A fix for slugging

This is pretty simple, everyone hates to be slugged and its just really annoying being slugged when the killer forces it so here is an easy fix.
If every player that is alive is downed at the same time and the killer does not pick anyone up and forces the slug, after 30 seconds every survivor gets an adrenaline effect. That will either make the killers stop slugging or lose the game.
And if we want to take it a step further, the killer slugging to get the last kill is also so stupid, it really sucks that they can deny the endgame by just making some survivor stay on the ground for 4 minutes. So when only 2 survivors is left, if one is slugged and the other one goes down, as the hook happens the person that is left slugged gets an adrenaline effect yet again, and if the killer wants to slug both to be pity, well the above measure would trigger, that way the end game around hatch has to be played in most games and the killer can't simply slug to be toxic.
The timer should restart tho when a survivor gets hooked, just so the killer has a chance to actually go to people if they decide to hook.
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I'm not a fan of slugging, but sometimes it's necessary. Had a bully squad that were all running power struggle, unbreakable, and a mix of other perks designed to make hooking survivors almost impossible. They brought the map offering, and they essentially would never go anywhere that didn't have a pallet. Ended up having to slug all of them. Couldn't dare pick any of them up because of the 4 power struggles. Couldn't pick them up the moment they went down because they were always swarming with each other to try to do pallet stun saves. Was just ridiculous. So yeah, yall can just stay down there on the ground for 4 minutes.
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I honestly see your point and agree with you that slugging and tunneling sometimes are necessary in order secure a win or because there is no other way. However what we seeing is a widespread event where it's happening for absolutely no reason. The amount of exposed perks that are out there are unreal, you spend most of your game screaming or slugged. It's at the point now where most killers automatically assume they are up against a 4 person squad, when that simply isn't true. It's way out of hand.
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Basically, you take away a killer's ability to punish to stupid positioning. When 2 survivors are right next to each other and one goes down, then why should the killer not slug? Slugging is a necessary evil. It's not fun to play against but at some point we have to stop with this hand holding. Make better decisions and don't group up when there is a risk the killer will slug.
This is pretty much the equivalent of removing flashlights and fire cracker from the game. It's not fun when you get blinded, even less so, when it leads to a save. But ultimately you messed up and could have avoided this.
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It is only annoying if there are two survivors left and he choose to leave us there. Otherwise slugging is valid and if your entire team gets slugged then welp thats your teams fault. Also there are perks many perks to counter heavy slugging.
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Honestly I don't think we need to remove slugging really, what bHVR SHOULD get rid off is early game slugging.
So the answer is,
- The Survivor is able to get back up after like X seconds if they have not been hooked.
- The Survivor is able to get back up after longer than X seconds, if they have been hooked once.
- The Survivor is no longer unable to get back up when they have been hooked twice, unless they have perks for it.
This would prevent early game slugging and make games not be so easily won by the Killer.
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I use slug build exclusively. If you didn't come with exponential and such you got outplayed.
I've had teams come with the right perks and they did well. Most bring meta perks and that's when things fall apart.
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What I am trying to say is eliminate slugging when every player is down, as long as a survivor is on their feet there would be no timer, and if the killer picks up a survivor and hooks them the timer will also reset, the timer will only be there IF every survivor is downed and the killer is refusing to pick anyone.
And in case of bully squads. Sure its an issue now and it will also be in the future, no matter what you do there will always be bad actors ruining the experience for others, however I do find that getting slugged vs facing a impossible to hook squad, then the slugging happens way more often.
So my idea is simply just start the timer for as long as the killer is refusing to pick anyone to just waste time.
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There is literally nothing wrong with slugging the second to last survivor for the 4k. Its the killers job to kill and more kills equals more bloodpoints and rank which also equals more bp. Just try to crawl where you think hatch will be, ive gotten hatch a few times that way.
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I kinda disagree, its not fun to be slugged and just left there to die. However I do get with the current scoring system you kinda have to if you want to rank up, so it would make sense to tweak that.
So to me it would make more sense to actually force the end game to happen rather than the killer being able to just bypass it with slugging.
I would love for it to be tested on the PTB just to see how it would be, but I doubt it will ever happen.
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For slugs during early game, it’s a game design issue. Picking up and hooking a Survivor takes too long unless the downed Survivor is next to a hook. Leaving a slug creates pseudo pressure because one Survivor has to go for the pickup or the slugged Survivor uses their Unbreakable etc.
