Sanctum of Wrath (Yamaoka Estate)

Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
edited March 2024 in Mapping the Realm

We'd like to know what you think about the Sanctum of Wrath, part of the Yamaoka Estate. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!

Sanctum of Wrath (Yamaoka Estate) 997 votes

This map favours Survivors
12% 120 votes
This map feels balanced
49% 497 votes
This map favours Killers
38% 380 votes
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on


  • Joshuapmr12
    Joshuapmr12 Member Posts: 4

    This one is mostly balanced but slightly favours killers, I usually find the edges of the map are fine but the main building is super weak and underwhelming

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    I love the aesthetic of this map, but it can be a bit of a nightmare for survivors to navigate. I would call it mostly balanced but slightly killer sided.

  • KazRen
    KazRen Member Posts: 187

    This map feels so weird compared to most of the maps but for the most part I think it's balanced. It could use an update in it's shape and size.

  • TrapperKing1987
    TrapperKing1987 Member Posts: 8

    I like this over family residency

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502
    edited February 2024

    This map feels balanced. But the walls needs to change and the place needs a better gate.

    Its also worth pointing out the sides by the main building are a death sentence.

  • Rocketknight
    Rocketknight Member Posts: 10

    I want to say this is a balanced map, especially if you can get 3 gens on each side. It then becomes up to the Killer to herd them to one side or the other before smart survivors make defending difficult. However, the one gen at the top of the temple is often hard to complete as a Survivor even if it can help serve as a good distraction.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    It favours killers because the main building is one of the worst (for survivors) in the game

  • SonicTheCoolest
    SonicTheCoolest Member Posts: 27

    For me it's killer sided, but as a happy balance landing abuser i don't mind this map too much, but spawns of the gates should get some touches, because most of the time i'm getting both gates next to each other.

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2024

    This map feels terrible for survivors, the main building is awful, can spawn even 5 generator all on one side and it is way too small.

    The killer can just stay on 1 side of the map and forcing / camping hooks just by standing at the center.

  • Leguś
    Leguś Member Posts: 186

    I would say it's pretty heavy on RNG but on edge-cases it's more towards Survivor.

    The big size makes movement around map tricky and odd shape enforces a bit of 3-Gen strategy.

    However, the Gens, even in that case they usually end up being tricky to defend.

    (Now you might say I'm a Killer main but hold your horses.)

    The big issue is that Shack, even though, it swaps places (only Map that has this) with "The Garden", it always has a Maze Tile right next to itself.

    Said Maze Tile can range from Pallet Gym/LT to Trashpile Gym (which is deceptively bugged actually) or Jungle Gym.

    Shack rotates.

    The Maze Tile pool is more favourable to Survivor side (not a real issue) and thus it's possible to get a very disgsuting set-up of a strong Maze Tile, with Shack with some rotations and such.

    Yes, you can get Shack's vault facing away from Pallet Gym but you also can get like Short Wall Jungle Gym's Pallet near-lining up to Shack's vault causing the chain to be nigh-infinite.

    Main is fine.

    Killer is a bit forced to defend non-Shack half and sometimes that part may have 2 Gens (Aka 2-4 split instead of 3-3 one).

    Again, heavy RNG but to summarize it, it's more likely to help Survivors than not.

    Oh and both gazebo Landmarks swap places but this time, it doesn't change gameplay much.

    My propostion: force Shack to be in singular place and then try to balance map around it. Maybe even adjust a bit shape and size to be less annoying for both sides.

  • DaveyTheDuck
    DaveyTheDuck Member Posts: 20

    add more lockers for dredge and other locker reliant killers

  • ahrenisabimbo
    ahrenisabimbo Member Posts: 37

    Every loop in the middle of the map is quite unsafe but the map layout favours Surivors. I suppose this equals balanced. Also it’s ugly thank gosh for Reshade.

  • Eightysix
    Eightysix Member Posts: 19

    Mostly balanced except for the rare circumstance where 4 gens spawn on one half of the map, which creates an incredibly oppressive 5 gen setup on one side of the map.

  • TheSemitron
    TheSemitron Member Posts: 14

    I personally don't like the tall gras while playing as a killer as I keep losing survivors if I don't rely on hearing.

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117

    The map has too few pallets in some rngs. But it feels awful for killer because there are a lot of clutter around.

  • WhoSoup
    WhoSoup Member Posts: 180
    edited February 2024

    Don't really like the map layout. It just heavily lends itself to 3genning and just playing one side. Both sides have some insanely strong possible tiles (like a jungle gym next to shack), which further incentivizes just creating a deadzone and sticking to it. Map also has extremely poor locker placements.

