This is what i'm talking about when i say "Survivors OP"

These are the types of structures and setups that i'm talking about when i say that we need to nerf survivors.
This type of setup should never spawn under any circumstances. This team i was playing against was pretty bad, and one of them pretty much gave up as soon as they saw i was legion (as usual), which is why the match ended up working in my favor.
But during the match i saw this setup. This setup means that any good survivor can render this entire half of the map impossible for me to ever down them. You can't even entity block this setup because it is just too strong.
If we nerf these kinds of structures and/or prevent them from ever spawning this way, you won't be hurting your low mmr megheads. You will only be nerfing the top tier survivors who are able to exploit such a setup to its fullest potential.
The ironic part is is that that’s the only safe tile on that map (santum of wrath) for survivors lol. You usually never chase survivors around that tile anyway since there’s only 1 ish gen that spawns at shack or in that general area, it’s no different from the map father campbells chapel that has shack vault stringed into a long wall gym vault in the very corner of the map, you just simply don’t chase the survivors that run there only father campbells chapel is way more survivor sided all around then santum of wrath.
39 -
why not say map design sucks instead of survivor op the survivor has no control over this.
49 -
Yeah this isn't a problem with survivors. It's a problem with map design. It's hard to believe that the map design team actually play this game with how long we've have busted AF stuff like this still remaining in the game.
8 -
"structures and setups" are not something survivors design in the lobby...
22 -
Yeah that set up is broken. Chapel and sanctum have a bad habit of spawning Jungle gyms or 4 lanes right outside shack.
it Should be the next map up for a rework after swamp & Haddonfield. The main building is full of bad vaults that have multiple drop points near each of them. Bottom three map for Survivor if you ask me
3 -
to fit his narrative
28 -
You need to look in the mirror, you have a huge bias against survivors and that's not healthy.
43 -
It's always funny when killers ask for survivors nerfs to maps/ structures/perks and then they post proof and 9/10 times they have at least a 3k. 🤣
Really drives home their point.
28 -
Isn’t this the only good loop on that map though? The rest is unsafe or dead zone.
16 -
All team is dead at 4 gens left but survivor is op.
Yeah, sure dude. Let's nerf survivors more. So we can kill them all at 5 gens.
28 -
I think this guy only has 30 mins to play a week. So he wants to be able to cram as many games as he can. If games last 3 mins max, he can play 10 games.
10 -
Bro procedeed to spend his time by recording and posting here the only good tile on the one of the most killer-sided map of the game, when everyone died at 4 gen as if it were the fault of OP survivors such a spawn, completely forgetting that at least 70% of the maps are drenched in deadzone everywhere.
Smart move man.
17 -
More of a map design issue than a survivor issue. Though I agree, those setups should never happen.
4 -
If BHVR start all survivors on hooks, someone would still complain about 4% mechanic lol.
Killers are winning countless of games but yet, this is never enough.
20 -
you're destroying Survs with 4 generators left...exactly what are you complaining about? All maps (almost) have a strong loop, but you're proving you can still win easily. did you want to kill everyone with 5 gen left?🤣
18 -
bro got blasted here
This did not go the way they thought it would 💀
27 -
To be fair. It feels like nobody actually read the OP just the title and video.
The point of the post was to highlight the structure, and they specifically stated the team they were against was bad but high level survivors would've made it too strong.
I still disagree with them, but the responses have the wrong energy imo.
6 -
I was going to say this basically word for word but you beat me to it
8 -
Okay, so then on a serious note.
You'd need both:
A) High-level Survivors. Not common, as shown by Kill rates and win streaks.
B) Very specific RNG. I have to assume they'd have already posted this if they had seen it before, which means it's fairly rare.
1 -
Elite gif use
0 -
"If we nerf these kinds of structures and/or prevent them from ever spawning this way, you won't be hurting your low mmr megheads. You will only be nerfing the top tier survivors who are able to exploit such a setup to its fullest potential"
Judging by everyone being dead at 4 gens, you're facing low MMR survivors who couldn't exploit the set up to its full potential? Yet they're simultaneously OP?
