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How you feel about current DbD as Survivor?



  • Member Posts: 391

    It's unplayable and BHVR doesn't care.

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    There’s good days and bad days. Killers should be a little stronger imo, once they finish balancing the weaker killers to compete at higher levels and balancing survivors more around that then I’ll be happy bc I’m not seeing the same killers over and over, it’s gotten a lot better than it used to be when all I would see is spirit and Billy and spirit and Billy and the occasional nurse. There’s a bigger variety than there used to be, which is really nice compared to where it used to be.

  • Member Posts: 795

    Survivor feels awful and so does killer. Maybe I'm just terrible at the game at this point idk.

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    Solo q isn’t viable? What are you talking about just use the god pallets you told me about on RPD and the top floor of Hawkins 😂

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Other than people doing the usual bs (rampant tunneling, first down everyone quits, etc) its been fine for us. We do think the devs care about because it would be extremely stupid to think otherwise. We may not have as much stupid toys as before but overall its alot more balanced and some of the worst unfun things are weakened (face camping and 3 gen camping) so we're enjoying ourselves more (sans the previously mentioned people being ********).

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    I generally have fun as survivor. I enjoy the perks. I do most of the healing and rescue. I enjoy seeing the gratitude from survivors when I can patch them up in seconds.

    Im happy.

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    I don’t entirely agree with all map reworks favored killers per say my friend but I do agree survivor perks need to be stronger

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    That’s fair heh. I mean, I play Onyro. I played 20+ matches the other day. I lost 2. (Was trying a test build) it was on Hawkins and dead dawg.

    Why can’t I just load in as killer though and all the pallets already be broken for me and everyone is already injured from the start 🤣🫢😍

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    It feels lonely most of the time. Also games where the killer is running oppressive perks and your team (including you) is running like headless chickens kind of sour the experience. Also you need time off. Playing a lot of hours can have a negative effect on your mood and this game is very RNG based, so quite a few things are out of your control.

  • Member Posts: 452

    This is the reason I won't spend any more money on this game unless devs balance it and go back to 50/50 kill rate or at least 55/45.

  • Member Posts: 458

    My friends quitted, with only one of them left and we rarely play because the end result's the same always. I know you cant fix bad teamates, but at least ds gave bad survivors a little more of a chance, which I suspect was the reason I had more fun before the 6.1.0 patch. There's also not that much new content to be excited about from the survivor role unlike the killer role.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    According to the devs goal of 60% kill rate, the game is still too easy for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 452

    I don't think 60% was ever their original goal. What happened was killer main streamers complained about anything that made the game feel challenging for them, when according to stats the game was balanced back then with 50% kill rate even with DS/DH. Then BHVR listened to those streamers and were surprised to see kill rates jump to 60%, so they just changed their goal to appease the streamers who want 3k or 4k almost every game.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    I personally hope they bring back the old meta perks. Currently the game is just boring and stale. I mostly play killer, because I almost always loose as survivor. The perks are just trash and unfun + the reworked maps are just trash and straight up deleted my favorite maps. Soon they will ruin adrenaline and maybe if they don‘t add anything good in return, I might quit.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    Soloq sux

  • Member Posts: 869

    Solo is terrible as usual and SWF is way too easy much of the time.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Not good I haven't escaped in literal week starting last saturday. If I don't escape tomorrow it will be first week I ever didn't escape since I started playing. Today I had couple chances to end this streak but I helped my teammates which got me killed and killer had tunnel vision on me too looped him 4 gens after first was completed before. I have also played off meta builds and had 3 off days from dbd.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    It's mostly fine. Obviously, bad matchmaking and hook suicides / dcs ruin the experience quite a bit and tunneling is more prevalent than I'd like but most of my matches are really not that bad.

  • Member Posts: 306

    I'd like it a lot more if I didn't feel like I was being forced to bring Windows of Opportunity and Off The Record every single match.

