Who Is Left... Who shall come NEXT?! What is THE Top Licensed Chapter/Paragraph you're waiting for?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428
edited December 2023 in Polls

Who of the remaining, MAJOR Licenses is the Licensed DLC you crave, the one you've been anticipating for a while, and would satisfy you're wants, to be a part of the Hall of Horrors...?

IT - Pennywise (The Fear), Bill Denbrough, Beverley Marsh and The Derry Sewers.

Candyman - The Candyman, voice by Tony Todd. And as an option, Helen Lyle as a Survivor, or a Legendary Set for Meg. Based on the first movie.

Friday The 13th - No questions asked; Jason Voorhees (The Slasher), Tommy Jarvis and Camp Crystal Lake, baby. Based anywhere between the 2nd and maybe 7th sequels; whichever's the most canon and won't end in a lAWsUiT... With the exception of FvJ Jason, cause I think he looks the most Jason out of all of them, in my opinion.

Five Nights At Freddy's - The community has been wetting their bedsheets for long enough, waiting on this; William "Springtrap" Afton (The Attraction), Michael Afton (Mike Schmidt), and Fazbear's Fright. That's THE Chapter people really want. Otherwise, they'd probably be fine with just Springtrap and a couple other animatronics as skins, like Freddy or Foxy...

PREDATOR - Simple, and to the point; The Predator as the Killer. But, if they wanna go further, then maybe add Naru, and/or Alan "Dutch" Schaefer as a Survivor, with a proper Jungle map. All referencing the very first movie, and Hulu's 'PREY' prequel.

PHANTASM - The Tall Man, Mike Pearson and The Morningside Cemetary with the secret lab.

The 9th Circle - ART The Clown (The Terrifier); just him, unless you'd also like to include Sienna Shaw from 'Terrifier 2' as a Survivor, with maybe the Halloween Party or Carnival as the Map. Other than that, ART would probably work better as a Paragraph, though, I'd be okay with him having his own chapter.

The Walking Dead - As long as they obtain the rights from Robert Kirkman/Skybound Inc., it probably wouldn't matter if what it's based on. We could have Daryl AND Clementine, alongside Rick Grimes, Carl, Glenn, Lee, Kenny, Michonne and Negan... If they were to only base it on the show, I'd say Rick, Daryl and Negan, with either Alexandria or The Prison as the map. Seems simple enough. Otherwise, I'd probably throw in Clementine in place of Daryl. Any of your favorite characters could come in, really, as long as it sales.

BioShock - Mr. Bubbles ("The Big Daddy" or "The Bouncer), Elizebeth Comstock, and Rapture as the map. With The Big Sister as a Legendary Set for Skull Merchant. Along with Booker DeWitt, and maybe Jack from the first game, both as Legendary Sets for Elizabeth.

OTHER - This can be any major franchise you've always wanted to see IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. This includes;

A Nightmare On Elm Street (OG Robert Englund Edition), ALAN WAKE, Alone In The Dark, American Psycho, AMNESIA, Army of Darkness,

Batman, Bate's Motel, Bloodborne BloodRayne, Buffy The Vampire Slayer,

Carrie, Chainsaw Man, Clock Tower, Call of Cthulhu, Castelvania, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Creep Show, Cujo

Dark Souls, DEAD SPACE, Dead Island x Dying Light, Dead Rising, Deadly Premonition, DEATH NOTE, DEMON SLAYER, Demon Souls, Dino Crisis,

Elden Ring,

F.E.A.R., Fear Street, Full Moon Features (Other Licenses besides 'Puppet Master', like Killjoy, Gingerdead Man or Demonic Toys.)

Ghostbusters, Goosebumps, GREMLINS,

Half Life, Hannibal Lecter, Hatchet, Hellsing: Ultimate, House of 1000 Corpses, House of Wax,

Jaws, Jujutsu Kaisen, Ju-On: The Grudge

Leprechaun, Little Nightmares, Lollipop Chainsaw,



Pan's Labyrinth, Pumpkinhead, Puppet Master,


S.T.A.L.K.E.R., SCARY MOVIE Cast (Cindy, Brenda, Shorty etc.), Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark, Scooby-Doo, SCREAM Cast (Sidney, Dewey etc.), Shadows Of The Darned, SLENDER, SOMA, Soul Eater, Squid Game, Stranger Things Part 2, Supernatural, System Shock,

Tales From The Crypt, Terminator, The Addams Family, The Blair Witch Project, The Boys, The Conjuring, The Evil Within, The Fly, The Last of Us: Part 1, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Mummy, The PURGE, The Quarry, The Shining, The Thing, The Walking Dead Game, Tomb Raider, Train to Busan, Tomb Raider

Universal Classic Monsters, Until Dawn,

Venom / Carnage / Spider-Man



etc, etc... If there's any I missed... Whoops. But at the very least, I think I got most of them. I think...

