How you feel about current DbD as Killer?
I made similar post for survivors, so i am asking to killers now.
Are you happy with current version of DbD? Do you think devs care about your role? And why you are happy/unhappy about game, what is your reasons?
I'm enjoying it. I think this is the best killer has felt in a while. Sometime there is that really frustrating game but most games I'm having fun and don't feel like I'm in those impossible to win situations like when perks like Dead Hard and CoH were everywhere. And now that the FoV slider is here I can finally have a 4th perk slot!
Aside from some poorly balanced maps (mostly just Garden, Badham, and Borgo IMO) and Freddy being forgotten, I don't have any real complaints right now about killer.
Also should add that I mainly play Ghostface which is why I hate Borgo so much :)
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Oh yeah i was about to ask why you hate Borgo since it turned killer-sided after rework. But yeah, you are right. It's one of the worst maps for stealth killers.
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Yeah it's the one map I always lose on as Ghostface because it's so hard to stalk people with how open it is.
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The killer role itself isn't in a bad spot right now, my complaints are mostly about Freddy's current state.
I've had a long streak of absolutely miserable games with him recently, haven't killed more than a single survivor. It was incredibly frustrating.
Then I played a game as Skull Merchant and it felt so, so good to play a killer who actually has a power.
It is hard to be a Freddy main these days.
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If it weren't for the flashlight clicks and tea bag shaking, things would still be pretty good so far.
Even though the killer disparity can no longer be helped, there are limits to just tinkering with abilities to balance things out. In the first place, the biggest factor that separates M1 killers from other powerful ones is the poor map design.
If you create a map of the inside of a 5-6 story building, the mobility of the Nurse and Bright will be suppressed, and the M1 Killer will have nothing to lose. Therefore, it is urgent to refine map design.
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There still a lot of toxic people in the game and sometimes you just want to grab noed and tunnel but aside from that playing killer is pretty decent.
My only concern currently is the decision making at bhvr. Instead of reworking maps to improve locker placement they gave trickster and huntress buffs. That's uncalled for (at least for the huntress) but as far as I know they have never done anything to improve the dredge. I would like to see some quality of life changes on this killer. It is a fun killer but not very effective against experienced survivors. Basically a m1 killer then.
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The thing about map balancing is that within the roster killers function in widely different ways. A wide, flat map is amazing for Blight, Nurse, Hillbilly, Artist, Huntress, Trickster, and so on but awful for Ghostface, Myers, and other killers who rely on stealth. Unfortunately there’s no way to make a map that works for all killers powers. And of course maps still need to work for survivors as well. :)
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yes. So I think it's okay to have some advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, what is needed is to suppress xcessive advantages and disadvantages while also providing variation.
By the way, nurses are better at narrow maps. She's only good at her momentary mobility, not so much her sustained mobility. Bright is at its best on large maps.
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I still won’t play most of the killers, because my MMR is still messed up.
Just so everyone is on the same page, when I’m playing someone like Blight, it’s fine if the game wants to send me the most obnoxious survivors that are available. I probably deserve it because I play to win, and my kill rate with Blight is probably higher than it should be.
But when I’m playing someone like Dredge, and the game keeps sending me bully SWFs that are playing like they are trying to make YouTube montages, then I just won’t want to play killers like Dredge.
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I mean if you were sweat player, game will send you to against similar teams. I don't know your playstyle tho. But if you are playing to win, you will face against the teams who is trying to win as well.
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The end result is that any killer that’s garbage at 1v4, doesn’t get played.
But that doesn’t mean I’m always playing “top tier” killers. I could be playing someone like Legion or Trickster, because even though they usually don’t rank very high in tier lists, they actually have 1v4 powers.
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Second verse, same as the first. We enjoy the killer role baring some bs (stupid tiles, buckle up+ftp, the occasional toxic wannabe bullies).
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Both sides seem to suffer from the games biggest issue IMO, maps.
Maps are the great equalizer in this game and sucks for either side to load in on a map and have a very solid chance to guess the outcome immediately.
Some maps are absolutely terrible for M1 killers, some for projectile, some for mobility, some for stealth, and some are absolute desserts with nothing for survivors to use.
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Depends, If you play any S or A tier killer the game has almost gotten too easy but playing a C tier killer can still be miserable at times. Despite the overall power gap between killers being narrowed the general killer buffs and map changes will just always help the stronger killers more than the weak ones.
So killer is in a sense very strong right now but you have no reason to play half of the roster.
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meanwhile me a dredge main
dude i bully the bullies and im chill with the ones that give up just play for the fun of it
also that might be because i only ever run aura builds buuuuut hey its fun either way
btw killer is in a pretty good place for me but revert the nerf to dead hard then we chill
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Matches are still very tough once you reach a decent mmr and when survivors actually do their only objective the gens do go really fast. Personally i would like more base kit gen stall and perks nerfed to compensate.