3 -
According to this forum, all survivors are bad. When BHVR massively buffed killer several times and revealed that the killrate was 60%, it was still because the whole survivor playerbase was bad, not because of the buffs. When Otz achieved a 30+ winstreak with every killer and random perks, it was because he must have secretly thrown games off-stream to lower his MMR and play against bad survivors. I've even argued with somebody on this forum who claimed Dan (former Team Eternal's captain) - is a bad survivor, after someone else shared a clip where he got mindgamed.
OP thinks survivors are superhumans with perfect reflexes, perfect awareness, perfect information, they know where the killer is at all times, what every teammate does, where every pallet and vault is located, they have practiced every loop in the game several times before, otherwise they are bad.
I'm pretty sure OP would consider anybody who doesn't run this tile for 5 gens to be a bad player, even though he wouldn't be able to run it perfectly as survivor either.
17 -
On one hand shack window going into a jungle gym window is indeed disgusting you're also playing Legion one of the worst killers in the game. Most S, A and even some B tier killers could still play around that and that's the best map RNG survivors could have gotten.
That's not a survivor issue it's a map RNG and playing a bad killer issue.
1 -
I think most people on this forum are pretty reasonable. It's just the same 4-5 users who constantly post the same "survivor bad" content. I can't tell if they're serious or if it's some form of elaborate trolling.
4 -
Tbh, he has a point. It's the general opinion here that survivors are bad. Idk, why survivors are more bad than killers. Percentage wise you should have the same ratio. If 30% of survivors are super bad then the same is probably true about killers. Maybe like 50% is just average (now that's a word people never use here). And at 20% you have killers and survivors who do understand the game on a deeper level but only 5% or less is super good. It's only on this game where people claim one side is bad and every killer here is high MMR somehow.
I'm sure there are killers who play on the weekends only who post here and think they're high MMR and the game is survivor sided.
2 -
I agree with you.
But from what I observe their mentality is that the game should be balanced around high level survivors.
Which would have merit if BHVR enforced team play. But they don't, so it makes no sense to treat survivors like they'll always be playing like a SWF.
1 -
Ur legion tho lol. And you dont even have to chase in that area if you dont wanna. Just force a 3 gen at the top of the map
0 -
TBH the devs do enforce it but in a volatile way. it's just that solo survivors are kneecapped so they cannot respond accordingly.
Like dealing with 3-genning, tunneling etc. does require a lot of teamwork and some require a lot of co-ordination. Same with certain perks. If you're with your mates you can call out what perks the killer has and maybe mitigate a bit of their strategy, but solo can't. If I have Distortion or OoO and load into the match and see the killer has LP I cannot tell my team to scramble while all 4 of us load into the same tile. It's free pressure for killer and braindead, it's silly to have that sort of spawn but it does happen quite often (spawning as 4 or 3). LP is supposed to save you time finding your first target, but currently it can delay a lot of people from starting their first gen when they spawn together and the killer can immediately disturb them.
Just one example out of many perks that are a lot stronger vs solo due to lack of communication.
0 -
They seem to have no intention of changing that either
2 -
Great, let's make Sanctum of Wrath even more killer sided
Also, the irony, OP complaining about a broken loop, with 3k and 4 gens left
7 -
I am biased when i relatively equally play both sides? Wake up and look at tournaments, why do tournaments place HEAVY restrictions on survivors?
2 -
I'm guessing you didn't read when i said someone immediately killed themselves on hook as soon as they saw i was legion and the rest of the team basically gave up after that? Which is pretty much the sole reason kill rates are where they are, because with SM being so high, they obviously include hook suicides as part of the kill rate. I'd bet if you removed that the numbers would be significantly different.
2 -
If 30% of survivors are super bad then the same is probably true about killers.