  • YmPrat
    YmPrat Member Posts: 34

    I'm not a big fan of this map at all. Overall it feels pretty balanced, but it lends itself to some very unfun play styles. It's a problem that I have with every split map (Sanctum of Wrath, Azarov's Resting Place, Suffocation Pit 1) in that they favor the killer 3 genning and ignoring one side entirely because you can't easily defend both sides, and that survivors can freely run to a side they already finished gens on to create a lose lose situation for the killer.

    In general the map is fairly balanced from a size and loop strength view, it can certainly feel bad when there is or isn't a pallet by a gazebo or pagoda though (depending on the side you're playing as.) I'm not crazy about how shack always spawns beside a jungle gym which can sometimes create an incredibly frustrating loop.. but main building on the map isn't great (unless a survivor has balanced) so it's a trade off.

    I do find the hill spawns on it to be incredibly annoying for both sides, as killer I hate having to go around them and hate when they mess it my ability to hook a carried survivor because there's a hook on the hill but I have to walk all the way around the hill to get to it and that's either a massive time waste or actually impossible. On survivor I hate them when I'm in chase and desperately need a window or a pallet and instead I got a hill creating a deadzone I can't play around.

    The only other really notable thing on the map is door spawns. As with every split map you can either get the easiest to defend doors you've ever seen, or doors that not even Blight can defend. Both doors on the same side is rough on survivors, but both on opposite sides kitty corner from eachother is way too rough on killers.

    While it's overall a relatively balanced map I have many more unfun memories from the map than fun ones because of the unfun play styles that the map encourages and rewards (on both sides.)

  • FoxvanMR
    FoxvanMR Member Posts: 21

    Two massive death zones near the main building making it really unsafe for survs, also the main buidlding only has decent windows because its only pallet is very unsafe.

  • SolidRazo
    SolidRazo Member Posts: 123

    The map is balanced but slightly killer sided but I attribute that to the fact the main building is very strong for killer. Only one window is actually usable in the building and on the sides of the main building are essentially dead zones since the pallets that are there are very unsafe. Overall the map itself is balanced but the main building/tower is killer sided. As a side note It also wouldn’t hurt if the map was slightly brighter or less smoky and grainy to see survivors alittle easier as killer in this map not too much of course.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    Mostly balanced map but something about the size or shape of it feels off. It seems too big but I think that's due to having half of the gens on one side and the other half on the other side with nothing in the middle.

  • TripleStryke
    TripleStryke Member Posts: 110

    It's pretty balanced, the hill spawns can be annoying for both sides though.

  • jorgito01
    jorgito01 Member Posts: 3

    I like this map fairly balanced good pallet spawn only thing I dislike map feels a little just a little too big

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Any map with a bottleneck (Azarovs Resting Place, old Suffocation Pit and Sanctum) is in my opinion unhealthy in terms of how easy it is to hold a three gen and how hard it is to break said three gen without coordination.

    These are maps where if the killer wants to, they can essentially just forgo all chases and play the gens until survivors are forced to interact with them.

  • DiemandZiWolf
    DiemandZiWolf Member Posts: 5

    I think it's balanced but Killers can easily abuse the middle structure to try to create a 3-gen by preventing Survivors from going on the other side of the map. There's a few to many dead zones as well.

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143

    rather Killer sided than Survivor sided, but all in all pretty balanced. maybe one maze tile more or something like that. maybe buff the main building for survivors. something in this direction.

  • NotJared
    NotJared Member Posts: 483
    edited February 2024

    Sanctum of Wrath is shaped like a capital "I", so I may refer to different parts of the I. Shack can have 2 spawns on this map, both of which I'll refer to as the "left" side of the map.

    I feel like games on Sanctum often go really heavily in one way or the other, so it's hard for me to say it it favors one side or the other, but I also don't feel like I can say it feels balanced equally.

    As Survivor, crossing the skinny middle section of the map (main) feels like a No Man's Land once the 2 pallets on main are gone. It's very difficult to get from one side of the map to the other while in chase without taking a hit, unless you're running in the direction that the half-stairs vault in the middle-left of Main point in, running from the bottom to the top of the map.

    As Survivor, there is almost always a deadzone that spawns in the area shown below and getting caught out in the section right here can sometimes feel like a death sentence depending on the RNG of the maze tile that spawns here, especially if the killer is coming from the center of the map. If the gen in this corner of the map is left as part of the last 3 gens in a 3-gen situation, getting this gen done can like a hopeless uphill battle, again especially depending on the RNG of the resources around. The deadzone right here also contributes to making crossing the map feel like a No Man's Land.

