New PTB patch notes



  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,451

    pig's rbt nerfs were unnecessary and like 5x shiny pins added to huntress' basekit might be a bit overkill but other than those i like all the changes. mangled's slow might need to be increased if it's not going to be permanent anymore, 60-90 seconds is such a short duration considering it's just mangled.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,394

    If they aren't already killing people, then what's the point of increasing the timer 30 seconds even after hiding the aura from Pig? This change actually makes zero sense to me. And yes, the timer does matter as it is possible to push them off boxes (intentionally or not) and that extra 30 seconds is easily another box that you can check. All this change does is butcher Tampered Timer and make it next to impossible to get a head pop. But hey, they got to say the meme!

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,213

    Genuinely, I have no idea. At a guess, I'd assume that they don't want you to be able to hard-focus down one person and harry them away from boxes without losing more gen time? Which would be fairly reasonable, I guess.

    Again, people keep saying it'll be "next to impossible to get a head pop" but that's the point. If survivors go search boxes, they won't get their head popped, but they're not on generators. That's the whole purpose of her power.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,394

    I totally get that head pops should be rare, but they already are. At the very least they should be threatening, which they somewhat were with the 2.5 minute timer. The aura change to jigsaw boxes for Pig was already enough to ensure that they can't as effectively target a single player out, the 30 seconds of extra time are just unnecessary.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,213

    It may be unnecessary but it's also immaterial, it isn't going to matter. Survivors already aren't getting just down to the wire on their head trap timers consistently, and the value from traps comes from the time they spend running between boxes, not from how short the timer is.

    They are threatening, but only as a threat, not as a reality. The threat pushes survivors to act, and when they act, the threat disappears. That's the point.

    The criticism that it's a nothing change that won't matter is an extremely different one to saying that they make head pops rarer.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,394

    I guess my whole point is, if it's immaterial, then why do it at all? All this does is limit build diversity for her, for example, Tampered Timer is completely useless now as a purple add-on.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,213

    Like I said, I imagine the point is to make it so you don't try and force head-pops on one guy.

    As for Tampered Timer being useless now, wasn't it already? Back when it + Crate of Gears were so strong as to be flat out unfair, sure, but now it just improves something that doesn't matter for you. Better to just rework that addon, I think.

  • hunnibearx
    hunnibearx Member Posts: 1

    To be fair, Clown is a weak killer. Put him on a big map like Backwater Swamp and its very easy for everyone to escape. Im excited for his buff, he needed it.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,352

    Pig losing all the good pressure she can output in exchange for a 15% upgrade on an attack that is already useless and is still useless if their opponent has more than 50 hours is not a fair trade in my eyes.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,352

    Nah, since the nerf not only gives me 30 seconds more but also makes it far more rare for pig to interrupt me while doing boxes, there is no threat really just a little side objective that I have a lot of time for and I am WAY more safe than before because pig has way less chance to interrupt me while doing so.

    They essentially erased the only snowball pig can do which was interrupt a box search and actually make the survivor prioritize the box. Boxes have the same slowdown as before, almost no snowball potential and her dash is still useless if the survivor manages to play dbd for more than a 100 hours.

  • Freetoplayguy
    Freetoplayguy Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Beyond measure, this PTB cannot hit live. The huntress rework is broken, the hemorrhage and Mangled did not need a nerf of any kind. It's simple, yes, but that's why it's effective. We don't need every signle thing to have a myriad of complexity.

    Not to mention Hemorrhage is not that great already. So why did it get hit by the nerf?

    The pig reworks make her a more simplistic dashing killer

    And everthing is just terrible...

    Aside from the new killer, and survivor. I like the new mechanic they introduced with the surivor, I like the killers design and power.