Verticality of anti-camp mechanic

Can you make the verticality not take into effect with the anti-camp self unhook mechanic, if a killer wants to stand 2 floors above a hooked survivor then the game should treat that as the killer standing next to the hooked survivor anyways and give full speed to the self unhook meter.
No it shouldn't. Sometimes a killer might be right above a hook but wont be able to drop right down so the killer wouldnt be able to stop the unhook from there so they are not really camping then
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And which map is this on? All maps have a spawn in either main which is almost always a multi floored function or shack, meanwhile the indoor maps have at least one location where the killer can go one floor above basement entrance and camp it with immediate access to the entrance. Perhaps you are talking about the office spawn on Lery's that has a lower spawn rate than its generator room spawn. Maybe RPD that has the same problem?
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Im not saying there arent spots where the killer can drop down and camp the hook. Those definetly exist but i dont think just becasue some of those spots exist they should make it through all floor. In the ptb where they first tested the anti-camp it worked through floor and on some maps like rpd and the game this would create issues on some hook spots and so they changed it to be slowed through floor.