    If Basement spawns on Main Building on this map, it feels like there are very few resources nearby to help survivors flee Main Basement, largely thanks to the dead zones and the No Man's Land. There is the one pallet on the ground-right side of Main, but this pallet is often thrown very early by someone attempting to cross the map mid-chase. It makes camping Main Basement somewhat strong; I'm not necessarily saying this is a bad thing or problematic, as basement is something Survivors should be afraid of and mindful of. But it is an observation that it's somewhat difficult to escape should the killer decide to camp+tunnel. That said, Main Basement is usually pretty far away out of the way from where Survivors need to be doing gens, so it's generally pretty easy to easy to ignore and for Survivors to blast through gens while Killer wastes time camping.

    As Killer, the two larger sections of the map (the top and bottom of the "I") can feel like islands separated by the gen on main. Once the central main gen is gone, it feels like there are not usually many close gens to patrol and I have to commit to crossing the whole map from top to bottom to top unless survivors carelessly 3-gen themselves by doing all the gens on one side of the map, which actually happens often on Sanctum of Wrath and which is why crossing the map usually doesn't feel like an issue. Usually a gen will spawn somewhat near the bottom of either staircase of Main, and these gens help make the map feel smaller to patrol. Main building's placement and height advantage can sometimes also provide a Killer a quick vantage point to help better patrol the map, although spotting survivors from here is never guaranteed.

    3-genning feels like it happens very frequently on this map, and often on Survivor the game can feel like it grinds to a halt if this happens, as usually late game many pallets have been thrown, and "No Man's Land" has been created. It feels like 3-gens quite often happen on the "bottom" side of the I in my experience, and from my own personal experience these 3-gens often feel the hardest ones to break on this map.

    If I had to take a guess as to why 3-gens happen quite often on this map, it's because of the gameplay that's created by the No Man's Land. I think many Survivors recognize crossing the middle of the map is risky, and in chase tend to stay on one side of the map to minimize risk, either the top or bottom. Chases often will happen on this one side of the map until resources are depleted on that side. Survivors not in chase will stay doing gens on the side that the Killer is not chasing on, which if the Survivors are not attentive to their gen spread can lead to all the gens on that one side of the map being done, and the side of the map where the killer has been depleting resources all game remains filled with gens.

    I'm not sure if I can say whether this is a map design issue or an issue that is solved with player behavior - should the Survivors intentionally keep gen spread as far as possible, of course the 3-genning No Man's Land isn't as bad of a challenge to play around. However, should the bottom-left gen and top-right gen be left for the last 3 gens remaining, defending these as killer feels nearly impossible. However, that doesn't often happen due to the tendency for 3-gens to happen.

    Despite everything I think the map's design is unique and has great affordances for unique gameplay not found in other maps in the game! This map absolutely has its place in The Entity's Realm:

    Main offers a vantage point of the whole map that both sides can possibly use to their advantage. There are tons of line-of sight blockers around Main, and opportunities for stealth gameplay on both sides around main is very fun! There are tons of unsafe windows in Main that offer some unique opportunities for chase combos and mindgames. The rock pallets on the map are usually pretty safe to play around as Survivor, but once you deplete through these on Killer, chases become much easier. I think the map's size is very reasonable, and patrolling/contesting exit gates is always a unique experience on this map thanks to Main's vantage points.

    I must even admit, the No Man's Land is a very unique experience to this map that does have a place in DBD and add some exciting gameplay - the bottleneck gives Killers a consistent and reliable advantage, and Survivors must be conscious of how they play due to it. As Survivor, the bottleneck and No Man's Land creates great and scary emergent gameplay, as it is very important you don't get caught out of position there. I do like that Sanctum of Wrath offers both roles unique strategies and presents unique dangers for both sides.

    I mostly would love to see for some slight changes that help prevent games on this map from feeling too one-sided in either direction.

    The recent addition of new edge tiles to some of the realms has been very welcome - these are great emergency tiles to play around as Survivor. I'm a particular fan of the edge rock pallets that were recently introduced to Autohaven: These pallets make traversing the skinny section of Azarov's Resting Place much more feasible, without being too strong. The middle section of Azarov's previously also felt like a No Man's Land, but since the introduction of these pallets feel much better to play around as Survivor. I think a couple very unsafe pallets of this variety being introduced to the deadzone in the bottom-right that I pointed out or to the borders of No Man's Land of Sanctum of Wrath could potentially help address a couple of the pain points I've noted on this post: namely, they would give Survivors more confidence to cross the No Man's Land and not keep chases on one side of the map for too long, helping to reduce the severity and strength of 3-genning, and helping to provide a way for survivors to escape Main Basement.

    (The type of edge rock pallet on Azarov's I'm referring to pictured below:)

    Post edited by NotJared on
  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    The balance of loops on the map is fine but this is one of the maps where killers can just ignore half of it and defend the other half because of the weird gen spread. The "main building" is one of the weakest in the game and serves basically no purpose except enabling balanced landing plays.

