Mount Ormond Resort (Ormond)
We'd like to know what you think about the Mount Ormond Resort, part of the Ormond Realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!
Mount Ormond Resort (Ormond) 1125 votes
Ez Deathzones tbh
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Balanced. Wide open, day time. I would say I escape as Survivor and get a 3K as Killer roughly the same here.
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It's mostly fine, just a tiny bit too big maybe? That's why I voted favoring survivors but it's not a strong feeling. I would probably shrink it by like 8m or 16m from the longer side, just a tiny bit.
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The main building spawn can really hurt
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As someone who play both sides I feel like I do escape and still able to get 3k the same amount of time tbh.
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Easily my favorite map for both sides. Pretty even wins and loses.
The snowy setting is nice too. They should add the shack-only version of this realm from the files!
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Too many dead zones.
The back of the Lodge needs a new design. Inside the Lodge is cluttered and very open.
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It's very easy to comp corner this map with the right team which puts the killer in a situation where they have to slug
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The only problem with this map is that the layout is too big, hence it favors survivors more then killer
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Map is balanced one of my favorites...
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For survivors this map is awesome. Wide, offers a great vision of what's happening far away. As a killer, I had no particular issue as the positive sides for survivors apply also for killers, for me.
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I don't think it's killer or survivor sided per se but it doesn't feel great, you can chain a ton of tiles together on surv but then suddenly be in massive dead zones. But this is true for a lot of maps - really strong tiles/main clustered together, then complete and utter dead zones (like Coldwind maps, Haddonfield, Borgo...). Just feels like they're unfun on both sides and very cluttered. Deadzones with a barrel don't lead to fun looping/mindgames on either side.
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I agree with theTARNavsky. It slightly favours survivors but not a big deal. Maybe make it tiny bit smaller. It is big but easy to create deadzones since window tiles are on the two opposite edges of the map.
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So many crappy rock pallets on the sides of the map. Throw in some different loops here and there, otherwise it’s easily my favorite map on both sides
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This map is big and it's a bit problematic for slow killers without any mobility.
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It is a bit too bright. The dark and scary atmosphere is missing. Before it got remaked the atmosphere was perfect.
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Since the rework, it has felt pallet heavy. Most are mindgameable though. It’s quite easy to spot killers or survivors due to its brightness and openness. Don’t think the amount breakable walls are necessary due to time wasting. The map itself may be slightly too large resulting in 3 gens or unpatrollable gen splits. More often than not, survivors will run this offering. However I have seen a few killers play it for either blight or huntress.
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Pros: map has a nice and unique aesthetic and atmosphere and winter related features.
Cons: the map is too large in size, it needs a reduction in size to around the size of dead dawg saloon. The map has too much clutter and janky environmental hitboxes, rarely anything is slippery or the hitbox for the object is way too high. Ormond is notorious for having the old cowshed problem, the main building being in a strong spot being in the center, following a ring of interconnectable tiles and strong fillers around the main building, with some sections of the map being dead zones. These dead zones mainly consist of the hut on the top right side of the map, and the bottom left of the map where there is normally a singular tile and then the only reliable loops or fillers after that are the snowplow or the shack area, which is way too far away.
A reliable way to fix this map is to properly fix the collision making the benchs and snow piles/snow men all slippery, in conjunction with making the make smaller and redesigning the loop structures so it feels balanced on both sides.
Asides from these problems the maps quite nice.
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Don't touch this one please! It's my favourite Map!
If anything a new variation that switches up the upstairs rooms a bit more. And move the shack and hill.
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I think this map favors survivors because of it's size outside of that it could use a pallet or two more but they have to be weak.
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feel like it's a bit on the larger side, not too huge but still a bit big, makes it a difficult map especially for killers with weak or no mobility
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Alright map, maybe a tiny bit too big, wish there was a second variant of this map, since the current one is kinda samey all the time.
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It has some absolutely amazing safe pallets/mandatory break pallets, and a central structure that can be a pain for killers to navigate while giving survivors lots of places to hide and break line of sight.
I like it a low more after the changes, but it's still definitely survivor sided.
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It has the same problem a lot of maps have nowadays: sometimes you have good tiles to chain together, other times it's dead zone after dead zone. After all the reworks I don't typically struggle as either side but as survivor it's really easy to get deadzoned.
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One of the more balanced maps tbh, It never really needed any changes after its first change but it was welcome, there are some deadzones but generally the map is big enough but not too big.
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Slghtly too Big imo, and if you get the right spawn the main building is way too strong
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One of the best maps ever we got. Good looking, fair loops and fair main building.
Maybe it can be reduced a bit because it feels like big map but except that, this map is fine.
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I thought the recent update to ormond was to give the same change as the chucky chapter (with the chairlift and the pallet near the stair)and i didn't know if it will be more broken for survivor or not
ps: I didn't play ormond on the first version before the realm beyond
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I love this map its colorful but wish we could escape via the ski lift and thats what we would need to power on just to be differnt
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Definitely one of the more balanced maps.
It's the right size, I don't know why people keep acting like it's one of the bigger maps. Iirc its size is about in the middle for maps in this game, and I'd go so far as to say it's the biggest a map should really be, I think maps bigger than this are where we get problems from the size.
I've never personally had issues with its loop spawns on either side, but some reduction of outright deadzones is usually good thing as long as what replaces them isn't too broken.
My only major problem with the map, historically, has been how easy it is to use unhookable builds there. I haven't had someone try that since a hook was added to the main building though, that might've fixed it.
Atmosphere's great, too. Love the snow.
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Map feels balanced with a good variety of strong and weak loops. I get equally good results playing both survivor and killer. It’s not too large, unlike the other featured maps.