Any who... thanks for reading!

Who Is Left... Who shall come NEXT?! What is THE Top Licensed Chapter/Paragraph you're waiting for? 60 votes

Atsuka_AnarchyDhurl421Starrseedhalcyondays93Kameleon_DrakeTommyDorkelson 6 votes
CorvusCorax86omg_is_that_jesusdie_c 3 votes
Friday The 13th
xEaGRIG0ZerotoxiksWextonRaconteurminatorFoempticolPoonMePapaAstelcorpsedanceBafugabooRipperX 11 votes
Five Nights At Freddy's
Scary_Punk_GhostaeonskulIlliterateGenocideQwQwKateMain86Alex_OrangeBeardgbugsolidestcross6309SHARKBOSSRareFantom47kinupss[Deleted User]jonifireMonkeybedneplouisniCrusor 17 votes
Archol123Vorahk08Musxussu575Selfpreservated 4 votes
SmoeMrRetsej 2 votes
The 9th Circle
ChikyHoodlumDX 2 votes
The Walking Dead
GuiltiiD34D_B34TB0XBbySugaryOreossir_frederick 4 votes
[Deleted User]HerInfernalMajestyFoxmareGrandmasterChulo 4 votes
Other (Please Specify; e.i. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Wednesday/The Addams Family, SLENDER, The Terminator etc.)
GibberishMarc_go_sololeon_helpares_theos7pakeoFierySpider5855kiraqqu 7 votes
Post edited by D34D_B34TB0X on


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030
    edited December 2023
    Five Nights At Freddy's

    I want fnaf, I would be interested to see if they could somehow add phantoms into his power

    I just wanna hear the clanking of metal as he chases

    terrifier i just wanna see what they could possible do for a power tho i have no interest in the films

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    Friday The 13th

    Where is Slenderman? 😪

  • D34D_B34TB0X
    D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428
    The Walking Dead

    In the 'S' section of Poll 10, OTHER. 👍️

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited December 2023

    I'd sacrifice the inclusion of Jason & Pennywise combined if it means The Tall Man's inclusion into the game.

    Same way i'd trade Demogorgon's existence in this game for the inclusion of Pumpkinhead.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    Other (Please Specify; e.i. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Wednesday/The Addams Family, SLENDER, The Terminator etc.)

    Clock Tower.

  • leon_help
    leon_help Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2023
    Other (Please Specify; e.i. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Wednesday/The Addams Family, SLENDER, The Terminator etc.)

    outlast; there might not be too much to work with for unique powers but with the new game being out there's plenty to work with for legendary skins.

  • RareFantom47
    RareFantom47 Member Posts: 87
    Five Nights At Freddy's

    I chose FNAF because I grew up with it. The current direction of the games is not what I prefer, but the story and lore are still intriguing from the first six games. Springtrap would definitely be the Killer and there are plenty of characters who could be a Survivor.

    My choice would be Henry, Afton's nemesis throughout the games. First off, lore-wise it makes sense, to have Henry and William on opposite ends of a trial and their anger and spite against one another would be a feast for the Entity. Secondly, Henry has been in the background and the foundation of the creation of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Lastly, the lore of the sixth game shows just how connected Henry is to the murders throughout the years, unlike most other characters in the series.

    Don't judge, just a thought

  • RareFantom47
    RareFantom47 Member Posts: 87
    Five Nights At Freddy's

    I can just imagine Joel and Elly kicking out The Legion's teeth, lol

  • RareFantom47
    RareFantom47 Member Posts: 87
    Five Nights At Freddy's

    Fnaf's fear factor is hardly based off of jumpscares, but rather the intense feeling of being overwhelmed. Having actual animatronics in the trial with Springtrap would be a better idea. I mean, the animatronics would obviously be weak since you wouldn't be able to control everyone at once.

