Skull Merchant is still awful

Why does she have basekit:
- Seeing survivor auras
- Haste when seeing survivor auras
- Undetectable effect when deploying drone
- Hindered effect for survivors when disabling drones
- Not perma-disable drone ability, just place drone near gens and survivors would have to hack it twice just to finish single gen, by doing so give them literally hindered, broken, injuted with killer instinct?
At this point just give her also basekit another gen regression for full bingo card of all things that killer could have.
Yet with all these things she is avarage at best.
If you remove her Hindred she will have no power againts injured Survivors and will become worse Legion and Legion is allready below avarage killer.
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- She doesn't see auras
- The undetectable was always in her kit, it helps her with area control which she was originally intended for
- The hindered doesn't trigger on survivors when the drone is disabled, only when the claw trap is applied and they are scanned or when they fail to disable a drone.
- Crouching or Standing still (Like being on a gen) makes survivors immune to being scanned, so no hindered, broken or killer instinct
Skull Merchant's kit is boring and misses every mark. But your anger seems to come from a fundamental misunderstanding of her kit.
Putting the drone on the gen is not an effective strategy as staying still makes you immune to being scanned
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She is worst killer in game atm. Like there is zero fun.
Her chase is braindeadly easy and effective.
She still can shut down areas.
She is stll holding 3-gen so effectively. Sure she is limited to do this now but she is slowly building stacks on survivors. And then she is getting downs and snowball.
Survivors can't remove stacks.
She is only killer who can bloodlust you while you are being affected by her power.
Oh and she has barely counter in her kit.
Put drone in chase. Survivor not leaves and gets stacks and loses health state. Survivor leaves? They still get at least one stack which they can't remove. And probably free m1 too.
Worst designed killer ever, it's really no surprise why survivors are just showing to hook and moving to next. Boring, annoying and op killer.
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She's a threat to Survivors who can't pre-position accurately, and a sneaky killer in chases to Survivors who misjudge her haste. In my opinion, her haste needs to be toned down.
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She’s not average. She has the highest kill rate in the game and a really good kit. Are you hearing yourself?
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But you know that Nurse, Blight, and Spirit are far more formidable killers. It's strange that more survivors are killed by SM than by them, and this must be limited to beginners.
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Agreed. This explains her very well, and she is easily the worst designed killer.
I've never had fun or laughs going against her like the other killers, it's just boring rinse repeat sweat fest with most of them.
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I don't think you understand how Skull Merchant works at all... She doesn't have basekit aura-reading without addons that hardly anyone runs to even begin with, she doesn't get haste from seeing auras so that's false, she does get Undetectable when deploying a drone so this is true and this is done because she's supposed to be a type of stealth killer now, survivors don't get Hindered from disabling drones so this is false, she's not gonna get her drones permanently disabled because that would be the same problem that old Trapper used to have which was changed for a reason, you don't physically need to hack her drones to finish a gen anymore since they can't scan you while not moving anymore, and finally her drones don't cause Hindered(again), Broken, nor Killer Instinct for hacking them.
This kind of post is only serving as the evidence to back up a lot of the arguments of survivors just wanting to jump into the hate train against her without actually knowing anything about her.
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Those kill rates don't really mean she is strong.
It is just Old Legion syndrome.
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SM is a problem for survivors at any skill level because her kit is really good. She buffs her own gameplay, renders debuffs on survivors, and can still hold a 3-gen while those status effects cook. She’s not a bad killer by any stretch of the imagination against survivors at any level.
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ill say this once and ill say it again. Her kill rate is only this high because people are killing themselves on first hook. Not because of actual kills.
If ppl didn’t do this, it would be in the upper 50’s for sure.
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Because everyone is just on hate train on her, not because she is best killer on the game! Freddy is top tier kill rate, you think he is also good? He is the worst!
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Her kill rate that high only because it's bloated due to cry baby survivors refusing to play against her and just sending themselves off on first hook and dooming the others. She's mediocre at best and if people took the effort to learn how to play against her instead of being pathetic quiters her kill rate be closer to 60% where it should be.