Survivors will tend to commit to the gen after they see someone go down due to the assumption that said Survivor will get hooked. That gives the Killer a short window of time to interrupt another Survivor doing gens.
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I agree with you, that is also why I only believe the suggested timer should be there if EVERY survivor is downed and the killer refuse to hook any of them.
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the devs hate survivors, they will only ever buff/help out killers, good luck friend
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Yea every game since billy update has been a slug game, nice. Glad the killers are having fun at least
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My idea would be, that like camping, slugging will get a bar which fills like this.
The first survivor who got down has his bar shown but not filling. As soon as the second survivor is laid, the bar of the first slugged survivor fills slowly, as such as the bar of the second survivor slugged. When then a third survivor got slugged the bar for all of them fills faster, the first ones bar fills the fastest the second ones a bit slower and the third ones normal. When then the last survivor got slugged all bars fill much faster. If by this time the first one does not got back up again he got adrenalin as soon as one of the others is picked up. If he got picked up first his bar progression becomes 50% wiggleing progression.
When one of them, which is not the first slugged survivor, is picked up the bars decrease speed. but they can never stop at that point.
I will be honest with you. The excuses most killers have for slugging, tunneling and camping are outright bad. They tell it is cause of genrushing, what if you are honest, is in 99% of cases the killers own fault. Killers who know how to build up pressure without mentioned techniques, never really have an issue with build up pressure. I saw some before which were very very good and also played just fair (They are rare nowadays but still seen)
I also am pretty much sure most killers just tell these excuses because someone else who slug, tunnel and camp all the time said it before. Sry but it is like they just copy and paste, because genrushing seriously is not that easy if the killer plays acutally good. It only become easy if the killer decide to just run the very same survivor for 4 gens straight and wonder why they rush it. (100% of cases)
I also got someone who excused this toxic playstyles with "Real killers would do the same so do not cry about it" I heard a lot.
But the most fun part is, that they all defend these playstyles with "toxic" playstyles of survivors like doing gens. I mean let us please be real for now. You as killer who slug, tunnel and camp seriously say, you have to become toxic, because survivors do gens? The only way for them to escape at all? And nobody of you every asked themselves if they are maybe have a misconception here, because the game do not say you have to slug or tunnel or camp as a killer these are FULLY your own decisions. Sure it is possible in the game, but nowhere I ever found anything which actually tell you to play like that as a killer. And only cause you can play like that it is not really the game who tell you too. It is your very own decision to do it. And feel free to, but do not wonder please if the survivors kill on hook, leave as bots, or even tell you in chat to stop that stuff. Because the majority of players are normal players, these who wanna have fun. And you as a killer (99% of you at least) are like their live would end if they dare to just let one survivor go. Let me tell you it is fine to try to get all 4 and I wish you best of luck, but if you go full on toxic to get that what is that even worth? Sure you in most cases can get all 4 of them if you play like that, but is that really fun? Is it fun to be toxic just for yourself? I mean it is not like the game punish the killer for not get all of the survivors, but yet the absolute majority of the killers seems to feel like that.
And the over and over again excuse of why you have to play like that are boring already. They are nowhere near of make any sense. Become toxic because the survivors just play the game. And to say survivors are toxic too, I can say no wonder. Who would not be toxic if 9 out of 10 matches are slugging, tunneling and camping and 8 of them on 5 gens already? It became so worse that even on 2 gens where I normally would have understood why you do that it is very bad.
I can just tell you I myself (Maybe because of MM) have no trouble in get all survivors sacrificed without these stuff (Just to clarify, I know there are some very try hard survivors too, and my MM is not that tough right now) But still I think as a killer to go in a round should not be like oh on 2 gens I slug and tunnel the hell out of every single survivor left. Because that is just 99% of the matches I have.
