Mapping the Realm

Mapping the Realm

Mount Ormond Resort (Ormond)



  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Map is too big but fair other than that.

  • Member Posts: 13

    Map is mostly fine. From Killer POV, most filler tiles are playable and don't consistently attach to strong jungle gym windows. It is on the large size, so it is particularly bad for Killers that don't have mobility. Map has clear line-of-sight all around the Main Building, so Survivors pre-running can be frustrating.

    From Survivor POV, the clear line-of-sight makes it hard to navigate against a proxy camping Killers. Tiles feel generally playable and fair

  • Member Posts: 2

    i like ormond, one of the few maps that feel good both as killer and survivor whenever you spawn on it. i do think it’s partly because there’s only one version of this map, which is very easy to learn and gives you a strong sense of certainty, which is nice, however i’d really like seeing some other iterations of it. i know it’s very unlikely, probably impossible to make more versions of ormond with the map reworks, but maybe with a new original chapter somewhere in the future? anyway great map, loove the winter theme, would love it even more if it was darker or even more white. the middle ground that it’s now on doesn’t feel impactful enough

  • Member Posts: 47

    Too many deadzones can spawn

  • Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2024

    ormond is close to being really balanced in my opinion, the biggest issue is its size. the map is huge. makes it really bad for M1 killers or just generally anyone who doesn't have some sort of mobility. the loop design for the most part is pretty decent though.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Actually i more liked the old one as killer main.

    Now it is kinda huge, especially if you try to defend gens. If they not stupid, and finish the middle gen, then you almost garanteed to loose.

    The loops not extremly bad, however for a slower killer it is pain in the ** Also for those who not too mobile. Even for Blight it can be horrible since many obstacle just not work normally, and you just slide from it.

    Stealth killers have almost no chance to use their power as it is intended.

    It is not the worst map, but i would say it prefers survivors (of course assuming they are not braindead, and they know what are they doing even if not SWF)

  • Member Posts: 24

    It's a bit big for most basic killers. Just crossing the map gives survivors enough time to do most of a gen.

    Hey...more lockers for dredge on this one too.

  • Member Posts: 509

    To big, to bright, and to many pallets

  • Member Posts: 30

    The recent changes did great things for the map.I love playing it most of the time and didn't feel it was survivor sided. Non-mobility killers may struggle, and Agitation makes it more bearable. There are many pallets but most are relatively decent to mind game and the maze tiles are not insane. I wish the props were better distributed, that the collisions were more consistent (it takes a bit of memory to notice the disjointed hit boxes, especially on Billy) and that the elevation issue was less heavy but otherwise this is a fairly solid map, a far cry from it's first version. You could possibly reshuffle the corner maze tile, or the shack, or shrink the map a few meters on each side, but it's a good, balanced map now and I never feel aggravated playing it. Also my main's home turf, so that's a bonus. I liked it in lights out too, myself. (this is all from an 82h player).

  • Member Posts: 808

    Need a snowstorm fog effect to stop seeing survivors and killers from the other side of the map

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    If you get bad RNG then it is a nightmare because of connecting loops (especially around shack), but else it is fine.

  • Member Posts: 65

    Generally balanced and navigation has greatly improved since removing the upstairs breakable wall and massive rock behind main building.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited March 2024

    main building has 3 god windows / 2 god pallets / 1 god pallet outside of main that can be easily reached with balance landing, shack can be connected into multiple maze tiles , idk about you but this map 70 % of the times is just survivor sided.

    only times where it becomes balanced is when RNG actually spawns unsafe rock loops everywhere with weaker maze tiles so people need to actually go for stuns rather than pre-drop holding W 24/7.

    but this happens pretty little soo yeah.

  • Member Posts: 868
    edited March 2024

    It's pretty well-balanced (wide open, no structures are overly strong or abusable since it's latest tweak, very little hook deadzones, decent pallet density), however it's one of the maps that was greatly affected negatively by the Anti-3-gen system.

