I would like to see Survivors have unique abilities only they can use.

Every Killer has a unique ability that only that Killer can use. This makes them all feel different and changes how they each play.
Survivors don't have this. All they have are their perks that can eventually be used by all of the others, effectively making them all the same. There is no reason to play any other survivors other than you want a different costume or to unlock a perk. It also makes the daily quests boring. Having to unlock the Exit Gates as Ace Viscoti is pointless when I can just make him the exact same build as who I normally play as.
I would find the characters far more interesting if say Nea Karlsson could do something no one else could do. It would make picking characters more important. As it is, every Survivor is nothing more than a skin that loses almost everything that makes them unique as soon as you prestige them.
Maybe in a game mode ?
But ive though about this too, every character has their strenght and own ability
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I would hate to see survivor character meta. Just let players play whatever they want. It's bad enough there are different models and sounds.
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No. I don't want to feel like I'm handicapping myself because I'm not picking the meta survivor.
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I'm not saying to eliminate the four perk slots, though I would be fine with survivors having just 3 perk slots. I'm just wanting one ability each survivor has exclusively to themselves that they always have every game. It doesn't have to be major either. Just something to make each survivor functionally different, even slightly, regardless of what they pick for perks.
Post edited by Bradcore on0 -
Meg's unique ability is her grunts of pain being audible halfway across the map. (When are they going to equalize audio across all the survivors so that Meg isn't an ambulance and Ace isn't a ninja? I would like to play as Meg more often without feeling like I'm playing on hard mode if I don't also equip Iron Will.)
What's something they could add that won't affect how long it takes to churn out new content?
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Killers have a power as an extra strength 5th perk to counter the 16 the survivors have. Giving survivors base abilities as well would ruin the point of that while also decreasing any variety. people dislike facing a million blights, wait til you see how they feel the claudette heal bonus meta...
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If DBD wasn't an asym, then survivors having abilities wouldn't be out of place. But the fact that it's 1 killer vs 4 survivors means that giving individual survivors additional power will force killers to be buffed even more.
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It’s a neat idea but we don’t need another meta to deal with. It’s too much. We have another to deal with already with current meta.
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Could be cool for a game mode (preferably one with randomly assigned survivors or something). Like one where the survivors have preset perk loadouts and "roles" like an altruistic healer, a "tank", aura specialist and whatever else.
But no thanks otherwise. At the moment there's mostly just the two base model shapes/bases/whatever used for girls and dudes, and differences in the noises they make (which might be "equalized" in a future patch anyway). I don't want to see "meta survivors" both because I like having people mostly just pick whoever appeals to them for whatever reason, and there's also the very wacky possibility that if any of the meta survivors had an useful enough ability killers might even dodge them.
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True! Let me suggest these. I'm just spitballing things that seem thematic or that might synergize with their other perks, but of course other effects are certainly possible. I was also thinking that each survivor might even have a special advantage vs one certain killer (for instance ripley vs alien, thalita vs skull merchant, yoichi vs sadako) but I don't think I'll get into that yet...
Dwight: +3% generator repair speed to other survivors repairing the same generator as him.
Meg: when she gets a haste boost, the effect last 1 second longer.
Claudette: +10% healing speed to heal other survivors.
Jake: +20% sabotage speed.
Nea: scratch mark duration -15%.
Laurie: increased chances of being the obsession, either via start of match or perks that change obsession.
Ace: passive personal minor luck boost.
Bill: +10% crawl speed, and +1 minute of bleedout timer.
Feng: all vault action speeds increased by 5%.
David: endurance effects last 20% longer (max increase of +4 seconds).
Quentin: healing other survivors slightly decreases their status effect duration. (One full heal = 15% duration).
Tapp: perceives killer terror radius and generator, totem, and chest auras from +10% distance away.
Kate: delays killer notification of rushed actions by 1 second.
Adam: healing other survivors increases second phase struggle time. (+3 seconds per each survivor fully healed, to a max of +15 seconds).
Jeff: decreases killer aura reading range on himself by 10%.
Jane: other survivors can see your aura from +10% distance away.
Ash: +15% killer stun duration.
Nancy: cleanse totems and search chests 10% faster.
Steve: basekit borrowed time increased by 5 seconds when unhooking other survivors.
Yui: +30% faster pallet drop speed.
Zarina: Heal other survivors +25% faster, at the cost of injuring herself by a small amount.
Cheryl: gain +1% haste when affected by a hex. (my personal opinion is that haste bonuses shouldn't stack though)
Felix: item consumption decreases by 15%.
Elodie: sees auras of lockers from 10m away.
Yun-Jin: When other survivors take damage, gain a 6% speed boost to all actions for 5 seconds.
Jill: traps placed on pallets and generators last 20% longer.
Leon: ignores the first failed skill check of the trial.
Mikaela: +20% faster totem blessing speed.
Jonah: receives enhanced HUD visual which shows how many seconds are left to complete each action, down to 100ths of seconds.
Yoichi: fog appears clearer for himself personally (as if using a clear reagent).
Haddie: +20% faster totem cleansing speed.
Ada: the first time her aura would be revealed to the killer, it isn't.
Rebecca: increase great skill check size by 7%.
Vittorio: when seeing auras, they are revealed for one additional second.
Thalita: Grants team members within 12m of Thalita a 1% speed bonus, so long as she isn't injured.
Renato: Injured team members within 12m of Renato reduce sounds of pain by 25%.
Gabriel: slightly higher chance of finding higher quality items in chests.
Nicolas Cage: Unlocks the ability to Scream while standing still and pressing E. Cooldown of 15 seconds for the sake of everyone's sanity.
Ripley: Interacts with killer-specific objects 15% faster.
Alan Wake: flashlight blinds on killers last 20% longer.
Sable Ward: her scratch marks last half as long inside the basement and 5m from the basement entrance.
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I would not to be honest. I like that people are free to choose whoever survivor they personally like instead of who they should play.
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As I said here (Lights out is fun and the reason the perk system has to go — BHVR) I'm totally fine with this. A skill system is better than the actual perk system, and more sustainable in the long run. If you continue to add more and more perks in the pool, the game will be progressively difficult to balance, not to mention it will be redundant.
But most people are fine with perks alone, so it is what it is.