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited March 2024

    Well, Solo queue is awful. You have teammates that kill themselves on hook if they don't like the killer or when they die too quickly in first chase. Or teammates that are determined to do a challenge and that's all. Or teammates that use distortion, left behind, calm spirit (maybe urban evasion or self-care too) and don't care to really play the game.

    As for SWF (which I normally play), it's fun mostly. But I say that coming from someone who SWFs regularly in a 30k+ hr SWF. We mostly win (and we DO 'play to win'), but we really, REALLY are challenged when VSing a full meta killer, with meta perks and addons that plays well and tunnels as appropriate. Which honestly, is fun (in a good team). It's boring VSing killers that don't pose a challenge. But I can imagine (and have experienced) just how frustrating it is for less experienced (or solo queue) players to deal with losing vs these kinds of killers game after game.

  • Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2024

    If a I or another service isn’t immediately tunneled out of the game at 4 or 5 gens then the game is ok. That being said this is the majority of my solo games right now and most games just feel unwinnable because of this. I know it isn’t fair to say killer cant tunnel at the beginning of the game. Still though can make for a lousy situation where the game feels like a garenteed 3k. On top of that the amount of people that just give up dosnt help either. If some survivors just didn’t suicided on their first hook then things might be a bit better.

  • Member Posts: 452
    edited March 2024

    The real kill rate higher than 60% but killers are manipulating the stats with their behavior and not trying to win because the game is too easy for them. Here are my stats from more nearly 200 games as survivor. 42% escape rate. However, 32% of my escapes were only because the killer was afk/messing around/let me escape on purpose at end. My real adjusted escape rate is 33.5% when the killer is trying to win. You can look at good killers who track their stats and their kill rate is 70-80%,.

    Post edited by sinkra on
  • Member Posts: 9

    Most games are the same, therefore they're pretty boring. Same gameplay (rush gens before someone is tunneled out) and leave. If you're fast enough, 2-3-man escaping is pretty common even in solo but the matches themselves are repetitive. As a more experienced killer, I mostly get super meta teams with 3 Windows, 3-4 SBs and Adras, brand new parts, epic coordination, etc., but at least I can use my power to spice up my matches and have some fun.

    You can't play meme or fun builds as a survivor, you can't do anything else than sitting on gens (if you're not in chase) or usually it's game over very early. Even wasting time with boons could easily mean you lose immediately. No joke, if I just open a chest, I feel like I'm throwing (and I am).

    The perk overhaul was 2 years ago and it was really healthy for the game. Everyone tried the new changes, tried different combos and builds. They were still awful, we can see now, but it was a refreshing and fun period.

    They promised us we get more and more changes by buffing horrible perks or changing them to be more interesting, but this didn't happen. Meanwhile the general gameplay turned to a repetitive squirrel wheel.

  • Member Posts: 808

    Then they can just implement afk kick detection that will kick them at 3 crows and give them a penalty simple

  • Member Posts: 562

    No, I'm not having fun as survivor in this current meta, they've been releasing super oppressive anti-loop killers that barely have counterplay outside of "I hope the killer misses".

  • Member Posts: 103

    To be honest. Playing survivor alone is pretty useless. Mostly the others fail so much. Like close EVERY locker when it is the dredge. And other stuff like that. So soloq is the most useless thing to do.

    I play mostly with a team. We are now a good working team but yet most game are just outright disgusting. Tunneler are like 98% of the killers. Same goes for slugging, camping and proxy. Often it all is come from one killer all together.

    The reasons they mention for such behaviour ALL are just excuses. Either it is a genrush, which is ALWAYS the killers own fault to put pressure on survivors, 100% of the times, cause they are just run after one and the same survivor for 5 gens straigt. So NO that is an excuse NOT a reason. Since it is very strange to say, that the survivor do what they have to, and only cause the killer failed to create enough pressure they could do it without being interrupted. Killers are aware that make gens is like the only thing survivors have to do? So cause survivors do their task to escape, the killers say it is okay to play toxic. It would be the same to blame a plumber for doing his job so you can kick him between the legs. (If that really make sense to any killer it is weird)

    Or when a killer come with the excuse that a real killer would also not play fair with you. Any reason killers bring are just excuses and I do not accept any of them anymore. Since they all are made up or just copy pasted of someone who said it before cause they think it sounds logical which it never does.

