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It’s no longer an exaggeration… everyone is tunneling

I don't even know what to say that hasn’t been said 1.3 billion times before but almost EVERYONE is tunneling and I’m sick of dealing with it.

combine that with this current insufferable killer meta of Scourge Hook, Deal lock, dead man’s switch etc and this has become one of the most unbearable era’s of this game ever.

it’s so bad that the first 2-3 minutes of matches now are just survivors crouch walking everywhere for fear of being the first one seen.

something has got to change…

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  • Member Posts: 1,725

    From what I can tell, I think OP is saying that tunneling is the most prevalent it's ever been, and that's what they're complaining about.

    Put another way, you are correct that tunneling has always been possible, but OP is arguing that killers have never taken advantage of that possibility as much as they do now.

  • Member Posts: 555

    I would say you are right. While I personally don't see the fun in it on either side, it is allowed I do think it is utilized by people who need at least 1-2k. Usually I assume it is people who can't really get kills by playing other ways since facecamping was nerfed with anti-facecamp feature making it harder for the Bubbas.

    I will usually give the survivor who just got off hook 1-2 minutes before going after them depending on how good the team is. I agree when it is the same character and cosmetics it is confusing.

  • Member Posts: 452
    edited March 2024

    Devs have said they consider camping and tunneling a valid strategy. On some killers like Twins you can face camp without the bar even filling.

    Post edited by sinkra on
  • Member Posts: 6,131

    If you're noticing it in every game then Babysitter is a good perk to bring. It'll help your unhooked team mate get away, plus shows you the killer's aura so you can either intercept and take chase or make an attempted getaway too. It's a shame that instead of useful perks the devs give us scraps lately but Babysitter is still a decent option.

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited March 2024

    How do you REALLY stop killers from tunneling though? Any protection or measures you give them would surely be used against killers, right? Just like how OTR, DS and even the built in BT can be.

    And a BIG unpopular opinion, but I think if tunneling was disincentivized to the point of no longer being viable, DBD would be more boring for it.

    The idea the killer CAN tunnel you out and you have to play well to survive (or have your team "win") is fun, tense, dramatic. If for example the killer just... leaves you to satisfy a x hook win condition, that'd be boring, right? Sure, you might end up surviving, but so what? The killer LET YOU survive for their win condition, you didn't escape from skill or from teamwork.

    I think the real issue as usual is matchmaking, as well as the solo queue and SWF coordination/information disparity. These both need to be improved further.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Yes, tunneling is a bit out of control.

    Without DS as punishment or BBQ as an incentive to not tunnel, there isn't much that can be done if the killer decides they want you out of the game ASAP.

    The upcoming DS changes have to be a good buff, because it is the best chance to fix this problem, and the only thing survivors will be getting for a little while.

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited March 2024

    But let's say those changes are implemented, making it harder to tunnel. Killers would need a buff overall to account for this (since at high level, killers often* need to tunnel to win). The obvious one is to extend gen repair times even more, which is boring for survivors.

    So one thing might be fixed, but it seems to lead to another problem. Sitting on gens for even longer. So it's a tough one to solve.

  • Member Posts: 862

    Im telling you. Once you get tired of being tunneled, you'll slap on otr and ds on your build sooner or later. We shouldn't be forced to do it, but if majority of survivors started to do that, then the killer community would realize that tunneling is not the best strategy.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    90 seconds hook timer will just mean people can be more efficient on gens without getting their team off a hook, like actual good players do and use the hook timer as a resource to do gens. Say killer patrols gens after a hook so this increase in timer doesnt do anything because they arent tunneling, unless its a high mobility killer you can just prerun and keep an efficient gen time while prerunning and only rescuing teammates when they are close to second stage. If and this is a big if, the survivors are good then this change is a big change that affects as always the already weak killer that can be easily prerunned, but since the majority of the playerbase still die to meme killers like pig I guess this change prob could work idk.

  • Member Posts: 396

    Yes, stick to gens, use the 60 seconds of hook time!

    No incentive will reduce tunneling, buffed DS will not reduce tunneling (but I still hope it will get a decent buff), 90 seconds hook time will also not reduce it. It will make camping less efficient but instead increase tunneling. The danger of loosing the match will reduce tunneling.

    And survivors can already do that, they are just too... sorry, to dumb, that's it.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I'm with you, although I think buffing DS is not enough. We are talking about a licensed perk after all. So basically new players would need to buy the Halloween dlc and unlock DS quickly or they're thrown to the wolves.

