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Please Revert The Hillbilly Sensitivity Window Increase - You have ruined my favorite killer

SlowLoris Member Posts: 288
edited February 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I wrote all of this feedback on the Hillbilly feedback thread, but I've realized now that unpinning that thread also for some reason no longer allows it to be "BUMPED" to the top with new replies.

Bellow I've quoted all of the important posts from that thread since the hot fix. However, the following link will take you directly to my post that I made last week right after this happened, so you can just read from then on / see the other posts.

Link to my original post right after the hot-fix increasing the sensitivity window :

(I didn't quote it, because it threw me over the character limit, but it will take you to just BEFORE all of these posts, and I HIGHLY suggest reading them.)

3 Smaller Posts that don't include Media, so I could just screen shot them:

@Lilikraken's post has a LOT of in depth break downs / clips that shouldn't be missed.

My final post after giving this change the entire week, I do hope you take the time to read it and view the media I shared:

Perhaps in the future unpinned threads should still be bumpable, because we had no idea that all of the time and effort we put into giving you helpful feedback was mostly being wasted since those threads did not get bumped to the top of the feedback forum.

I just don't know how a change that like this was tossed in as a blanket hotfix, then the thread was unpinned, because you have pretty much destroyed my favorite killer with this change. It may seem like a very SMALL change, but it's not and going forward I implore you to please test things like this on a PTB, because right now I feel like the killer I've mained for years is no longer for me and it makes me so very sad.

Thanks for your time, Slow Loris


  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 288

    Sorry for the double post, but it'd also be greatly appreciated from the Billy community if we could know - does unpinning the thread confirm you won't consider reverting/more tweaks within the next couple of weeks (before the next chapter release)?

    As it stands, right now I don't even want to touch my favorite killer unless this change is I'd just like to know if I should give up hope on a possible revision coming in a hot fix, etc. and perhaps just main someone else.

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 288

    I feel like I've shown you many examples of why this should be reverted, but I wanted to show you an example in regular game-play where it feels that I massively outplay Billy, but the curve window allows him to correct his mess up.

    Before someone says "ping", I'm on 90 here, and that's not the point. The point is how he is able to 90, then 90 again to correct. No offense to this Billy, but he's clearly still learning and he's revving insanely early when he shouldn't be, but even though I outplay him this entire chase, he is rewarded by being able to correct insanely late within the curve window. Even if he didn't down me, he'd still a have eaten the pallet, so he's rewarded either way.

    Again, I feel like I should clarify, you can clearly Crouch tech, etc versus Billy, but this new turn window rewards someone for not playing well. I also feel that Billy should not be balanced around Crouch tech in case it is ever magically fixed.

    You've taken my favorite chase in the game and made it a Blight chase, not a Billy chase. I no longer feel out played, and it's sad, because I want to have fun chases verse Billy, but the only good way to verse him now is by being insanely boring now and Predrop/Crouch Tech/Fake play a tile & leave.

    Please, revert the window change, and just work on improving the O/D non O/D sens. I cannot express how I went from being so excited to log on every day to practice new Billy to refusing to play him, because he no longer feels skillful at all and I don't even get excited to verse him now.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,271

    They did the exact same thing with trickster and Onyro. Welcome to the club Billy. Sigh.

    They do such an amazing job, but they don’t finish the entire rework completely. That’s what’s frustrating. The last few little details doesn’t seem like much but it makes a big difference.

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 288

    Yeah, I know a lot of Trickster players said that he no longer feels skillful whatsoever, and I completely understand that. It feels like most Tricksters I VS massively fail their daggers over and over, but he's so fast now that even through multiple Main Events, he'll M1, so it's a lose lose and doesn't require much effort on their part.

    I'm guessing by your profile picture you're an Onryo gamer and I'm sorry that you're not happy with the reworks. It's unfortunate that she has such an interesting power, etc, but a small group of people find the biggest way to exploit her power, and share it so the majority make others miserable. I do hope they end up getting her in a place that you can enjoy her again.

    I appreciate you leaving this feedback, because obviously Twitter was not happy with me. I just want Billy to be balanced well for the MAJORITY and he was in a good spot + felt skillful overall before the turn window increase. He was also still very strong against good survivors. The Billy from our scrim team 4k @ 3 gens versus very good survivors in Tofu scrims the other day before the turn window increase. Sure, the turn window can help against good survivors, but the average survivor will already struggle massively verse a decent Billy and probably doesn't understand crouch teching to save their life (even if I do not believe he should balanced around this at all). Not to mention, removing his skill floor entirely makes many downs feel cheap, and having an "insta down Blight" is just not healthy for the overall player base. While I can handle versing him like this, because I have a lot of experience verse Billy - like I said, he's been my favorite killer to play / verse - for years, the average survivor doesn't have even a 1/10th of that experience and it feels rather broken.

    I want to clarify - Other than the turn window increase - Billy is in an almost perfect place, besides his very boring add-ons.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,271

    I really appreciate your comment, and thank you so so much for writing me, and taking the time to write further feedback on this topic, you’re very very passionate about it from what I can see and I appreciate your detail. :)

    It feels good to be recognized, and I appreciate that! You would be correct I am an Onyro main. While I still enjoy her, I would love for her to be back the way she used to be. We didn’t need all these changes in different reworks. The original Sadako perfect in design. She just needed some tuning and buffs, quality of life.

    Reading this post actually helps me figure out how to counter bill a little bit more. 🤣🤣 so thank you very much for that, I usually panic and start running towards the nearest tile or pallet because I’m scared he’s going to run me over. 🤣🤣🤣