Are there killers who hate you?

Is there a killer that you face who, given the choice between you and someone else, will always choose to target you?
For me, it's Ghostface. Every single one I face will drop everything on a dime to come after me. Hate it. Bad enough that "oops, I looked at Ghostface, now he knows where I'm at," or "oops, I let Ghostface look at me, I now have 1 health state instead of 2 for the next 400 seconds..."
Well, I made the mistake of being a P100, so pretty much everyone seems to hate me
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I always seem to get bad luck vs. Nemesis'... I dunno what it is, and I actually like facing him, but for some reason that guy always has Lethal Pursuer, and always guns for my posterior every time 😳
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Everytime I successfully block Lethal Pursuer with Distortion, the game spawns a survivor next to me and the killer usually comes my direction anyway.
When will they flip the effects of Shroud offerings so that survivors can start the match split up?
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Every chatterer pinhead always seems to tunnel me and bleed me out
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I REALLY hate Ghostface due to his break out mechanic being so broken. I have literally stood right in front of a GF at shack window at M1 striking distance, clearly stared directly at him but because he was lean stalking I could not break him out.
They do tend to take things personally too I have noticed and an unusually high number of them are quite toxic in my experience
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And I don't even play a RE character.
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I feel like every single time I face a Huntress or Wesker, I'm always the Lethal Pursuer chosen one.
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Wesker, hands down for me.
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T3 Myers and Spirit Fury Knight 😑
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Pig. I'm always the one they decide to follow around so I can never get the trap off.
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Yea- ANY killer using Lethal Pursuer. Gawd I hate that damn perk.
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Every update you have a new survivor skin P0 to play.
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Ghostie. GF will have 3 survivors exposed and will drop chase to specifically hurt me. I honestly don't get it lmao
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lol nope, it’s me😄
Would be interesting if we were in a match together, which one of us they would target first; We could spawn right next to each other and I’m confident that hatchet’s flying right at my head😂
I’m like a Killer magnet😩
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yep, THIS 💯😔
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Pardon me for thinking that I wouldn't have people with hate boners after me for being P100.
Hide Prestige.
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Wraith. He doesn't just hate me, he's cheating too. I swear every time I get chased by a Wraith all the pallets on the map disappear and they only come back when I'm on the hook.
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one time I ran into the same plague 3 times and they tunneled me every single match and they knew it was me who they kept getting matched against
and every plague game is very fun when you’re teammates keep cleansing while you’re the only one infected
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Since all my favorite survivors are p100, they usually do this to me. I've been playing my p10 Thalita with my playtime and stuff hidden, now they not only don't hook me, they let me go.
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All of the for me I’m sure! As soon as they get a whiff of my rubbish looping skills it’s game over!
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I don't have a P100 survivor but is it really that bad? I keep seeing people claiming that they are always tunneled out when they play their P100 but it doesn't make sense to me.
If anything, wouldn't the killer try to avoid them and go for someone with lower prestige because they might be worse? I really have a hard time believing this is actually the case because it seems unintuitive to me.
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It also seems very unintuitive to me, but people can't be counted on to be logical in DBD.
They probably figure that tunneling is strong enough that they can manage it, even against someone good.
But yes, toxicity gets thrown at me and it's usually pretty clear it's because I'm a P100. Heck, I've had streamers flat out call me a, "P100 (slur) no life"
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NA East
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I think that might be part of it. Sometimes you think you are getting tunneled even when that's not quite what happens and then you connect the dots and blame it on you being P100.
It's probably not everyone but we have a bit of a habit gaslighting ourselves into thinking the craziest things.
Ok, that's rough. Sorry to hear that.
I really don't get it. It's not like P100 survivors are anything that special. It just shows that they really like that survivor, which is good for them.
When I saw the first few P100 survivors I was kind of excited to test my skills against them but now it's just very normal survivors with P100 and seeing how apparently killers also dodge lobbies against P100s I don't understand why they would be tunneled.
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I dunno.
Probably as some kind of punishment, I'd imagine? For what is the question.
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Same. Got juiced by a p100 Yoichi, they choose to throw the match to “prove a point”
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Makes me hesitant of continuing my P100 grind on Zarina lol.
Anyway for some reason almost all Spirits I go against hate me. Idk if it’s a coincidence that she is by far my most played killer but haven’t played her in like 6 months but I feel like she’s always out to get me these days because of that :(
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Wraiths. Usually all it takes is for me to give a good chase at the start, then they tunnel me like it's personal, even though there are other survivors who they have hooked and are probably weaker links in the team.
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Sometimes I wonder if it's because the Wraiths are new. Given that he's a free killer and all.
Other times they have a skin and that theory suddenly seems less likely.
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It seems completely illogical to load into the game and be like "Yeah, I'll tunnel the P100 for 3 Hook stages while their team mates do gens, and that's the easiest way to win." You're far more likely to get juiced by a P100 than their literal P0 team mate. Both do gens at the same speed. One is going to go down faster in chase.
I usually see a P100 in my killer lobby and I'm like, "Yeah, I'll go after you last."
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Worst fate ever is being ignored while boonmeg gets all the chases :((
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Well, when boonmeg goes down, she'll need someone to rescue her and take chase while she boons another totem :).