Is iron maiden limited time?

I wish to ask if anyone can tell me about iron maiden shirts and outfit are only available for a limited time or not?
Best Answer
Nothing has been mentioned of a time limit.
The only thing I know is that, when the license is nearly up, there will be a sale. Other than that, it's all guesswork.
I am pretty sure on 95% it is. Prob same as Attack on Titant collection, maybe 1-2 years max.
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Oh yes i know that attack on Titan was and might be for rainbow six siege outfit as well, as i'm aware of these outfits that might stay for 1-2 years max. But I was just asking if iron maiden shirts and outfit is a limited time collection that might stay for 3-4 weeks (not 1-2 years).
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I've heard it's permanent but can't find a confirmation.
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I would think Maiden and BHVR would want to make as much money as they can. It would make sense to have them available always.
People coming into the game later down the road who are maiden fans will snatch them up. It just makes monetary sense to me.
But, never can tell.
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Nothing is certain, all licenses could leave for any reason, especially licensed cosmetics.
AOT was a 1 year deal and that wasn't something that was informed about until it was leaving, i expect the same thing to apply as well with the Iron Maiden cosmetics.
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Yes, that's exactly how I see it
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Heck yeah. I want an Eddie skin for Legion 😭
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Think it was a mod on the DBD Steam forum who confirmed it was permanent
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It’s permanent.
It may leave after a few years like AoT, but for the time being it’s not limited. They won’t leave after the event ends.
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yeah, you'd think so. but same thing could be said about AoT
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Yea that's what i was thinking about, thanks
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When will the license be up?
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Nobody knows other than Behaviour and Iron Maiden (or whatever body is responsible for license distribution of Iron Maiden).
They won't say because a vast majority would just wait until the sale. It wouldn't make good business sense.
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There is no orange clock icon on them. This indicates to me they are here to stay. Remember the winter cosmetics had a red ! And an orange ⏰️ to indicate they were new AND limited?
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Exactly the same deal with any other license in the game
See what happened to Stranger Things and Attack on Titan