    Best excuse killers can bring is. Cause every survivor group they potentially meet could be a bully squad. So they just play like that every time. Not even think twice about the fact, that these "bully squads" are pretty rare and 99% of players ARE NOT BULLIES. Yet it is another unlogical excuse.

    Next excuse is tunneling, camping or slugging a survivor cause it is a level 30+ survivor. Like if any survivor with a high level character deserve to get tunneled or slugged or camped to death. And since survivors before a round could not see the level of the killer, so if it is a valid reason for killers to act like that, DEVs please give survivors the possibility to see the level of the killers, so we can leave EVERY TIME when there is a 30+ killer which awaits us. (Not possible cause it ruins the game for these killers? Hmm maybe that should you say the killers too) Not to forget that there is simply no reason to become toxic and dirty to a survivor cause he put a lot of effort in a character they liked. It is like punish someone for liking a character and level it.

    Another excuse is, that slugging, tunneling and camping etc. are game mechanics like doing gens for survivors are. Which obviously is not make any sense. Since if the game want a killer to play like that it would be a hint or part of the tutorial. Sure these stuff is in the game and you could also call it a "game mechanic" since the game does not prevent it really. BUT it is still a killers very own decision to use this stuff. I saw killers which played without any of this and build up so much pressure we could not do anything. These killers are very rare they are like almost extinct. Some killers are nice and want to farm but these are also very rare. It just is no reason cause the game make it possible to use this "mechanics" it does not make them VALID tactics. (No matter if any killer is now hurt about my words)

    And I do not want to begin with these who cheat. Cause often we as survivors can not really can see if it was a cheat or not. Since killers are so buffed up nowadays it is like basic killers alone are like a walking cheat. (Especially some specific killers)

    Disconnects or suicides on hooks are increase because it is almost impossible to get anything done. So many killers are just slug and stuff at five gens without any mercy. Why stay in a game when killers are not willing or able to play a normal and fair game for all and instead just are toxic as hell, dirty in their playstyles and so on? And most fun part. If a killer acknowledges that that wont work in a round, cause that sometimes happens too, leave the match too.

    To be honest. The killer mains are here these which should rethink their behaviour. It is them and almost them alone which got mad about survivors, which again just do the gens, cause that is what the game want them to do, and destroy them in the game and in this forum as well. Cause every time you as survivor main dare to critisize that behaviour or critisize things which totally favours the killer you as survivor got gaslighted and talked to the ground. It is just impossible to open the eyes of the killers who just got absolut out of control, cause they just copy paste opinions of bigger streamers like they are gods (And no these streamers are not right only cause they stream. What just is toxic does not become a valid game mechanic only cause a streamer said so)

    And to say genrushing is a toxic behaviour of survivors is so far from make any sense, because what are survivors suppose to do instead? Just stare a wall? Only cause the killer is failing to build up pressure any good? Genrushing is not the reason it is the result of a killer be just not good. Sry if that sounds hard, but it is just that. Good killers who are really good in this game build up pressure so hard (Without slugging, tunneling or camping etc) we can be glad to get even two gens done. We had them, few but still there. That is why I know that genrushing is an excuse which is just copy pasted so often every killer believes it. So killers just tell me if you say genrush is a reason, then TELL ME, what is your solution? What should the survivors do instead? Wait for you to get them? Teabagging at the gates till you feel like you got treaten fair? Cause it is not like survivors rush because they use a certain game mechanic like killers do when become toxic, they just DO THE GENS, and only cause you as killer fail to get them under pressure it does not give you the permission to become toxic. I mean every killer who do not see that it is their own fault and they just push it to survivors cause they are not able to reflect themselve should maybe stop playing the game.

