Adrenaline being nerfed? lets talk about it.

clorox Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
edited March 2 in General Discussions

honestly, i think to nerf adrenaline is unreasonable especially if you take into consideration the latest survivor perks we've been getting. i get it's an early game perk but if adrenaline is being nerfed, as a survivor, i feel like i should share some killer perks that should be nerfed.

1) NOED. there is no reason for killers to get a speed increase on top of everyone being exposed. especially for already fast killers, slugging atp is a canon event.

2) pentimento. the ability to relight your hex with no consequence at all is a little broken. "yeah well the killer needs to drop chase to relight the hex" bro it takes less than 3 seconds even with that in mind, there are different times during the match where the killer can spend 3 seconds relighting a hex. and even still! it takes 14 seconds for survivors to cleanse a hex and that's without perks to slow down cleanse progression time.

3) terminus. which, i feel is a counter to adrenaline. in most cases, it applies to the perk but there are a few chances it won't be. but i think it's unfair that we have to get all gates unlocked when there are things like remember me, no way out, and noed put together. with endgame perks like that adrenaline is the least of our issues.

4) friends till the end. ??? how far do i have to be from the hooked survivor to not be affected by it? add that to starstruck and suddenly im in a game of constant noed mindset where doing anything will result in an instant down. how is that fair to me??

5) ultimate weapon. it's absolutely busted. the idea that checking a locker makes you scream makes no sense, the fact that it can still be triggered during endgame is frustrating because if you put ultimate weapon with noed it's like, why even bother?.

i think there are a lot of things that are survivor sided and killer sided, but that's what balances out the game. there are things to counter both of those but as of late, the things that are survivor sided are currently being nerfed which ruins the balance of the game. nowadays the only way a survivor can escape is if the killer lacks in skill but even THEN it doesn't help much because this game is so killer sided.

Post edited by clorox on


  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 725

    I see the other 4 perks in any way, but why do you think pentimento is strong? No one is ever cleansing totems and you need around 1-3 perkslots to even make it usable. And even when someone cleanses it's no magic to know where the totem is, it's at exactly the spot where you cleansed it first.

  • Shaddoll_Serpent
    Shaddoll_Serpent Member Posts: 153

    We don't even know what the Adrenaline nerf is gonna look like so hold your horses. I personally doubt it'll be anything that huge.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,648

    It's not like Adrenaline is free of issues. Some adjustments could be made.

    And since we don't know what exactly the Adrenaline nerf will look like and they also have a lot of feedback telling them that Adrenaline is perfectly fine strength wise, I doubt they'll give it the CoB treatment and butcher it beyond recognition.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Dang, noed just stay being bullied.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 937
    edited March 2

    Personally I've never even been too big Adren. It only procs once a match, and only of course when (if) the last gen pops. I'm of the mind that having perks that help you get to the endgame are much more important than perks that help you once in it, especially since the endgame is regularly tilted in the survivors' favour to begin with (if more than two survivors remain, anyway - and if they do not, Adren also won't often do too much). Adren can also be lackluster if you're already healthy and/or not in chase, or downright detrimental as it robs you of your Exhaustion perk.

    Don't get me wrong, Adren is a super strong perk that can come in very clutch, and it shines once you have a group that can coordinate its usage and timing. But I'm not convinced it is the "S+"-tier perk many make it out to be, for that its impact is just not nearly consistent enough, even if it can at times be game-changing.

    BHVR definitely has a mountain of perks (on both sides) they should be buffing before they consider nerfing some of the few really good ones there are. And Adren specifically is not all that problematic, it if anything has the healthy effect of encouraging late and endgame heroics where otherwise players and groups would regularly just let the person on hook die or whatever and play for gates instead. It also makes for exciting and fun gameplay whenever it does come in clutch, both in solo environments and in cases where a group coordinates to make rescues or other aggressive plays with it.

