Why is MMR like this?

xEa Member Posts: 4,105
edited February 28 in Feedback and Suggestions

Is there any reason why MMR is working as it does? Kills = MMR gain, not killing = MMR loss. Same for survivor. Why?


Killer spreads hook during the game, wins chases fast and gets 8 hook stages thoughout the game, but everybody escapes. Loss.

Killer catches one survivor, camps them to death. Gets a second survivor with his noed at the end game. Camps to death. Draw.

Survivor hides the entire game, does litteraly nothing, waits until everyone is dead. Killer closes hatch, survivor opens gate with Wake up and Sole survivor and leaves. Win

Survivor gets tunneled though the whole match, holdes the killer for 5 generators. Gets downed in the end. Team leaves. Loss

Why not simply like this?

For every time the killer hooks a survivor, the killer gains MMR. For every missed hookstage, the killer looses MMR.

For every teammember who escapes, the survivors gain MMR. For every survivor who dies, the survivor looses MMR.

Wouldn't this A) be way more fair and B) encourage people to go for a more active playstyle?

I am all ears to hear a plausible reason why this is not much better then what we have right now.


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,052

    Because that's eventually going to just correlate to kills and escapes. We can get really off into the weeds on different scenarios, and how kills+escapes might not be the best measure for *one game*. But over the course hundreds of thousands of matches, skill is mostly going to correlate with kills and escapes.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited February 28

    Survivor MMR and Killer MMR is not connected. You could litteraly make survivor MMR based on escapes and killer based on bloodpoints. Its only relevant how in the background those numbers make a match.

    Survivors may have a 100.000 MMR and they play against killer with 500 MMR because they work seperatly.

    And no, escapes are not skill. I might go always for the safe to trade at the end and because of that i am the worst player in the world. At least according to the mmr we have right now.

    Also for the killer, how is a killer who spreads hooks and gets on average 8 worse then someone who is camping and tunneling but gets 2 kills because of that?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,052

    Again though, a skilled survivor is going to escape more games over the course of thousands of games than a less skilled survivor. The handful of games that the player trades in endgame are noise in the system when you take into account every game every player participated in on a daily basis.

  • MadameExotine
    MadameExotine Member Posts: 177
    edited February 29

    I think a more significant MMR balancing feature would be having a MMR formula for survs in SWF vs SoloQ per match. For example, multiply survivor's MMR by x1.05 for a two person team, or x1.1 for a three person team, or x1.15 for a full swf team.

    I know both as survivor and killer, I do alot better when swf'ing with friends,.. and I don't do as well at my MMR going up against swfs.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,306

    Has there ever been an official statement on whether or not gate escapes are worth 0 MMR, if the survivors haven’t repaired all the generators, and the only reason why the gates are powered is because hatch was closed by the killer?

    Or more importantly, can killers lose MMR if the last survivor escapes out of a gate, if the survivors haven’t repaired all the generators, and the only reason why the gates are powered is because hatch was closed by the killer?

  • Callahan9116
    Callahan9116 Member Posts: 126

    MMR *rewards* good players with sweaty matches. At least throw in some bonus for a high mmr. Too many people actively GAME the mmr system