    The base kit BT effect could use some work (no collision with the killer) so that OTR becomes a better option too and it might be necessary to add further base kit mechanics like a 3 seconds DS.

  • Member Posts: 937

    Yeah it happened to me quite a few times today, I checked their steam profile and they had a lot of comments saying they are bad killers and tunnel, etc.

    OP describe how all my matches go basically. Tunnel simulator ftw.

    Whats up with them beelining to the hook too? I can't even heal with we'll make it and I was a while before unhooking.

    When I play killer I don't feel the need to do that. I double hook everyone, and then go from there.

  • Member Posts: 657

    That's completely not true. You can learn all you want but killers are going to tunnel its a much easier game 1v1v1v1 vs 1v1v1v1v1. Contrary to you're beliefs I don't know if you are new but unless you are in a swf this game is not a team game.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    No, that's not the case. All long-time Survivor players know that even soloQ has some bad matches and some great matches. I am also one of them.

    HUD has greatly improved soloQ Survivor's coordination. Survivors just only need to know from experience who wants what. A team can be formed simply by gathering talented survivors.

  • Member Posts: 657

    I have 4k hours in the game in solo q it is not a team game if all of my teammates escape and I don't my mmr goes down. Explain to me how that is team based.

  • Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    No online game in history has ever survived not letting you play with friends.... Also re-read what I said I said IF YOU ARE NOT IN A SWF this game is not team based.

  • Member Posts: 3,586
    edited March 2024

    It is an exaggeration since I’m not tunneling Survivors.

    Post edited by Iron_Cutlass on
  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Why is everyone so shocked still about tunneling?

    This game is about kills and as long as it is about getting kills and MMR is based on that and only that alone, nothing will change.

    You can try some bandaits or nerf tunnel/camp people still will and find other ways to get kills the most effective way.

    Only way how to change it is to make the game around hooks but then you also need to give killers time (and motivation) to be able to 12 hook everyone because atm there is no way you can do it even on A tier killers unless you face baby Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    And since genrushing can't be employed mid-match, it has to be done from the start.

    Cue 'why are gens so fast' complaints.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    If the survivors actually understand each other's roles and killer is chasing them, I will complete the generator without wasting a second and will not hesitate to hook trade to rescue them.

    If I am being chased, the other survivors will waste no time in completing the generator and reward my chase.

    If a lone survivor hasn't been rescued even though it's been a while since they left the generator, I'll head over there, join hands with the survivor who couldn't rescue them alone, rescue them together, and escape at three 1 hit-survivors. It will be.

    It's a team play.

  • Member Posts: 657

    That's because YOU choose to play as a team. Most people don't and again AT ITS CORE its not a team game. I don't even touch gens anymore because its boring a win for me is getting saves and memeing on the killer. Escaping is not a win to me and a lot of people don't want to play the game the way you do and some do but that's a choice of gameplay at the core of it all you don't gain mmr from dying even if you helped all three people escape making it not a team game if you got mmr based on all the survivors that escape then it would be a team game.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    Repeat. Yes, sometimes with selfish survivors. Sometimes that's not the case, and I just understand that to be the case. If the matches are consistently bad, it's obvious that the survivors are either immature or only interested in their own survival and don't understand that they are putting themselves in more danger.

    I believe in the theory that human nature is evil, but I believe in my fellow survivors. This is because the gameplay can only be achieved on that basis.

  • Member Posts: 657
  • Member Posts: 1,596

    Meanwhile, I'm playing killer with random perks and trying to spread hooks, and get hit with all the stuff survivors can throw at me: Styptics, Syringes, BNPs, genrushing from hell, multiple adre, and to top it off, Ftp+BU to even deny me one kill at 6-8 hooks (bc obv. I tunneled, that combo would NEVER be used in other situations, right?). If I'm extra lucky, I'll get trash talked in end game.

    The game can be pretty frustrating both sides, esp. when the other side does not show any mercy. I cannot really blame any killer for choosing to tunnel OR running multiple slowdown at this point. Using BOTH though ... that's really cheap/lazy, esp. on high tier killers like Nurse and Blight.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    no. It's an advantage for survivors if they don't slack off, but this means that few people understand that. If the survivor is just immature, I'll point that out, but I won't blame them. Because it's your next opportunity to grow. That is included the team theme.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    With how fast gens can go, it's no wonder Killers want to turn a 4v1 into a 3v1 as soon as possible.

    4 Survivors means, one is hooked, one does the rescue, one gets chased and one gets to do gens.

    With 3 Survivors, one is hooked, one does the rescue and one gets chased.. all of a sudden there is no one on gens anymore.

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