Family Residence (Yamaoka Estate)
We'd like to know what you think about the Family Residence map, part of the Yamaoka Estate. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!
Family Residence (Yamaoka Estate) 972 votes
Family residence is just a tad too big. Walking from one end to the other is often a massive risk for the killer.
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I'd say it's pretty balanced. It was a bad choice for Lights Out though, taking an already dark map and making it darker.
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I click the wrong thing, I meant to say that is balanced. (Just saw that Sanctum has it's separate forum post)
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Voted balanced but the 3 gen situation in this map actually would want me to change my vote. Other than that, the map is great but maybe a bit big, for a killer with the ability to travel from A to B very fast it is okay but I feel like it can be tricky for others.
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This map is just too big, I don’t have fun playing both killer and survivor on it.
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I didn’t think family residents is that balanced since that map has a big layout, other then that, the map has some good decent loop for both sides
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It's balanced for the most part. It's size is a little bit big and it does have 3 gens which is somewhat problematic.
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As like other Yamaoka map, this map is just ugly. I don't like how it looks. But balance wise, it's good.
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Like Ormond, its definitely too long. Going from left to right is fine, and if anything it could be a bit wider, but the time it takes to go form the bottom to the top of the map is too risky for a killer, leading to a lot of 3 gen scenarios
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Voted balanced as it’s not really sided towards anyone. However it is a bit too big.
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I'd say it suffers a bit from some of the same issues that the swamp does. A little bit too big lengthwise, the clutter is really hard to find survivors in at times. It's hard to know what's foliage you can hide in/what's going to block passage, and some of the buildings/broken rocks/debris looks vaultable but isn't.
I'd say it isn't an unbalanced map per se, but one that has issues for both sides.
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This map is balanced, but all Yamaoka Estate Maps need a better themed wall surrounding it and a better looking gate.
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It's not too bad for either side but the insane amount of clutter and the fact that all the rocks have a seemingly infinite amount of random shapes makes it awkward for a lot of killers to use their power on, this goes for both Yamaoka maps.
There are also some hitbox issues with hanging vines somehow having collision for powers despite having no collision for movement, some weird inconsistency with the hitboxes of the bamboo having wildly different hitboxes for movement and killer powers, and the stump of trees can also make movement for fast killers awkward like preventing blight from bumping.
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The map is simply just too large, that's it. The main building is ok but has a high variability with how the windows can spawn sometimes, the map just needs to be shaped more like a square than a rectangular shape.
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Its a lil bland and big but its ok 👍🏻
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I think it's neither of these.
On one hand, the 3-Gen situation is relatively strong for Killer. The main building is overall balanced so to speak so at least it's not a problem.
On the other, relatively great to like blend with rocks and a bit of awkward lighting.
Awkward map shape does hit on both ends however and I think it could be more agreed on.
There's also a very interesting thing. The "gazebos" do swap places. I'm going with Small and Big one.
Small is the one with singular, very fixed and known vault location with usually 1 Pallet attached to it with a long rock.
Big one is obviously bigger, tends to spawn multiple vault locations but it has a relatively weak Pallet between two L-shaped walls.
There's also a Maze Tile chain on one half of the map. Now within said chain you can get either of gazebos.
Depending on a chance, you get either Big or Small one.
Small one tends to be a "break" of the chain while Big one helps the chain.
HOWEVER, the 2nd location of said Landmarks is on opposite side of the map.
So you can get either Big to have more even safety or Small one which relies on filler around it to be decent.
It's a very... Complicated map. One could argue that one diminishes other and say it's "balanced" but I think it has quite amount of issues.
Maybe make Maze Tiles more spread out a bit so with any RNG of gazebos it's not such a big deal, maybe adjust a bit the shape...
Alternatively, you can always make both Landmarks fixed in spots and call it a day. I don't know what you will think of this.
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People always talk about how maps are too big for killer as if survivors could teleport from one side to the other
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Biggest issue with the map is that the gen spawns can allow for easy top hold three gens. i know three genning has been addressed with the new regression event system, but the gens should spawn further apart. Either main building has 3-4 gens around it and you stay on that half, or shack has more gens and you stay on that half.
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Just an overall ugly, boring map. One of my least favorite.
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This map has the most Potential graphically but ultimately fell flat. The map is really dark and has no blatant light focus and the structures around the map feel very small and insignificant. Yamaoka estate has potential but currently feels really boring to play on
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If you run Visionary, this map tends to have terrible gen spreads. I remember a few times where it's been 3 gens along killer shack's wall, 3 gens around the main building. Too easy for the killer to pick and side and not care about the others.
I also feel like tiles are along the border. Nothing useful in the center areas. It's just a weird layout.
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One of the ugliest map in this game, dark and flat with nasty 3-gen spawn and nothing else.
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Has the same issues as Ormond- Its length and tendency to spawn gens at edge map makes it hard to patrol them and usually results in 3genning.
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Pretty balanced map. A little big, but at the same time there's a deadzone in the middle.
I like it when maps have their nuances, making them stand out from each other, so pls don't change those things
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I personally think it would be cool if the heads, from sanctum of wrath, which look at you, would be in this map too. Maybe less of them sprinkled around
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Although it has a lot of bad pallets, the map is too big for killers to patrol.
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The map feels very poorly structured. The middle area is basically a deadzone (especially for lockers) with one or two gens, then there's a 3 gen either in the family house or a 3 gen near shack. The map is rectangular and fairly long, so chasing someone across the map is usually losing move because it just takes so much time to get back to the other side. It's usually awful to play as killer for this reason.
