killers whose powers need to build / be set would probably need to be excluded (Oni, Trapper), but you could have a killer shift between the various stealth, ranged, anti-loop killers.

    A weapons master killer who has weapons spawn around the map that he can gather to gain more powers, but survivors can also interact with the weapons to deny them to the killer.

    A killer who can move the gens around the map (move them to spots they could have spawned in, or switch completed and non completed gens). This would be a bad design, but it would be unique.

    A killer that can fly and has an aerial attack, but is incredibly weak when he is on land. Like a jumper would require that only certain maps be in his rotation.

    An arena based killer who can draw survivors into a maze/arena where they face off. Killer could get quicker downs this way, but if the survivor escapes its wasted time.

    A killer who is unable to kick / regress gens, but instead when he 'kicks' a gen he charges his power (the closer the gen is to finished, the more power he gains). He then goes into an overdrive mode like Oni when fully charged where he can rush around the map (or deploy projectiles, some type of charged up power).

    A killer with no power, but he gets 8 perk slots.

    A killer who has to trigger his traps. Like a combination of Hag and Skull Merchant, imagine an electric net on the ground, but it doesn't auto trigger, the killer has to actually set it off, but it instantly deals damage and hindered.

    Some of those are bad, but I tried to jot down any possibility that crossed my mind.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,288

    I wouldn’t say any of them are bad. They just need to be worked on/improved upon. I would have never thought of any of these. Just goes to show how it’s vital to bring in more minds to brainstorm.

    I really do hope they give the game a new engine because it would really breathe in new life that the game desperately needs.

    Thanks for your response.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,138

    Some rough ideas (and I mean, very rough) could be:

    A power focused on reducing Survivor vision to the first person perspective and even more narrow, like a claustrophobic ability.

    A power focused at cutting off escape routes. Think a spider's web that blocks vaults, doorways and gaps, shifting the map formation.

    A Killer made out of bugs, who can split themself apart and attack like a rushing tide of insects.

    A mimic which takes the form of items within the trial, instead of the impersonating survivors.

    A puppet master who controls puppets as a strategy-style gamepkay, instead of first person.

    A surveillance power which allows the Killer to see from the viewpoint of the Survivor.

    A power which acts as a disease, but physically mutates the Survivors, making tasks harder to achieve.

    A leaping creature that leaps shorter distances, but can leap in any direction, even when not facing that direction to start with.

    Something which stops Survivors from seeing each other, even if right next to each other.

    A Killer who can split into a line of Killers and advance on the Survivor.

    A Killer who uses sonic abilities.

    A Killer which warps the world to its liking, as well as is constantly changing themselves, randomly gaining other Killer powers for brief periods.

    A Killer that makes all Survivors also look like the Killer (a way around the mimic idea)

    A Killer which distorts distance, making things stretch further away through little pocket dimensions.

    A power able to force Survivors into certain directions or behaviours.

    There are also other fresh ideas mentioned earlier, such as elemental powers, as well as variations of existing powers. They won't be running out just yet, since the only limitation is their engine.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,962

    not a super original idea but I want a killer that literally uses sound to damage

    and their mori would be exploding the survivors head with hyper sound or something

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,288

    I like the bug killer even though I hate bugs. I remember similar ones from Buffy and The movie Constantine. He should be able to disassemble to quickly go under dropped pallets and even breakable walls (they’ll have to be remodeled to have a gap underneath). Maybe leave a bug on a survivor to reveal their aura intermittently?

    Survivors also looking like a killer would be awesome but unfortunately won’t do much against SWF. I really wish there was a way to disable discord when facing certain killers but I know it’s not feasible.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302
    edited February 21

    Control - A killer that can Invert survivor controls periodically.

    Aerial reconnaissance - Air version of twins. Something that can fly across/circle the realm and tag survivors and then hunt them on foot. Something like a simpler eagle vision from assassins creed. Would need to restrict it from being eligible for indoor maps.

    Aerial bombardment - Something like a napalm strike/mortar strike from a cod game. Killer gets to pick 3 locations to drop some kind of power from above to damage whatever it hits.

    Medusa style - Effectively Ghostface and Myers but in reverse. Survivors must play the game without looking at the killer too much/often. Too much and the survivor gets moried.

    Web - A killer (most likely Spider) that can fire webs on gens to hamper progress or increase skill checks and spin webs on vaults and pallets to hamper movement speed if survivors pass through them. Webs could be removed from gens or themselves akin to pinheads chains.

    Interaction based snowball - A killer that starts out weak but gains a lot of power every time it gets; Blinded, stunned or when each gen gets completed. Kinda like something that gets triggered by survivors besting it. Probably something that would suit Jason, as he takes his time killing his victims, starting slowly only to then go full red mist.