    Due to middle-gen in main building being the most important generator to complete early to avoid a 3-gen situation, Survivors will obviously keep coming back to it which often makes the Killer have to kick it (since simply conceding gen progress for the sake of keeping kicks for later, risking it being completed while away for a short time, isn't exactly normal). It is also not rare to see perks such as Surge (downing Survivors shortly after chasing them away from the gen) and Pain Resonance (it is often the generator with the highest progress and is often hit at least twice if Survivors prioritize it) add to this and chew through regression events on this generator quickly and, if the Survivors don't go down easy, is one of the easiest gens to accidentally block early, automatically putting the Killer in a very disadvantageous position if there is at least 3 Survivors alive when 1 generator remains. If the system only kicked-in at the end then this problem would be essentially gone.

    Apart from this, this map is one of the most balanced maps in the game in my opinion and doesn't need any major changes outside of maybe adding a hook or two in corners as it is common for experienced Survivors to purposefully either sabotage or have one Survivor die on a corner hook, making this corner safe due to lack of other hooks.

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2024

    It's honestly one of my favorite maps to play on both sides.

    As survivor, the loops are easy to find, fun to chain, and provides various of different tiles that are engaging.

    As killer, survivors are easy to find and all the different tiles gives me a chance to try out a bunch of different counterplay ideas in a single match.

    I'd say I escape/3K a good amount, but also fairly lose when I do.

  • Member Posts: 41
    edited March 2024

    Ormond is a map that I think feels mostly-balanced, but also feels kind of bad to play on. In general, I find that a good 90% of my matches on the map boil down to whether or not the main building is one of the first gens done. It's kind of like RPD in that if the survivors break the 3-gen early, the map is survivor-sided, but if they don't, the map is killer-sided.

    Naturally, this promotes this sort of boring, hyper-defensive gameplay where if the killer and survivors are both smart and understand the map well, a majority of the match happens in the middle of the map where there are only a couple decent tiles, those being whatever the hell that big vehicle is and the main building. But even then, the parts of main building that are actually strong are largely inaccessible from its generator if you aren't pre-running at the first sign of the terror radius (or running Sprint Burst, I suppose).

    All it takes is a couple broken pallets for the entire middle of the map to be a huge deadzone where not much gameplay other than holding W can occur, and if the killer manages to get a 3-gen within that huge deadzone, the match tends to get very boring for both sides very quickly. If the survivors start running super early, they make it to strong tiles and the killer drops chase, and gens take forever as a result. If survs stick to gens longer to speed the match up, they go down super quickly because there's no tiles for them to make it to.

  • Member Posts: 707

    Favours survivors but only if they are competent enough to take advantage of its layout and size. Otherwise it favours killers.

    I think considering how many god awful maps there are the fact this one is both visually appealing and relatively fair makes it popular.

  • Member Posts: 121

    This map is a nightmare for m1 killers and killers with little to no mobility. It's balanced for killers with map mobility but if you have no map mobility or speed you will struggle and the game will favor survivors.

  • Member Posts: 60

    For me, this map feels a bit big and has some strong RNG for survivors sometimes

  • Member Posts: 566

    The map is too big with some strong loops at the main building. Also, there is too much clutter, which can harm killers like Deathslinger, Huntress or Singularity. The colision on this map feels pretty strange, specially on the snow mounts.

  • Member Posts: 7
    there is a high chance that nothing will appear on the edges of the maps, especially around the Shack

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    Big, but not too big.

    Strong loops, but playable.

    Open space.

    Only Winter map.

    No unfair elevation changes making it bearable for Exe (my main).

    I just generally have fun and look forward to this map.


  • Member Posts: 4

    Good map, a little bit surv sided but its ok, we should get a night mode on this map

  • Member Posts: 24

    Opposite of Sanctum of Wrath, Ormond gens feel undefendable with m1 killers. I'd like to say it's because they are too spaced out, but it's a combination of strong tiles and a main building that promotes holding W, actually punishing the most only the killers that cannot close that distance easily.

    IF on top of that strong fillers also spawn it feels really powerless as an M1, and I feel shrinking Ormond a little could be a massive improvement.

    It's also one of the few maps where breakable walls seem to improve the gameplay instead of completely overturning it, for both the window near the counter and the pallet upstairs in main, while other walls can just be left unbroken and not impact the gameplay at all/minimally impact it.

    Overall beautiful map visually, love the snow!

  • Member Posts: 20

    The biggest issue is the random hook that spawns in a room on the top floor in main. Killers can easily secure that hook and can body block anyone trying to enter the narrow doorframe. This hook spawn logic needs to be examined as soon as possible.