I'd like to see the game area changed so that it plays more around the middle instead of either main or shack side, and so that stealth killers aren't just screwed by the completely visible game field
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Good map, but the only issue I have is that feels too big to traverse as a killer form one side to the other.
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If it was slightly shorter and wider it would be a bit better. It's long which can be bad for killer and thin which helps form some strong 3 gens.
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Mostly balanced, just a tad too big.
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It’s a little too large, and I wish the map was a little prettier. It has potential to be really gorgeous, visually it’s not very appealing
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I like this version. I feel like it would be good casually and competitively. You got shack, random loops with gazebos, and the main building. Main building I feel like is balanced. The loops aren't broken at all and walking out the side there are the low walls with the rock in the middle. This was a nice place to hide in the tall bushes while the killer hits the generator I an working on. Honestly had more fun games on this map IMHO killer and survivor.
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I enjoy this map it’s balanced when it comes to gameplay although I don’t like how one side of the map has pallets and the other side is just bunch of rocks
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I agree with most people in this thread. A balanced map if not slightly too big, the loops are nothing special, and it is slightly visually disappointing for what it could be (I’d love to see cherry blossoms and a lighter color palette for Yamaoka in general).
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I like this map a quite a bit more than Sanctum of Wrath, but it has some of the same issues where the map encourages and rewards playstyles that aren't very engaging.
Size wise the map is the same size as Sanctum of Wrath, which I'd argue is a little too big to reasonably defend. It also has similar issues where gens spawn clustered to either side of the map and as killer your best map is to try and defend one side of the map and let the other rot. On the flip side as survivor your best bet is to run in a straight line towards the side the killer doesn't want to defend and hope they either drop chase so you can reset, or that you waste enough time that the gen split becomes difficult to defend.
Main building is reasonably strong but not oppressive for either side, I'd argue it's one of the most balanced main buildings in the game. Shack has the guaranteed deadzone immediately north of it and spawns off in a corner where it can't be used oppressively so that's 2 big plusses right there. I find the gazebo and pagoda tiles to be pretty fun tiles overall too, for both sides. I'm not crazy about the little courtyard tiles that have the thick foliage, waist high walls, a pallet and a vault. The courtyard tiles have burned me with bugs too many times in the past, and I don't trust foliage on the map to have proper collision because of the bamboo that can be walked through and the bamboo that can't be.
I think clarifying what has collision and what doesn't, slightly shrinking the map, adjusting gen placement, and adding some sentimental Yamaoka Easter eggs to the map would go a long way towards making it shine as a map.
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Family Residence is my favourite from the Yamoka Estate realm and feels balanced but I think it's slightly Survivor favored as it can be easy to hide. Killers can Patrol it fairly well but it is a tad large but not by an obnoxious amount.
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Yes, there is no mention of a farm here, but what are these funny paddons on one side of hay and the other has very low texture
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a little bit big and 3 gen around the main building can be annoying to deal with in solo queue. Otherwise it's actually fine
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Family Residence has just one tiny problem: it is a fairly big map. It is the only issue I have with it, as killer it is extremely difficult to apply pressure and as survivor, well, takes too long to go from one place to another.
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Sure the map is somewhat balanced. However the issues of this map arise when you play against the Skull Merchant. The generators are somewhat bunched on this map making it feel clunky. There's a lot of map and yet this still happens. The map building linear gen spawns and the killer shack linear spawns.
Overall, I believe the game should have more map usage. Swamp for instance has generators on the wall of the map. I understand this is somewhat a frustrating map for some, but is there really a true argument that swamp is not balanced (besides the docks 3 gen)?
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I think it needs a Japanese raccoon dog
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The map is pretty fair, please don‘t change it!
The loops are fun and well balanced. It’s not too big or too small.
Post edited by jonifire on0 -
Both Yamaoka maps are too huge, consequently too hard to be patroled. Not balanced in my opinion.
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Too big, the map is one long rectangle akin to old Eyrie of Crows that makes traversing it as a low mobility killer a massive pain
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It feels balenced. But a tad on the large side. Making it hard for killers with low mobility to move around effectively.
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Overall a balanced map, but it is too rng heavy. Both in terms of the tiles that spawn and in terms of the gen spawns. Another map where the gens spawns need to be looked at. The size should be roughly the upmost limit on map sizes in the game. On the big side, but not unplayably so.
I was able to hold this without a single regression perk (yet the anti-3 gen mechanic will proc in completely normal matches):
Post edited by drwilburdaffodil on0 -
This map is a bit too dark and a bit too large. It has some fun loops though.
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Exactly the same as my last comment: It's definitely survivor sided, but it's not too bad to play as killer. I'm a killer main and like it just fine. Also this is one of the maps I'm not dissatisfied with as far as the lighting and whatnot.
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The map feels a tad too long, it's narrow design lends itself to being a huge risk for killers to walk from one end to another as well as holding a 3 gen. Apart from that the map is fairly balanced.
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a lot of random clutter is added to this map to make it seem fuller than it actually is. instead of doing that, make the map smaller and condense the meaningful tiles. theres a deconstructed jungle gym on this map that never has any lockers. please, add lockers to it. theres also a boulder that sometimes spawns on a pallet gym, essentially extending the loop and making the tile even safer against ranged killers especially