wait, freddy got changed in the PTB
i dont know if anybody knows about this, though i wouldn't be surprised if i was the only one that JUST found out LMAO. but Z block and cat block got changed in the PTB!! the addons got reworked shown here:
I found out about this in a Discord server. It's so random.
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Should be basekit tbh, Freddy should start getting some love, I haven't seen him in over a year
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What? He now actually has 3 good addons?
This is great.
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I actually think it was done because both of those add-ons used to inflict Hemorrhage. It makes sense for them to be changed together with the nerf to Mangled.
But this is definitely not a complaint! Those add-ons aren't bad, and this is proof Freddy is still on their radar.
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i know right? im very hopeful for his future now.
freddy now has an addon worth running thats not paintbrush or paint thinner
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the thing is freddy doesn't need tracking after gen teleporting. he needs tracking after he hooks... which is why bbq is kinda good on him. freddy's problem is that dream world is low impact feature that currently only hinders his ability.
he lacks identity, a unique strength to exist for others to select him over other killers. He's not very fun to play and this add-on does not fix that.
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At least he have two good addons now aside the Red Paint Brush which used to be his only good addon and is an ultra rare.
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Pill Bottle says hello.
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Many addons have been shadow reworked on the PTB
This also happened to pyramid head
His crimson ceremony book addon got reworked into an m2 sloppy butcher addon
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Those addons are pretty nice compared to the prior addons so I'm not complaining.
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Why do they shadow change things? What’s the point of not putting this and Pyramid Heads new add-on in the patch notes? It just feels disingenuous.
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I like these changes. Now the random teleport outcome is denied, because you can see where they are. Usable addons, if they would come live this way. However, 16m is kinda small if you dont speed up the Dream Projection-Channeling.
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That addon is mediocre at best.
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They weren't "shadow" changed. It lists in the patch notes the perks/addons that were changed because of the Mangled changes.
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Ah my fault then, didn't read them closely enough clearly.
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That's something...
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True, and the difference between the yellow and the purple is actually tiny. But the yellow at least is better than before.
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Well it says the addon is affected with the new mangled change because it got reworked into a mangled addon
it was originally hemorrhage only addon
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They should I would think.
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Does anyone know what the other changes are?
Blood Echo is also listed but it was already on a timer so how did they change that?
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but it doesn't in the developer update
where is the one where it's listed?
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The PTB patch notes under the Mangled section
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Blood Echo wasn't changed at all, the patch notes said it was changed but it's not.
Pyramid Head's purple addon that gave hemorrhage when stepping on a trail got reworked; now it's like a sloppy butcher but for Punishment hits, both status effects last 80 seconds.
All other Mangled addons have timers depending on addon rarity, yellow addons are 60 seconds, greens are 70, purples are 80. Perks with Mangled now last 90 seconds at tier 3 (Gift of Pain + Sloppy). Dredge's Tilling Blade addon which already had timed Mangled got buffed to 80 seconds (instead of 60).
Gift of Pain got nerfed back to 9% instead of 16% (I have no idea why they did this).
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Wait gift of pain nerfed?
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Wow thank you for that!
Thats a significant nerf to Gift of Pain though. Something like that should definitely have been included in the patch notes.
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Yeah, this is the PTB description for it:
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LOL so Gift of Pain will fall down to 0% usage.
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Why did they nerf the penalty
the perk was barely used :(