  • Member Posts: 99

    Survivor spawns are also an issue on this map. If you've ever loaded into this map with Lethal Persuer, you'll often spawn in the middle of the map, seeing all 4 survivors in separate corners on separate gens. Unless you have Corrupt Intervention, coming back from that purely RNG start is going to be an uphill battle.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    An advantageous map for survivors who know how to loop. The map rework didn't do much.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    No issue with the map, it is big to patrol but has some fairly mind-game-able pallets linking areas so I think it is mostly balanced

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    It's too big and too open, not enough line-of-sight blockers. But I do like it aesthetically, and I would like to see another map added to the Ormond Realm.

    Make it dark again.

  • Member Posts: 755

    I say, this is mostly a balance map; used to be more survivors favored and can still be by SWF with sabotage and flashlights builds. The map is too open and bit large, so it makes Flashlight save practically easier to do; but other times; the map has quite a few deadzones in between the main building and some of the loops. For slow/average killer, especially as Trapper; the bright map can make placing traps easily spotted too early and it is more practically to block strong windows and pallets with traps.

    When swf bring hook distance offerings and sabotage builds, the hook spawns can be unforgiving and painful to get too without Agitation or any killer perks to mitigate it.

  • Member Posts: 428
    edited March 2024

    My one request would be if they somehow bring back the old filter, maybe in the form of a potential "Day/Night" cycle, and if possible, make the main building look a bit more abandoned. I'd say fix whatever gives SWFs more of an advantage against Killers than it should. Other than that, I don't seem to have much of the problem with the map besides it being set in daytime, and not looking as abandoned as it once did.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    The only thing I dislike is how few line of sight blockers this map has. You can see the killer coming from a mile away. Stealth killers can feel quite weak thanks to this, while mobility killers don't care at all. Other than that, feels relatively balanced. I don't mind this map.

  • Member Posts: 24

    Its almost great balanced but partly more svr sidet

  • Member Posts: 308

    I truly hate this map as any killer. To reach one generator and another it's soooooooo rough! I've seen comments saying how chases look like but barely any talk about any pressure. If I ever get 3 or more kills, is due to survivors' incompetence, not my skill.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Very balanced map and easily one of my favourites with little issues.

    Main building is very well designed and has one of my favourite layouts. The good pallets inside are somewhat hard to reach too, making it feel pretty fair for both sides.

    People are saying the map has too many deadzones/is too big, and I can sort of agree. I think the jungle gym tiles, specifically the ones in the corner, are a little too close to the edge and could probably be brought closer to the middle. To compensate, trim the edges and maybe remove a couple of the filler pallets.

    Overall, cool aesthetic, fun and mostly balanced gameplay for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 13

    My favorite outdoor map. Yes it's big, but the sightlines are super long so it's pretty easy to find survivors, and the generator placements are actually decent.

  • Member Posts: 13

    I love this one. Fun, unique, and feels balanced. I can agree with people saying it's maybe a smidge too big, but overall this map is good, very happy with it. It would be cool to get more maps in this realm.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    The fact that survivors love to bring this map's offering from time to time while not even sweaty nurses do it on the killer side should make it obvious that it is survivor-sided. However, that is mostly due to two things:

    1. Even though the map's overall size is medium, it still feels big because the distance you need to traverse to get to the objectives is quite big. Most maps have small dead zones on its edges, so you don't need to walk from corner to corner, not all the area of the map is used. But this one? It has jungle gyms and gens extremely close to every corner of the map. So survivors can run all the way into this corners and still have good loops on their side to continue the chase, and killers need to walk through the whole map to reach gens, and this gens are extremely far apart from each other! This bad gen spread can make them really hard to defend. All survivors need to do is one gen on each side plus the one in the middle and BANG, the final 4 gens will be impossible to defend for most killers. Let's not forget the main building in the middle slows down traversal too, you can't walk a straight line from one side to the other.
    2. The visibility is quite high on this map too, so unless survivors are doing a gen inside the main bulding, the shack or a jungle gym, they will most of the time see the killer approaching and get a headstart to run from them.

    Change this two things and the map should become balanced, because the loops themselves aren't that strong. It's always good to remember: Eyrie of Crows had a similar issue with its size and it got fixed. Ormond needs to get that checked too.

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