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I think its a great map, but you guys could make it smaller
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Once Survivors use the pallets at the side of the building its impossible to get to any connecting structure than hoping Killer has not broken all the walls inside. Its very easy to made deadzones as Killer.
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Map is fine as is, just wish it was a night time map
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Ormond does feel balanced for the most part and reworking that giant rock at the front of main helped, but it feels like the map just needs 1 or 2 filler pallets on the front side. That's really my only gripe, there's just a massive dead zone on that entire side of the map as soon as a pallet has been dropped. Especially if you're in the corner with the little hut. Sometimes you get a pallet on the rocks next to it but it doesn't seem guaranteed.
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feels like theres just a big amount of rocks and not much else to the north/east of the main building. even going north/south takes a while to reach any tiles.
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Ormond is a near-perfect map *in comparison to most that we have*. While it does have its issues with deadzones, I feel it's the last map to need any reworks or additions, and felt it didn't need the update it received compared to the many other problematic/unbalanced maps (Swamp, Garden of Joy, Badham Preschool, Haddonfield, and RPD all come to mind as being more deserving of further changes)
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pre-rework ormond had better lighting than current ormond. Current ormond is so blindingly white and seems more un-natural. Old ormond had a more moodier light blue color scheme and I feel it was easier on the eyes and more aesthetically pleasing.
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Blight still has collision issues on a whole bunch of objects on this map. We’ve been waiting literally years for BHVR to fix Blight’s collision, and it still hasn’t happened yet.
Blight’s M2 bumping hitbox on goes from his waist to his shoulders, so any objects that stick out below his waist, or stick out above his shoulders, cause him to slide off that angle of that object.
There used to be a BHVR dev working to fix this, but after he left, we haven’t heard anything at all about BHVR fixing these collision issues.
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The map is overall balanced.
Loops are a combination of safe/unsafe.
It has many deadzones but at the same time is a bit too big.
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The big issues I have with Ormond are the size of the map, a shack that can spawn obscene loops, and excessively clear sight lines. I think that the map heavily favors good survivors, but that the map's size can lead to incredible deadzones against average and below average survivors.
The size issue can problematic from the start where for instance if you spawn in at shack you can lose the kitty corner gen before you have time to move over to it even if you go directly there. Losing a gen there was zero possibility of contesting feels incredibly bad.
Shack on the map can have the Father Campbell's issue of spawning too close to a filler pallet and a jungle gym. Shack is already a very strong tile when run properly, and a lot of killers can't do anything if shack spawns next to a filler pallet into a properly oriented jungle gym. The amount of time that can be wasted there with the proper setup doesn't fit with a map of Ormond's size or safety.
The clear sight lines are where the maps size really comes into play. A high mobility killer will perform well on the map because they can see survivors a mile off and their prerunning won't do a lot against a high mobility killer's speed. But against your average mobility killer, or heaven forbid a 110% killer like Slinger, prerunning on the map can be incredibly strong and incredibly boring to play against. The overly clear sight lines with the size of the map create a situation where survivors can drag the game out and play it exceedingly safe and as killer you can't do anything about it. Thankfully most people don't play the game that way, but the ones who do are more than happy to throw on an Ormond offering and ruin your DbD experience.
It's not the worst map in the game by any means, but it (along with Gideon Meatplant, Garden of Joy, Eyrie of Crows, and Badham) are the maps I roll my eyes at when I see an offering for. It's one of the maps reliably seen as an offering and one that makes me consider hopping off to play another game where there will actually be player interactivity.
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It's a map I have fun on as both sides. It's pretty close to perfect.
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I like this map for both sides. Seems as balanced as u could make it 🤷♂️
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I personally would love a permanent snowman from the winter event just for this map. It would make it unique.
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I think this is one of the fairest maps as you can get a 3k or 3 escape based on how smart you play to avoid a 3 gen or long chase time.
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The map itself isn't survivor sided because of its size exactly (Sanctum is fairly balanced with the same square footage,) It just feels massive because a tendency to spawn gens in the far corners of the map. Very difficult to defend gens when they're as far away as they could be.
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Pretty balanced, I would love for a snowy realm, maybe add the climate to other maps like auto haven? That would be cool or add a night version of ormond.
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Slightly more towards Survivors.
It's big which is more helpful to Survivors, main is strong but overall relatively balanced (will go back to it in a sec) but it also can have from about average Pallet count to pretty high one so in the middle.... More Survivor-helpful.
The big obvious issue is actually main building.
The Pallet that spawns near chimney/bar area inside of it has 3 spots. Sofa one which is relatively average, the "outside" one which is probably the stronger spawn and the one with armchair, closer to bar which is defintively weakest out of 3.
Maybe at least keep the RNG but make the spawns more equal towards each other? I think 2 out of 3 are more Survivor-friendly so... You know... I wouldn't mind them being a bit helpful to Survivors but yeah...
The shape and usual Hook spread causes a very awkward scenario: Survivor goes to corner on the map, gets Sacrificed on the closest Hook and any Survivor going to same corner is basically Unhookable which actually tends to drag out games and just be annoying on both ends.
I think it's more of a geneal issue than related to this Map specifically but this one tends to have it relatively easy to do that.
On that note, maybe do something about destroyed Hooks after Sacrifice? Not sure.
But yeah, slightly shrink the Map, adjust Pallet strength within main building and... As a band-aid, change the Hook spread on the map?
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Jungle gyms are balanced, rock loops are very unsafe, main building is fairly strong but not too much. A tad too big in my opinion. Overall a little survivor sided.
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ALSO Please give us a hint to where the Golden Toolbox is already!