    If they are adamant that it needs some touching, the only thing I would really do to it is make it so that it causes Exhaustion for the entire endgame. Although I assume the thing BHVR may deem problematic about the perk and are looking to change is (the complaint) that it encourages survivors to opt to stay injured while pressuring gens, banking on Adren to heal them. I don't think that is really a problem, survivors choosing to stay injured and even forgoing bringing means of healing in favour of this "strat" comes with significant risks and imparts onto the killer snowball potential throughout the game for the idea of averting risks and snowballs in the endgame. NOED and Terminus are also impactful endgame perks that counter Adren to an extent or another that make it even more detrimental for survivors to have stayed injured throughout the match hoping for payoff in the end.

    Either way, whatever happens to Adren, I don't think any of the perks you've mentioned need adjustments. NOED provides endgame power to a set of killers that often direly need it (for M1 killers, getting a hit on a healthy survivor can mean them making it to a gate even from halfway across the map). The threat and danger of NOED if anything make the game more exciting. Although I do think removing the Haste effect on it would be sensible, and it wouldn't even purely be a nerf: survivors would not be able to tell anymore whether the killer has NOED by making note of their movement speed. Penti is great how it is. Terminus and Friends 'Til The End if anything could do with buffs.

    The only perk here that should be getting nerfed is Ultimate Weapon, and it has long been slated for nerfs by BHVR. It's hilariously obvious that it is the Made For This equivalent, designed with its pointed overpoweredness in mind. It appeared on the roadmap set for nerfs shortly after its release, but conveniently with a 6-or-so-months grace period. How much more blatant could they make it, acknowledging that it is a problematic perk with its inclusion on the roadmap but pushing any actual changes to it back months in advance? Which is particularly notable when considering that they have in recent years transitioned to a pattern of touching things released in chapters in the bigger updates directly following said chapters. They knew it was a problematically powerful perk (and then some) before they had even released it.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Noed did get nerfed to remind you not the way we wanted but still a nerf

  • dragondemon75
    dragondemon75 Member Posts: 10

    it takes forever to cleanse those totems because it’s more than one, and usually stacked with other perks to trigger/ force totem cleansing. They can add up back up limitless amounts of times , and in an instant. So no, we can’t just keep cleansing it over and over and oh wait.. over

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 725
    edited March 3

    You know it's only one time per totem don't you? And it doesn't even revive the hex in it self but give it an different effect depending which one it is in the secuence

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 725

    Welp dbd is the game where nobody reads perk-descriptions i guess xD

  • PreorderBonus
    PreorderBonus Member Posts: 250

    Adrenaline should be nerfed, Ultimate Weapon should be nerfed.

    Terminus? Pentimento? What are you on about lmao

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 725

    Oh yeah you're right, some people accused me of wallhacking once because I used the aura-addon for huntress. Same with barbecue xD

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    Who knows, it could be buffed to be on par with Background Player.

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492

    Always good to remind myself why I don't use the forums. This post did it so thanks

  • felipesegatto1
    felipesegatto1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95

    if adrenaline is nerfed, they will lose some players, because there are so manu survivors unhappy with the balance decisions they been doing

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,474
    edited March 6

    I don't even use it and I think a nerf is unreasonable. You're playing an entire game with one less perk in the hopes you'll get some benefit in endgame, which you aren't guaranteed to reach. I use the same argument when I say NOED is fine too.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    settle down, they're probably just getting rid of the stuff like healing on hook.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    I’m guessing they’ll remove the heal from it and simply have it be a do 5 gens for a gigasprint perk

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,736

    i personally don't think adrenaline needs a nerf but a change i still think would be ok is something like charging it up as the user gets healed. getting healed twice gains you the heal effect of adrenaline, movement speed isn't affected so people wouldn't be able to just stick to gens while injured since adrenaline offers enough safety to do so.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 317
    edited March 6

    NOED??? Really? How many times has it been nerfed already?!? and your still not satisfied???

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,915

    Noed can be taken out before it ever comes into play, pentimento requires 2 perk slots to get use out of it and terminus is literally fine. You spend ALL game with 3 perks for a perk that could possibly not even be useful.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 668

    Inflation man, they just don't make em like they used to😔