"Remove Store Notifications" Button


With the introduction of the Iron Maiden cosmetic, a LOT of Survivors got shirts from it and I really cant be bothered to sit there and click through every character and select the cosmetic just remove the "!" icon from the item shop.

The funny thing is, I posted this suggestion MONTHS AGO since I knew something like this would happen, I knew we might get really large sets and it got largely ignored.

Anyways, please add a button to remove all of these notifications.

Other games have systems like this, Fortnite has the ability to remove notifications for new cosmetics in the locker and item shop at the press of a single button, Warframe has the ability to remove and add HUD elements under accessibility to help those with OCD, I dont understand what this hasnt been added sooner.


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,612
    edited February 28

    This suggestion is excellent for accessibility, with the counterargument possibly being a potential loss in sales due to diverting attention away from the store. However, my contention is that store interactions should be voluntary and driven by the genuine desire to make a purchase, rather than being prompted by notifications designed to grab attention. I would expect bHVR to prioritize fair and willing store interactions over manipulating our responses with notifications.

    The Lawful Good way is always best for the long run.