Infinite Vaults with COL

in this Video will show you how you can never start a chase with a killer chasing you and never activate the entity blocker thanks to the shift tech and the insane speed you get from Champion of Light giving you infinite vaults
Yeah thats pretty silly but im sure given enough time a couple forum survivors will flock to it and say omg they keep nerfing survivors its not even that op or something like that
probably be changed eventually
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Ugh!… How annoying! But it is an awesome tech though.
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Huh so that explains why I vaulted a window 4 times once using this
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That’s going to be problematic.
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But it’s a weak and useless perk! Didn’t you know, survivors never get anything good!
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We still calling exploits tech?
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Boggles my mind people say Alan Wake didn't introduce anything good when he brought us Champion of Light.
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What does this have to do with CoL?
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Don't think that's intended.
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Isn’t this the typical discussion and scenario where someone quickly hops in to suggest a counter perk like, “Just use Franklin’s!” or “Look away from the beam too avoid the 20%!”
Seriously tho, that Blight player had opportunities they failed to capitalize on. Getting BtL to work w CoL like that is silly and avoidable.
CoL is weak
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Yeah no, I dont think you're supposed to be able to use that perk to break chase around a simple loop like shack.
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In the first chase, Bright tries to hit Nea before she can get past the window even though she can't get past it. The content of the video is not a reference as it was the result of a difference in skill between the two. This technique may be effective in very localized.
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I think this can easily be fixed by making the haste effect of CoL apply after 1-2 seconds of shining the flashlight instead of instantly.
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The Hindered isn't what causes this though so looking away from the beam does nothing.
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That's exploit and it will be fixed. Perk itself is garbage.
I don't know why you are trying to gaslight survivor complaints with bug which never intended.
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Facts, and yes, I kno… Just sth ppl are usually popping in to chime off on.
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The fact COL hinders the Killer 20% and let's you move basically running speed away while the killer kicks the pallet like how is that NOT good!? Or even busted
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COL is weak against blight because he is a movement killer had this been a regular m1 killer like wraith trapper ETC CoL is kinda op
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I truly mean no offense to the Blight in that clip, but they don't seem like they know what they're doing :x
I don't think this would work on most killers, they would know how to play more efficiently. This one seems quite new, which is fine...but I'd like to see this done against someone who is familiar with Blight.
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I’m not trying to gaslight anyone. It is a good perk. Just because you can’t make use of it doesn’t make it garbage.
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So if it is good perk, why you were trying to prove your point with exploit?
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I don't understand how this is a problem.
I just makes shift+tech more consistent.
The Blight also played the loop really bad.
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My point was that just because people on the forums cry about a perk being bad, doesn’t make it true. Good players can bring out the full potential of a perk like they did in the video.
If it was a garbage perk as you put it, the player using this perk wouldn’t have used it long enough to figure out how to exploit it like this. They must have thought the perk had value to keep it equipped and experiment with it up until they found out it can force an infinite.
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I have to admire how every single time there is a "new OP survivor tech" yet still the video ends up with that survivor dying.
So the survivor had to equip Champion of light AND fixated AND hope AND a flashlight just to do this tech AND he still died against a Blight who doesn't know what he's doing. Wow that sounds OP.
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Every time a new perk comes out, content creators publish all kinds of "OP" techs and exploits with it, that's just clickbait for views.
Then everybody forgets about the perk because it's not good.
That super secret "infinite window tech" is already known, in fact it was used as clickbait title waaaaayyyyy before Champion of Light existed. Watch the intro of these 2022 videos, it's literally the same but with Fixated instead of Champion of Light:
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Probably not but it will need to be addressed and then we'll have some people claim that all survivor perks just get nerfed.
This can definitely not stay though.
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That never happens on survivor side. Exploit fixes only get hated on killer side.
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Sure. The removal of "locker techs", "window techs" and the FOV slider making "FOV techs" harder weren't complained about at all. Because survivors are shining beacons of virtue, who would never use something that is completely overpowered. It's definitely not like survivors are still people and people love winning.
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I agree that they sensationalize everything, which is why I don’t watch most of them. But when it comes to CoL, my argument is that it’s not a bad or “garbage” perk like many on here are claiming it to be.
Sure, it’s not on the level of old MoM, DS and DH, but that doesn’t make it bad. Those types of perks should never make a comeback in this game.
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I mean content creators are doing that because they want to get views? If this perk was good, you would see it on public matches pretty often but i am hardly seeing it.