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I think it's safe to say the killer role is in the healthiest spot it's ever been in.
Some specific killers still struggle, some perhaps even moreso than other points in the past, but the role as a whole is definitely doing really well. I get the occasional annoying match, of course, and I do have a bad habit of playing late at night when the matchmaker loves giving me literal comp players, but overall I enjoy killer just as much if not more than any time in the past.
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Barely play anymore because survivor is so auto pilot with exhaustion + windows against most killers.
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Its fine.
Good times to be a Pig main....
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I think it feels good to play killer in general, at least as long as it's not a map-offering: It feels like everyone is always playing garden of joy, rpd, lerrys, badham or the game.
It get's pretty boring to play on this maps after a while, particulary on badham, garden of joy and the game. It just doesn't feel like it matters very much what I do most of the time.
Well I guess it's still better than the time with old dead hard, ds and so on xD
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So you are playing survivor and escaping all time with those perks i assume?
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the only thing that i hate are maps and toolboxes, mainly because i play nemesis, i don´t wanna be the guy who says ´´oh my god, every survivor tryhards genrush buh buh bah bah´´ but for some reason, literally every match, no joke, every match i see a map offering, for eerie, lerys, rpd, springwood or ormond, as killer and survivor, the reason i hate toolboxes is because well, it speeds up the game, and i like chases, less gen time = less chases = me angry, but the game is fine in general
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Never said it was OP, just said it was auto pilot. But yeah I could go into a game with exhaustion and WoO and hold W and pre drop every pallet I see in sight.
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The killer role is in a pretty good spot. Good base time for actions and no one perk is excessively good.
Between nerfing gen kick perks and implementing the anti-3-gen mechanic, the 3-gen meta and gen kick meta in general are long gone, which is great for the game, because it encourages the killer to be more active. We have some problems with predominant builds being 4 slowdowns, but I think this will also be fixed in time. Hopefully we can get more good chase perks in the near future.
Maps are problematic, but that's always been the case. The map reworks have been gradually pulling them into a more consistent spot, aside from the Red Forest Rework, which made that realm worse, somehow.
I think now we're at the point where BHVR needs to focus on improving individual killers. Trapper, Nemesis, Dredge, and Singularity all need some kind of QoL changes/buffs like other killers are getting in the coming All Things Wicked patch to make them more consistent. Singularity needs to me made more newbie friendly, because while he can be consistent and snowball quite easily for a player who knows what they are doing, he is brutal to learn. Freddy, Twins, Myers, and Knight need reworks. At least we know a Twins rework is coming and Freddy is on their radar. They just need to stop tweaking base kits and add ons for killers who are doing fine, like Blight and Huntress. They buffed Billy in a healthy way, though, so I have hope for all of these killers.
Overall, though, I feel like killer is in the best spot it's been in a long time.
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Sure anybody could do those very basic gameplay actions. But are you doing them and escaping every match? I’d like to know too. Share some vids! Maybe we could learn something from you. :)
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Once again never said it was OP. Just very boring to go against the same cookie cutter builds where survivor goes from pallet A-Z on the map and pre drops it. But you definitely can escape with those builds because the skill floor of the game is such a low standard.
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Killer role feels great right now. It could always do with some more buffs though 😉
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My 3 biggest gripes about killer are
1. M1 Killers: These killers need to be updated because I feel that they excel when you create dead zones or when survivors make a mistake
2. Maps: I wanted to say Gen speeds, but I think map designs and sizes might be the main source of the problem.
3. The meta: I find it laughable how the killer meta is still gen defense but they nerfed gen defense with limited regression events. Maybe this is nostalgia talking but I miss when Ruin (Red skill checks) was the only gen defense perk we needed because it brought us enough slowdown to run/play with memes.
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It's in a good spot, I just want to see certain kits adjusted accordingly.
That and some tile generation is still wonky at times, but that's more of a map issue that effects both sides pretty equally.
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So if it is not op, what is the reason you stopped play killer. I just don't get it.
I don't think you are losing that much. You are just not enjoying it?
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Personally, while the Survivor role is quite frankly a pretty chill experience in most cases, the Killer role is either a hit or miss since it depends on the map you get, the Survivors you face and the killer you're playing as.
With that said however, i do tend to get good streaks of decent killer games whenever i play before getting one of those really awful and demoralizing matches.
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Outside of a few BS maps like Haddonfield i don't have much complaints. Some weaker killers still need buffs.
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It's good, just mmr makes things difficult to get better. Things are all over the show in regards to matches.
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Whole games boring. Very little skill expression for most killers and if there is usually begged to be nerfed and goes through or killers that don't need buffs (huntress) getting buffed. And a lot of the maps are just boring with the amount of resources they have.