I even watched a twitch streamer who slugged all 4 tried to tell him how toxic that is, and he said, the rounds before he did not slug at all, when in fact he did, and he did it in the most disgusting ways possible. He slugged a survivor who showed him where the other survivor was only to slug that other survivor which just played a normal game and then hook both of them at the end. Even more, he just said oh okay, the last survivor which got betrayed by the other one he picks up, let go, because hooks are too far gone, to hunt her still a bit and then hook her. (And he said he is not toxic) I have to say it is just a bad way to play. And even the game does not exclude it it is an overall very toxic playstyle. Not get me wrong if a survivor run into you right by the time when you just laid another one and you try to get him as well that is just fine. Even it is slugging if you want, it is out of the situation. And that I can absolutley understand. Because that can bring a bit pressure. But it is a difference in run after someone who you just saw and try to get him and come back if you got him or just leave him if it would take to long, or stand above a slugged survivor because there is a pallet and you wait for another survivor to come get him with full on intention. Or let one of the last two survivors on the ground to prevent the other one for get the hatch (These are the most disgusting playstyles ever) I saw them in the stream of the streamer I mentioned before and was laughing when I think back that he in the very own stream said, that he did not slug at all in the rounds before, when he did it in every round. XD
Killers I get you it is hard especially in the higher ranks. But these are not the majority of gamers. And even a high rank does not automatically mean that the player is a bully. It often just means he just played a very long time and leveled a lot of chars in that time. Sure they do know some more things by the time but still the most of even them just want to have a relaxing but still a bit chill game. So before the devs maybe someday really change some ingame stuff because you as killers (Who play like that) absolutely got out of control (Which you already are in my opinion) and bring countermeasures to all of that, it would maybe help to rethink your own behaviour in the game. I mean do it really need to get to that point where we need these changes? Can you not just calm your socks and do not try hard like your life would be hooked on that to get all survivors? It is no fun to play against it and I assume many players already stopped to play because of that and the very lame excuses for that. Why is it that you guys play like that with really winning anything out of it? It does not give you ANY advantage to win with slugging tunneling or camping (Proxy as well) it just do not. Even more, the most of the times you got not even more bloodpoints from that, because if you start on 5 gens with that you waste all the potential hunts, the gen kicks, the blooding all that what you only can build up over the time where you do a good pressure and just play fair you waste because your only goal is to hook the hell out of the survivors. So to say to make it for bloodpoints, when you do just got way less through toxic playstyles, than fair plays? Ask yourself is it worth it to destroy the whole fun and chill aspect of the game, to just get all of them, do not even have more but way less BP out of it and I thing not even a pip not to mention two pips?
But I know that there are different opinions and these killers who full on play like that never really will ask themselves if they maybe should stop that because it is absolutely egoistic and toxic and destroy the whole game, because hey they just can get all 4 survivors without actually be any good. So why invest time to become good, when the BP are not important and be toxic is way way easier, since for that you do not have to be any good. (And yes that is a kind of front, because the really good killers know that they are good and they prove it in any game even though they are rare.)
My greetings goes out to all the killers out there who are good and fair and still got survivors (No matter how many) and just are happy with that. I like you and will always tell you how nice it was to play against you. Because I am glad to got on hook by a killer who are actually good.
I will not start a debate on why slugging tunneling or camping is okay, it is not. (Sometimes I understand, why it is happening, but it still is not good, ESPECIALLY if done intentionally and even MORE ESPECIALLY if intentionally on five gens! If you think otherwise fine, debating with you is just waste of time and I do not want to waste that. This just has to stop or get back to a acceptable level, but at the moment it is hard out of control (Because the most streamers just celebrate and praise it. Even it means that they prove their actual lack of skill in that very moment)
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But that would be pointless. By the time these update will be released, every slugging killer will just pick one survivor up and bring him to a hook and leave the rest on the ground to prevent this you mentioned to happen.
See how they outplay the camper bar. They just camp just outside the range which triggers the bar, put traps, marks, ghosts or other things there which does not trigger the bar and do just camp on without the survivors having any chance to get the hooked survivor safe.
If you bring a update to prevent slugging that has to be something which can not be outplayed. The killers need to learn that they have to stop certain behaviour ingame just because they can. Just because I can I could try to flash the killer every single time, but I do not. Or just because I can I could just hide and do nothing in this game as survivor till the others finished the gens, but I do not. There are toxic behaviours which, only because they are possible, are just not good at all. And sure they can help the killer to win, but winning like this is hardly bring you anything.
But I just want to say. If the trigger is that all have to be slugged and only then the timer will start, the killers just pick someone up and hook them to stop the timer. Because the one hooked survivor now is not slugged anymore, but your timer has this as requirement to start. (Maybe pick someone up does not stop the timer for the others, but in that case the killer still win the round, since he just need to pick all up and hook them. So what is the point of the timer? It must be a countermeasure which start way before that. Because with your idea it is easy to prevent them to get up
My idea is not the best developed yet too. But it is not easy to find a good way to counter slugging
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Any potential changes better not ruin my beloved slug races.