So i disagree with you. Content creators are doing that for anything new to exploit. This does not mean this perk is good.
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I mean, it will more likely be patched out. So not really.
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IRC this exploit was there before COL, this video is not a good showcase because thats clearly someone who is playing below their skill level.
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The last fun bug was the reverse vault flashlight bug a year ago or so. I'd love to see that become a perk
It's the same argument for the Buck + FTP which is overpowered in a SWF, but as solo you need to invest a lot of resources to get it to work (and not die immediately after). So I would not be surprised if this could be a strong strategy but only for like 1%-5% of loopers, meaning it's useless for the rest of survivors.
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No, you won’t see it often in matches because the majority of survivor players are bad at the game and can’t even properly use flashlights.
Just because it doesn’t do all the work for you doesn’t mean it’s bad.
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I don't understand this argument to be honest. In every game the majority of player base is considered "bad", especially the higher up you go. What makes DBD survivors uniquely bad compared to other players in different games?
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Nothing, I agree they’re bad in other games too (I too am also bad).
The problem with Dbd is the game is balanced around the average (bad) player while others are balanced around good players. What the other games have going for them is proper matchmaking and having an easier time at balance while Dbd is impossible to balance similarly due to its asymmetrical nature.
Im not against the devs balancing for the general population, im just against busted things perks like MFT, old Keys, old Moris, old DH, (forgot the name but the gen perk that basically made it impossible for survivors to do anything after it procs) and old CoH, to make a come back. Unfortunately both sides want that busted stuff because it made them feel powerful.
CoL isn’t bad and it’s definitely not garbage. It is a good perk in the hands of a survivor that put in time to learn how to properly use flashlights. It’s not busted or completely game changing (except for this exploit), which is fine. Perks should take some skill or effort to use on both sides. Unfortunately everyone wants little effort perks for high reward (I’m guilty of this since I’ll always want old Spine Chill back but I understand the balancing reasons why it won’t come back 😭).
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The short forced M1 mechanic, that can steal hits from the killer, is still in the game, and still hasn't been fixed yet, despite being in the Bug Reports section for almost a year.
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So majority of killers. What is your point? MfT was dangerous on good survivors but yet, everyone was using it.
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Yeah, I agree it can't stay.
That will mean all of Wake's perks are well and truly duds though, which is unfortunate
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I'm using Champion of Light and loving it!! Its coming in clutch in so many matches.
Looks like people just want perks like MFT or old DH.
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I guess all the people here didn't listen when he said its extremely difficult to pull off.
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I would love to see a video of anyone pulling this off in a legit match multiple times then we can say its a problem until then the perk is fine.
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Yea but this isn't easy to pull of especially vs any killer that has an iq more then 2. You can see these killers are completely new to the game. This is a match making problem not a perk problem.
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Although I think they are all salvageable in some way. Champion of Light could impact the blind duration and give flashlights 20% extra battery (just an idea, the numbers are not fully thought through). Illumination could use some number buffs and highlight gens that are worked on in white. That would give it a bit more utility.
Deadline is a bit difficult to fix. So I'd prefer a rework for it. We don't need Hyperfocus builds to become super popular.
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But also, Autodidact stocks would go down with a Deadline rework :(
Still sad that we have to discuss reworking perks or Killers right after they launch.
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Anything that allows survivors to loop without starting a chase is a problem. That includes CoL.
They only showcased it around shack but you need to think bigger. If that is possible around shack, then what does that mean for GoJ, the chapel, the asylum, the Groaning Storehouse, Suffocation Pit's main building, Blood Lodge and Azarov's Resting Place? We are not just talking about some niche scenarios that allow a survivor to get a few more seconds out of a loop but potential infinites.
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Truer words have never been spoken.
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Yea but it isn't easy to pull off these killers just sucked he could have done the same thing without CoL by just walking instead. Against a killer with an iq more then 2 its impossible to pull off. You can obviously see he is not in the correct MMR bracket.
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If it can happen at all, that is enough for it to be a problem. The buildings I listed offer little to no room for mind games, so it doesn't matter how good a killer is, they are all equal when it comes to these. Meaning, no matter how good the killer, if you can pull it off against one, then you can pull off against all.
That is never fine. We have the same issue with Nurse. She is hard to play and she has been for a while (though I disagree that she's the hardest killer in the game). Were all of these nerfs to her unwarranted? I don't think so.
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Idk, ask Blight mains with their Hug Tech, which the devs have said ages ago, that they want to remove