    If you'd like to see my interpretation of the franchise into DBD, here's the link


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    Other (Please Specify; e.i. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Wednesday/The Addams Family, SLENDER, The Terminator etc.)

    Alan Wake for me. Alan Wake as the Survivor and Scratch as the Killer. Heck, I'd love "Herald of Darkness" as character screen music!

  • Kameleon_Drake
    Kameleon_Drake Member Posts: 6

    I picked Pennywise, because I've loved IT ever since the original came out. However, one that I would absolutely love to see is Jeepers Creepers!

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 909
    The 9th Circle

    Too many too choose from, but Art the Clown would be amazing

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410
    Five Nights At Freddy's

    FNAF or bioshock both are great game series with cool stories

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 405

    FNAF? Is this where you want to be? I just don't get it.. Why would you want to have FNAF?

  • dgbug
    dgbug Member Posts: 152
    Five Nights At Freddy's

    Waiter! Waiter! FNAF please!

  • Selfpreservated
    Selfpreservated Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2024

    We just got Alien now we need its natural competitor

    Then i think it would go like this

    2- IT

    3- Springtrap

    4- Candyman

    5- Jason

    6 +- All others

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405
    Friday The 13th

    I just want Jason X.

  • ares_theos7
    ares_theos7 Member Posts: 20
    Other (Please Specify; e.i. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Wednesday/The Addams Family, SLENDER, The Terminator etc.)

    I'll be honest American Psycho is my dream paragraph, Bateman would be so crazy and I'd love to see his power and skins.

  • aeonskul
    aeonskul Member Posts: 35
    Five Nights At Freddy's

    Warhammer 40,000 is my choice.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    im absolutly torn on this.

    i really want pennywise but i also would die for something bioshock. i picket bioshock tho cause it probably has more then enough supporters already

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143
    Five Nights At Freddy's

    There are many licenses here I'd love to have tbh...

  • pakeo
    pakeo Member Posts: 2
    Other (Please Specify; e.i. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Wednesday/The Addams Family, SLENDER, The Terminator etc.)

    I would love to see a Supernatural chapter featuring Sam and Dean Winchester as survivors. I find this to be an unlikely event since I don't know if many people even know what supernatural is, but we had an iron maiden event so I guess anything's possible right?

  • pakeo
    pakeo Member Posts: 2
    Other (Please Specify; e.i. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Wednesday/The Addams Family, SLENDER, The Terminator etc.)

    you got your wish man that's awesome

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    Other (Please Specify; e.i. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Wednesday/The Addams Family, SLENDER, The Terminator etc.)

    No Scratch, but I am absolutely not complaining! Alan Wake is tailor-made to face the Entity.

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 320
    Friday The 13th

    Personally I prefer original chapters, and we got way too many licenses back to back.

    BUT since this is about licenses, I'd say Jason since I think this horror hall of fame feels incomplete without him. (I'd love The Thing and IT tho)

  • Musxussu575
    Musxussu575 Member Posts: 90

    Of the extensive list, I'd like to see how they implement the alien, hi-tech aspect of Predator. Red Forest is my favorite realm so I'd like to see a jungle-y theme in a new map, as well.

    I do remember seeing a fanmade Slenderman killer years ago where his power included bringing in fog where you couldn't see too far off, and he could teleport to a survivor based on appearing at the edge of that fog, so he'd just appear out of the haze as the survivor moved towards him. I thought that would be cool to see implemented as well.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 302

    I want to see Predator, because of the cool tech its power could use. Wraith already does plain invisibility, so the Predator would be able to have a power using its cool gadgets like the Mask's infrared, the Plasma Caster, the Shruiken, the Combistick, etc. Survivors could be either Dutch or Naru, or heck, why not both? It'd make a good licensed anniversary chapter.

    For Friday the 13th, I wouldn't be surprised if BHVR's a little hesitant to commit after what happened with Stranger Things. They probably don't want a repeat with Jason.

  • kiraqqu
    kiraqqu Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5
    Other (Please Specify; e.i. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Wednesday/The Addams Family, SLENDER, The Terminator etc.)

    Until Dawn has potential for two chapters and even many legendary skins imo. :) With the remaster(?) coming out it'd be a perfect time to get an Until Dawn chapter.