    Can't think of anymore right now.

  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 950

    I know they would never do it but I want a killer that can crawl on walls and buildings. I am not sure how it would work though

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,288

    I like the Medusa one. I think being mori-able is too much. Instead shorten the amount of time the survivor can look at the killer and let them turn to stone, buying the killer more time and pressure. The killer could M1 them and they’d get injured but free or teammates can get holy water or something and pour it on them to free them.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,713

    Reading my list over, I think the idea of the stealth infector is the most feasible. Which was just kind of a random idea that occurred to me when I was writing the list.

    Way I imagine it: killer concept would be someone with a blowgun or dart gun. They go into stealth mode which opens up their ranged attack and they can peak like a ghostface. If they dart the survivor, that survivor is infected.

    The infection does not reveal itself to the survivor nor give any indication, but it spreads the same way as the plague. Things / people the survivor touches also become infected.

    The map would have cleansing stations, if you use one and your infected, no problem you are now clean, but if you try to use one and not infected, automatic injury and killer instinct.

    The killer would have to decide when they want to activate the infection. This could play out in lots of ways. The most basic would just be immediate application of status effect and/or injury, or it could be a timed thing where survivors learn they are injured and slowly get increased debuffs until they go and cleanse.

    As a strategy aspect, the killer would be weak for most of the game, but if he has spread the infection around, he could trigger it and suddenly put all of the survivors in a very weak spot while he gets a series of easy downs.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,840
    edited February 21

    Shooting a stream of fire like a flamethrower

    Wall Crawling (May be map dependant, but should still be a power available through addons.)

    Gravity Manipulation

    Shapeshifting as a Survivor


    Destroying the environment

    Jumping from environment to environment

    Possessing Survivors

    Any Hunter power from Identity V

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,581
    edited February 21

    A killer power that lets them hide in the ground and "swim" around, maybe they can go under pallets but not through windows or off ledges, and they can attack and/or slow survivors who walk on top of them. I've wanted an ocean-themed chapter for a while now, some kind of water monster could work for this.

    Ghostface and The Unknown have powers that are countered by looking at them, how about the opposite? A killer that inflicts a status effect if you look at them too long. Not sure what that would be but it'd be an interesting twist. Some would compare it to Slender Man but I'd prefer something original.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Not many that are creative and possible in the current iteration of the game.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,288

    It’s an interesting concept that seems like it’ll be fun, but it’ll take players of a special caliber to play it to its full potential. I reminds me of Devour Hope, but more “on-demand”, which would be great because as a survivor, I love the sense of Dread that Devour causes.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,288

    Someone mentioned a Medusa effect that petrifies you if you look at the killer too long. Look above. I think it’ll work great in this game if done right. I also want a sexy snek mommy in game too.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Yeah that's probably a better idea tbf. A mori of being turned to stone and then smashed to pieces could be something people would like.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    one thing that doesnt leave my mind since i started dbd is a giant spider.roughly the size of a big dog and as a power it just have what a spider has:

    -wall crawling/ crawling over walls in loops. ofcourse on cooldown and the crawling over a loop thing cant be to fast

    -as a main power shooting a web. if it hits the surv is slowed and cant throw pallets if it doesnt hit it remains on the floor as a bog patch for x seconds and survs are slowed while walking on it but not as much as when they get hit.

    as a bit of flavour the killer could web the survivor on the hook instead of actually hooking them

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,288

    I like the idea of the killer hiding in the ground and “swimming”. But rather than attacking survivors, they pull them semi-underground and have them get stuck for a set amount of time until they either dig themselves out or get rescued.

    I would also like a shark killer that transforms the ground into water but the engine we have now won’t handle it.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,288

    While I’d love a spider killer/power, even though I’m scared of them, some people have a legitimate phobia of them and other similar creatures and it would cause them to quit the game. The question is would it attract more players to make up for the loss?

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    while you are right we already have clown wich has his very own wide spread phobia and plague triggers also many people from what i hear.

    in the end i dont think the devs should not make killers that could trigger phobias cause its still a horro themed game so if we take every phobia into consideration we could lose out on many cool killers.

    best case would probably be a phobia mode like satisfactory has, well maybe not so silly to dont kill the vibe but something like that

  • Haven414
    Haven414 Member Posts: 97

    I had some new ideas in my Ink Demon concept including:

    Walking through walls and floors (with limitations of course before ya'll jump at my throat)

    Visible terror radius (no heartbeat)

    Map-wide terror radius

    Here's my concept for reference: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G-stEM__iyat8RR2vh3EDZUiAiSFrdw939oc4Pt1OF4/edit?usp=sharing