What is something you are grateful for/enjoy about DBD?

There always seems to be more posts about things people dislike about the game, so as a change of pace, why not mention something you are grateful for or enjoy about DBD? Although the game does have its issues, there are still many things to like about it. For me, I'm grateful that BHVR has brought so many iconic characters/people into the game (NIC CAGE!!). There is no other game where you can fight for your life as Nic Cage while being chased by a killer Knight on an alien planet. So cool! I've also met some of my best friends while online playing DBD. I'll forever be grateful for that. :)
What about you all?
Dramaturgy on Survivor
And Hillbilly.
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I love Nic Cage's perks. They're so fun lol
Billy is the best <3
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I love Resident Evil and this game is best Resident Evil online game. That's one of the biggest reasons i am still here.
Also i am glad having Chucky too. He and Freddy are my fav slashers all time. I wish Freddy was fun as like him.
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I never really played the RE games but I love the RE chapters in DBD. Wesker is one of my favorite killers to go against.
Freddy is long over due for a buff, maybe even a complete rework. He has so much potential!
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I just think it's easy to be outraged. I am grateful the rift actually gives you back your auric cells when you complete. Other game passes hardly give you back half the value of your money or nothing at all.
Also a majority of cosmetics are obtainable with in game currency which is imo great. And the shrine, although sometimes it fails miserably is vital for those who cannot afford DLC perks
Also they have good sales imo, albeit they are a bit rare.
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The unique characters and cosmetics. Sable will be the new face of DBD.
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I am grateful for Claudette. She’s simply the best thing about Dbd.
I am also thankful of all the shirtless male fan art and official “Hooked on You” Trapper art.
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Carlos's thickness
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I appreciate it too 🤤
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At least they didn't nerf it like they did to Pyramid Head, that was a hate crime 😂
I just wish they give more outfits to legendary characters or add the bloody versions
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We enjoy the art and are grateful for how there some wholesome people still in the fog. It's nice to enjoy the game without getting yipped at.
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Carlos needs a shirtless outfit
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I made some really good friends through this game. Even attending their wedding this year.
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- DBD being the only official game in existence to continously collect horror icons within one shared game as well as being the game that debut certain iconic character's first video game appearance altogether.
- The continous removal or updating of content/features from the first 4-5 years of dbd's lifespan.
- The continous expansion of the IP itself into other medias.
- Almost all the custom chase music, the exception being only Legion and Wesker's.
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Yeah we need more hairy characters ! they started (I think ?) with Felix then with Jeff, David is a bit hairy but my man Carlos needs to show some skin
I am currently "maining" Renato, i love his football outfit, but not really a fan of twinks
Maybe add some hair on legs ? not that I have a kink about it, but that seems possible
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Michael Myers and the whole Halloween chapter.
Michael and Haddonfield need some balance changes but I love the heck out of them. Getting to play my favourite iconic killer and a location from my favourite horror franchise never ceases to make me happy.
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I am a solo queue enjoyer and while solo queue can be infuriating, if you can find a way to cope with the frustrations I think the absolute random nature of it can make it a lot of fun.
Love or hate it, there is no other game quite like DBD and it is one of those games where I sit down to play an hour or two and next thing the sun is coming up!
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The curls are what do it for me lol
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I can't even begin to tell you how much I've spent on cosmetics haha there are so many good ones!
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Lmao everybody enjoys something about him
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Not only me, but when someone brings No Mither, I love everyone to point fingers and pretend to blame them.
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yes i know i know most survs hate them but i love them.
i love the rush you get when you speed around with them and i enjoy a debuff and hit and run playstyle. another thing that makes them so perfect for me is the fact that legion is not bound to one body/identity
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This game is a large reason why the silent hill IP was basically revived and it’s the reason why it’s my favourite dlc
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I like the visuals, despite its age the game still looks good.
Soundtrack is still great, i can only count 3 tracks that i hate and 1 of them got changed already.
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I am grateful for the friends it’s brought me.
The devs, I really believe they do their best and are thoughtful. They really do try and listen to the community.
I am also grateful for distortion and woo, gives cute survivor eyes 🥺👉👈
All praise the entity, amen.
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They added two of my favorite IP's ever
- They added and revived Silent Hill
- They added Alien
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Pinhead, Chucky, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Leatherface all in the same game.
Now if they could just get Freddy, Jason, and Candyman we can stop worrying about the bigger licensed content extending the lifespan of this game and let it die at a much quicker pace than before.
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New chapters including cosmetics. You just never know when your next main is coming to the game. I also really enjoy viewing the killers in the store with the eerie theme track
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Hillbilly, my beloved. I've never had more fun running around with a chainsaw.
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I'm grateful for what the game was. DBD used to be one of the best games I've ever played, and I will always remember those good old days fondly.
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Not only that the game itself with their original character is funny.I like that this game has managed to bring a lot licenses together. Resident Evil, Stranger Things, Silent Hill, Scr.. Ghostface, Aliens and many other.
I like to customize my character with perks, skins and surprise the killer and survivor with unusual builds.
And dbd is the most community near game I played.
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I like that the game supports solo play, killer is 1 player and survivor is designed for solo pretty much imo.
I've seen a few games that basically punish you for playing without friends via xp bonuses and exclusive cosmetics which is sad.
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I love flashlight saves and tea bagging.
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The music and the sound overall.
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I hope your job is lumberjack or is there something you wanna tell us?
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I like that they invent crazy cool skins for killers every now and then. Just today when I saw the new Artist skin I couldn't resist playing her for the rest of the evening. (May sound odd as I don't see her skin when playing her but it's like driving a nice car, you don't see it but others will)
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Uhm. Well...
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I'm grateful the Entity still favors me over you, whoever is currently reading this.
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Grateful the most beautiful girl in the world is in the game
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nothing as a solo q survivor main.
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Isn’t Myers also responsible for saving DbD? I wasn’t around at the time but I read the game was in bad Shape and his chapter saved it.
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I think the creative team are spot on with their original chapters (except Tools of Torment lol). They nail the aesthetics and consistently write genuinely original and creepy lore.
I’d also say the fun moments in the game when you realise some players are just here to have a good time too! When other survivors nod at you, killers who shake their heads when they do something goofy, etc. it’s nice when you play with other people who don’t take themselves or the game that seriously and don’t treat it like we’re all competitive e-gamers!!
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I don't know if he saved Dbd but I am pretty sure he was a significant factor in putting it on the map.
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It definitely gave the game a significant boost in reputation. One of the biggest horror licenses of all time got added to the game. That probably gave them a foot in the door for many other licenses we have now.
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Im grateful that the devs listen to the players. I feel the majority of games devs don't.
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I love how each killer it's completely different for everyone else, I like the feeling that I am playing a different game every time.
The complex mechanics and sound design are amazing and add a lot to the gsme
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The memes, the crossovers, the wholesome and kind people in the community (a lot more than you'd believe!), and the devs. I don't agree with many of the decisions the developers have made, but it's clear that they're truly faithful to DBD and want what's best for it and its players. Hyped for Frank Stone!