    I as a survivor have no issue with get on hooks or moried or stuff. My issue are the majority of killers who smack you with every cheap excuse they can get for their toxic behaviour. I also think that no survivor really would become any mad if it is a 4k in a round if killers just would play it fair. Even more I experienced that these killers who played fair and got a 4k were praised for that. Cause it is like what, in my opinion at least, should the game be like. A killer which play fair but still is so good we have no chance or 4 survivors who are so good the killer got no one. Not how it is now. Killers tunnel, slug and camp etc. the hell out of every single survivor, cause they think it is okay, only care bout them not the others, and do not deal with the fact they are toxic as hell. Even more they push the fault to the survivors so they can just go on with it. I for myself am over these cheap and disgustingly unlogical excuses and do not accept any of them anymore. Cause they are ALL excuses and will never be any reasonable. PERIOD.

  • Member Posts: 150

    Depends on who i am playing with.

    I don't know my mmr but In Solo Queue i usually get decent team mates. If no one gives up early in the match then the game ends up being quite balanced and fun. Unless its a sweaty Nurse/Blight. These matches are not fun or fair.

    When Swfing with experienced players and we are not memeing around the game is usually easy. B tier killers and lower can't keep up.

    When Swifing with my less experienced friends the game is a lot harder. Especially if we are not in a full party. In that case we get very inexperienced randoms in our lobbies. They usually have no gen efficiency and they last very little in chase. They usually unhook at the wrong time too. So its very easy for the killer to snowball. And i have no way to explain things to them like i do with my friends.

    This game could really benefit from a better tutorial.

  • Member Posts: 513

    I honestly only play if there is a cosmetic I want.

    Then I stop playing and go onto to something I can enjoy - just not worth the frustration.

  • Member Posts: 451
    edited March 2024

    Whenever I play Survivor I'm 99% sure I'm either gonna lose or I get a pity escape or memey killer that will let me go. There is not a single game that I can say I fully enjoyed and both teams were trying their best and both had chances to win and was a constant back and forth. It's aaaaaalways either a stomp or memes.

    So no, I'm not exactly enjoying survivor whatever little amount I play. I'd rather just play killer because at least I don't get "Do X and escape" missions that get stuck at 0/1 progress for days, until a killer sees me making puppy eyes and pointing at the exit gates and takes pity on me.

    I just have to walk around and bonk people and I complete Killer missions. People get annoyed when I say this, but it's... it's easier.

  • Member Posts: 394

    It blows as solo q, you have no incentive to play well. You can play the best match of your life and still get destroyed if you get a bad team. Solo q doesn't need to be as strong as SWF but they need to reward people for playing well with better team mates. Old ranking system please, the game was way more fun and I believe more popular before the laughable MMR system they put in place.

  • Member Posts: 452

    A dev recently said they are very happy with the 60% kill rate and have no plans to change it.

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited March 2024

    They also said they weren't planning to do anything else to Blight shortly before announcing more changes to him. Plans can and do change.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Solo queue is hell on earth. But what else is new.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    True, I don‘t track games as killer, but I win most of the times and it‘s not fun. There is no challenge.

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    Well, the Survivors are kind of in an actual hell so… Appropriate? 😬

  • Member Posts: 26

    If you chill and don't take the game any serious Solo Queue is fine. If your goal is to survive as many trials as possible playing Solo Queue is probably not optimal.

    The only real problem I am experiencing from time to time is that the random team mates are immediately giving up once hooked, or even straight disconnect if they don't like the map or the Killer they are facing.

  • Member Posts: 405

    It's annoying when I have a Tome Challenge to do where I have to do a gen and every time I touch a gen I get chased immediately. If I have a challenge to do a chase and stun killer I never see the killer or they chase for 3 secs then leaves for someone else. I need to unhook safely and someone is unhooking with the killers a few feet away. lol I'll never understand that, it's like the game knows what challenge you're on and places you in games with killers or survivors who deny you completion. Survivor side is just wild regardless, though.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    My only big gripe is fellow survivors. There needs to be better explanations of game mechanics/powers/etc readily available to help cut down on survivors making bad plays. Even if it's a tad.

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    I do like to joke around a lot it’s true but this post is 100% sincere.

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