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80
    edited February 2024

    I think Sanctum of Wrath is pretty good for a map when it comes to both sides. 3-gens are a bit strong but since gen changes that's less of an issue. The main building is unique and kind of fun. I never find myself getting frustrated with the main structure but it might be a bit weak for the survivor side since there are only a few options.

    Post edited by Samatrain on
  • Payndora
    Payndora Member Posts: 16

    I feel like it's too easy for the killer sometimes to hold a 3 gen. And rng can be pretty bad too where you end up with a lot of deadzones and no pallets or windows in sight

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,232

    Depending on gen spawns, it’s either balanced or slightly killer sided. There can sometimes be a lot of generators on one side of the map and almost none on the other side. It’s not as big of a deal as it used to be before the anti-3-gen mechanic, but it’s still something that could be improved on this map.

    Other than that this map is fine imo.

  • Johnny771
    Johnny771 Member Posts: 18

    Two side maps like this, just make killer's life easier

  • nappa
    nappa Member Posts: 7

    Both Yamaoka maps are too huge, consequently too hard to be patroled. Not balanced in my opinion.

  • AG0323
    AG0323 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Middle section is too narrow

    xTHE_ULTIMATEx7 Member Posts: 15

    I think that overall the map is pretty well made and is fairly interesting with the main building and middle section being both a chokepoint and a lookout spot. Tile spawning is normally good but there can be some egregiously bad deadzones occasionally and sometimes 4 generators can spawn on one side of the map which is extremely unbalanced. Otherwise, not a map that needs too much attention.

  • MrDrFeesh
    MrDrFeesh Member Posts: 6

    The size of the map feels very balenced and the loops are very nice. But some killers with ranged ability’s are very usefully on this map because of the very long lines of sight. But everything feels fair otherwise.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    It has some really big deadzones, but it‘s mostly fine. The size could be a bit bigger.

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 228

    Map has a built in 3 gen strategy and 33% of it doesnt have a playable pallet from survivor side. The top side of the map with the maze tiles is balanced, the bottom is killer favored with only filler pallets and usually a T & L, and the middle is the biggest dead zone in the game. Like I get that the stone heads turning to look at you is neat, but theres no way of getting from one side to the other. Vs m1 you can just take the m1 and use the distance to cross, but vs billy or bubba for example you just die.

  • NeasStinkySock
    NeasStinkySock Member Posts: 3

    The map is balanced but only because of its size. The bottleneck in the middle favors killers while the size favors survivors. That being said, I loathe to get this map both as killer and survivor. Like the realm as a whole, it's a bit too dark. Sanctum of Wrath in particular though just doesn't have much going on in terms of interesting looping. Main building is a death trap and it's very easy to create deadzones in the rest of the map. It takes too long to go from one end to the other and I feel like its size is what's determining the outcome of my matches (win or lose) rather than skill from either party.

  • William043
    William043 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    It's definitely survivor sided, but it's not too bad to play as killer. I'm a killer main and like it just fine. Also this is one of the maps I'm not dissatisfied with as far as the lighting and whatnot. Nice touch with the statues that turn to look at you when you look away. Weeping Angels anyone?

  • IlISage
    IlISage Member Posts: 2

    I feel like the map size conflicts with the middle of the map, there’s maybe two or three pallets in middle of map on one side of the middle (including the one on top of the shrine thing on a specific render of the map) and then the other side has much more pallets. But the middle where the huge shrine with stairs are can be a dead zone of those three pallets are gone? Maybe you could cut off the length and add more to each side to make up for the dead zone area?

  • scrunkly
    scrunkly Member Posts: 70

    i dont like playing on this map as either side. its three gen city because of how the gens are split, and i think its boring to defend one side of the map as killer. i dont play any strong, high mobility killers, so im usually forced to just stay on one side of the map against decent survivors. its frustrating on the survivor end to cross from one side of the map to the other if the killer holds the chokepoint at any time during the match. the map also feels too big, the main building is next to useless to loop as survivor, the pagoda tiles feel stale to play as either side, and overall i wish the map were a little brighter. also, the majority of the filler pallets on this map favor most killers, the exception being the tall rock loops that counter killers like deathslinger and huntress.

  • LordOctopussie
    LordOctopussie Member Posts: 5

    Of all the dogbone shaped maps, this one feels the most balanced due to its 3 lane structure, however I do think it should still be widened enough for another gen to sit there, and narrowing the ends of the map to compensate.

  • IvanCornelius
    IvanCornelius Member Posts: 4

    Pretty balanced but could use some cosmetic updating.

This discussion has been closed.