Generally, yes, there is no reason that one player pool or the other would have better players. As a game though there are 2 issues
1: Only one survivor needs to be below the level of the killer to basically decide the game. In a 5 v 5 style game bad/good players will balance each other out. In DbD the easiest path to killer victory is finding the weakest survivor link (this is why the greatest strength of a comp SWF is the ability to ensure everyone on the team is really good).
2: The roles have differing levels of difficulty to learn. While some disagree, I've always found killer to be remarkably straightforward and very simple in terms of mechanics.
It's only on this game where people claim one side is bad and every killer here is high MMR somehow.
It is one of the strangest things about this game and community.
It's always funny when killers ask for survivors nerfs to maps/ structures/perks and then they post proof and 9/10 times they have at least a 3k. 🤣
I'm at the point I think we're all being massively pranked (ala "Chess" Merchant). This is a frequent enough occurrence where there is a post about the game being killer sided accompanied by evidence of a survivor massacre that I feel like people have to know that is immediately what is going to get pointed out. Like the games that usually accompany posts like this aren't even just close, they are totally one sided.
6 -
Yeah M1 killers are pretty simple mechanically, so it always surprises me when people want them buffed etc. Since usually in most games those types of characters are limited by their mechanics while the more mechanically demanding ones can achieve more.
Mechanically simple and buffed usually means OP, maybe it's also why Sadako was so strong for a while as she's not as demanding as Wesker, Huntress, Nurse etc.
0 -
You should know because you’re a high mmr player right? 🤭
0 -
Everyone high mmr on the forums SO U ARE CORRECT!!!!
3 -
1 -
Then it's still bad map design. I'd rather have some good tiles scattered across the map and this deleted than this set up and nothing else. Although, Sanctum of Wrath has a few more good structures. There are 4 main tiles on that map and some filler loops that are definitely usable.
It's not a very strong map by any means but it's not like that is the only safe area.
2 -
You have already won at 4 gens with a weak as piss killer like Legion, so how did this actually negatively affect your gameplay at the end of the day?
This is a dirty setup if survivors know how to use it for sure but 90% of survivors would go down at a God pallet lol.
1 -
I don’t understand the replies to this post
like yeah the person is shitting on the survivors but stuff like this should never spawn
2 -
This setup doesn't mean much if the survivors don't know how to loop it or if they give up immediately, which seems to have been the case here.
And besides, this is Sanctum of Wrath. That setup is probably the only good structure in the entire map.
4 -
This is just like many other problems a bad map design and not only for loops but totem spwans are bad as well
0 -
Bro you killed three of them with 4 gens remaining. Why are you complaining?
9 -
The framing of this post is way off, that title is basically clickbait.
This isn't survivors being OP, this is map spawns being bad. This example of map spawns being bad benefited survivor, but other examples would benefit killer, because both sides meet in the middle; map design is a third element alongside survivor tools and killer tools.
Even if you were wanting to make an argument about survivors being OP for some other reason, I gotta say, "I won this match but imagine if I didn't" isn't particularly compelling.
14 -
This is really a very strong tile combo but we dont see the rest of the map. Usually, Sanctum of Wrath is not exactly filled with connected loops or even a decent amount of pallets. Its a pretty weak survivor map. On top of that, it is also a strong 3 or even 4 gen map.
There are strong loops in the game (rare) and there are weak loops in the game (very common). I think it is fine if once in a while a really good structure for survivors pops up. I am on board with you that RNG is wild in DBD, but usually in favour of killer nowadays tbh.
PS. I know this is not the point, but you destroyed them pretty easily it seems. So i guess the map overall was not that good.
3 -
The main reason is that most people likely didn't read the post and just reacted to the title.
But I also think there's a group of people who don't ever want to recognize issues killers have to deal with as there's always a push back whenever anyone suggests any sort of QoL change for killers.
3 -
Its not even that bad considering the rest of the map is usually pretty garbage in terms of spawns. Youd also have absolutely 0 reasons to go there the moment they complete the gen in that area, if there even is a gen.
3 -
Some cannot escape the 'us vs them' mentality. Anything against killers is the survivors fault. If you don't read the killer book, chapters 21-144, I'll throw it at you.