Can we PLEASE start Punishing Campers

Three games in a row. Huntress, Deathslinger and Hag, literally all face camped. the entire game was slugging and trading hooks. How is this remotely fun? Killers that can't even complete a good chase. So we either are either down a person or have two to three people tied up. It's ridiculous.
Let's add a real punishment. Speed up Gen repair when the killer is still in the area. Gens start popping they will be motivated to start working on Gen control....WHICH IS What THEY SHOULD BE DOING!!.
Start docking points, have them lose perks inside the radius... something.
I play killer just as much. Gen control and always been good for me. I end up letting survivors farm because usually I know they ain't getting out. Every once in a while you get a good sweaty team. It get schooled. This whole "they get gens done too quick" is bs.
I love playing killer, love playing Survivor with friends but this camping is ruining it for me. Especially when you have three in a row of literal face camping
they dont care about survivor problems
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Should have let the anti face camp mechanic take effect until of hiding around the area.
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So when all 4 survivors are bullying and body blocking while tea-bagging, ets, killers aren't supposed to do whatever it takes to get the win as well? Survivors always are the 1st to complain when their bullying is turned back onto them and start crying for nerfs and killer punishments.
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I imagine this is just survivors turn to be punished after the years of perk abuse, infinites, and bullying killers. This is our penance to bear collectively.
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Killers can simply keep their distance to the hooked survivor the same as the rescuer to the hooked survivor to nullify the unhook bar. Instead of afk, killer just walk toward and backward making the whole mechanic worthless.
I would rather making the hook timer to 90sec, plain the simple.
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You mean the build in BT?
Or the build in self unhook?
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If they were actually facecamping and survivors weren't hanging around the hook, then they would have had the option to unhook themselves. L
Either the survivors messed up or you don't know what facecamping is
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There already is an anti face camping mechanic. How you managed to not capitalise on that despite these killers face camping is a mystery. I need more context here.
Where they actually face camping or was it proxy camping? What does face camping mean in your opinion? What happened for the AFC not to take effect?
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Some killers, like Cenobite, Myers, Huntress and Trickster have methods to bypass the anti facecamp mechanic.
with Deathslinger it depends on map and where he hooks you.
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I know but neither you nor I saw the match. Face camping is a very specific thing and lots of people use it as a go to term whenever they don't like how the killer played. I would really like to know the context. That is why I asked these questions instead of just saying that it couldn't have happened.
And no: Myers cannot bypass the anti face camp mechanic. Even with Tombstone he does not bypass it. Undectable, he does not bypass it either.
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You sure on Meyers? There's vids and streamers I've watched that had the instant kill addon, 99% stalk, face camped, and just killed the survivor before they even touch the ground whet they unhooked themselves. Freaken hilarious 🤣 since he the only killer in the game that can kinda bypass all the face camp prevention stuff.
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That's technically circumventing the base kit BT but not AFC. I'm pedantic like that.
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That's survivor issue, so it's not important i guess.
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The problem is anti-face camp doing nothing against strong campers. It's really so easy to manipulate. Specially for killers like Huntress, Bubba, Billy, Trickster, Twins, Hag etc.
And the funny thing those killers was the actual problem at camping before AFC. And they are still the problem. So AFC really did not fix so much. Problem is still here as like before.
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Billy is not that strong of a camper now that the AFC is in place. You will get the unhook no matter what. He literally cannot stop you, if you dodge once or start the unhook animation. Hag also doesn't face camp. That's proxy camping, so in her case the AFC shouldn't work anyway.
You cannot change the AFC much further. Huntress can camp you from a distance, so can Trickster and Deathslinger but increasing the range would punish killers that aren't camping too. So there would either need to be adjustments to these killers or the AFC that only affect these killers. The latter is not something BHVR have ever done (as far as I know), so that's unrealistic.
Adjusting their powers would bear the same issue that the AFC has. Too much and it becomes exploitable, too little and it doesn't help. That's a dilemma.
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The anti-camp mechanic is a joke because the bar fills so slowly and the radius is small. It actually trains killers into more effective campers because now they proxy camp. The devs just can't bring themselves to nerf killers in any way because streamers will complain if they can't win almost every game. It's a killer sided game now and devs expect survivors to just be fodder for killers' entertainment.
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And how often does this happen? Today all three trials were repair gen... One survivor caught and hooked... Camping, trade hooks, hooks... Slug, slug slug... It literally stops the game. So for the ONE team that's legit trolling you are gonna punish the masses. Great way to keep a game fun
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The best way to punish camping and tunneling is to gen rush
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I had already explained that to you about a week ago.
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Yes, if people would just stick to gens instead of hiding near the hook, ready to unhook instantly once the killer walked 2 meters away. So hard to learn, 6 years have not been enough time...
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It's rewarding killers who can't do a good chase, like you said.
On Spirit I can chase and down people, I don't tunnel or camp, what's the point in that?
Those killers that camp and tunnel are quite boring. I've played against them all day. It gets to the point where other survivors try to intervene, and everyone goes down. It's crazy
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camping scenarios require a better coordination unfortunately but it's already punishable in itself if you play correctly unless it's something you can't counter like bubba: do gens and save/trade last second.
Post edited by NerfDHalready on2 -
There is already punishment for campers. We have free Deliverance and free Borrowed Time because survivor mains kept complaining about camping. If you didn't self-unhook or take BT hits after getting unhooked (which allow you to fly halfway across the maps and get a HUGE amount of distance from killer), then I don't believe you were really getting camped that hard.
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So either you just want to he the victim or this is a prime example of us VS them.
Both sides are cared about equally. This is new since it hasn't been like that in the past. It's so sad that this mindset still prevails instead of people just taking their time to see both sides of inform themselves.
We should be better.
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Yes work on Gen control as Deathslinger who takes an hour to reach one point of the map who was nerfed because of you complaining and I would bet money that the Hag wasn't actually camping you just triggered her traps near the hook and she teleported to it so you call it "camping" because if your team is being camped by Hag you weren't winning regardless
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Kindred and Reassuruance. In solo Q i don't blame the killer for (proxy) camping, but my teammates allowing / feeding it.
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Ah yes, anti-facecamp working as intended. I ran the killer for three gens until they left. They tunnelled my teammates off hook. When they caught me this was their response. I'm not mad, I was the last person to be caught, it comes with the territory. But this is a common thing. There are many killers that are just as dangerous while sitting barely outside anti-facecamp.
Maybe in addition to the range stipulation, if you can see the killer, your bar also goes up?
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Maybe they didn't want you getting unhooked to drag it out n getting bar for seeing would be a terrible change.
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lmfao against micheal deadslinger and huntress unhooking yourself is a death sentence tell me you don't play dbd without saying it