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Some killers need to be below average, why not her?
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Need? Just because we have many killers who are meh at best, doesn't mean we need them to be weak like... what is the logic of this?
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Oh hey, just another survivor that complains about Skull Merchant only because it was popular to do so and now actually believes Skull Merchant is busted
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And it's going to continue until they make another adjustment to her like sadako. We are pretty sure the devs are aware already, so they'll most likely do something to her in the future anyways.
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”op killer” 😂
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He’s performs well at low to mid MMR, where most players fall. I don’t think he’s bad or weak, just mechanically boring. I thought the weakest killer in the game was Trapper but evidently even he performs well.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Yeah, definetely she is fine with 70% kill-rate.
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Lol absolutely not
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Once again I have to recommend my post about better in-game information because of posts like this:
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"Her 70% killrate has nothing to do with her being to strong. Its because people suicide against her all the time. She is fine"
Call me crazy, but those kind of statements may be a little bit contradictory.
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Yeah unless you think perfect balance is possible (it's not.) Some killers will always be below average. Why not the most hated killer ever?
Post edited by th3syst3m on1 -
70% is pretty low for a killer that gets kills by survivors not wanting to play against her. So the statement is correct she is not op at all just like Clown is not op.
And the problem is not Skullie anymore but the losers that give up. Try playing solo and when you are doing a gen your teammate runs straight to skullie to be killed within first minute, you can't blame the killer for that but the teammate. BHVR did a good job fixing her. Perhaps some survivors don't know she was changed who knows not everyone reads patches and visit forums.
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she wouldn't be a worse legion since she would still get haste and stealth
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Skull Merchant's only crime is being a horribly designed killer in all aspects, no matter how much you rework her she will never stop noobstomping newer survivors because, while she doesn't have nor require ANY skill expression, she takes a ######### lecture to teach a newer survivor her power. She isn't busted, this is the result of a rushed rework making her THE noobstomping killer.
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That kill rate includes all the players who give up as soon as they realize who the killer is.
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Well in that case I'm pretty sure Nurse and Blight are perfectly fine as killers cause they don't even make top 10 in kill rates.
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People give up for everything, as a slinger player if I get a snipe at the begining of the game the sniped survivor has a 1/3 chance of dcing right there. So you cannot know if its dcs due to justifiable reasons like old legion was or just people having a trantrum they cannot play against trapless trapper/old useless billy.
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Where did this argument that "her kill rate is only that high because survivors kill themselves on hook" come from? Like I keep seeing it over and over, is it based on actual data?
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Getting 4-5 status effects (speed boost, health state, hindrance, undetectable) from one killer power is just insane.
The counterplay is what, have one person dedicated to disabling all the drones?
So some people often say, to counter:
"If she drops a drone in a loop...leave and move to another loop. Her chase power is only strong when she hinders you with her drones."
This doesn't work as she doesn't slow down while deploying it. Leaving the loop is basically giving her a free m1 unless you had so much distance that you wouldn't have needed to stay at that loop anyway. This is one of the many reasons why people hate dull merchant.
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Actually you wouldn't be affected if you are doing gens.
This post typically shows how survivors complain SM op without understanding of her power.
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How is it relevant if she is op or not? Nobody wants to play against her, which is much worse then any op killer we had/have.
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Go play 10 games of Skull Merchant and you'll get the actual data this statement is based on
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Freddy is nowhere near the worst killer
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Agreed. I personally experience dcs or hook suicide all the time when I'm playing legion and Sadoko. Last night for example I had someone either give up or dc in 4 out game games I played. The killers I played was Wesker, Sadoko, Sing, legion, and xenomorph. The one game that I didn't have survivors give in was the sing game.
The matter is that survivors will give up against any killer on the roster for whatever reason. Most DBD players honestly are some of the most selfish gamers I seen in any other pvp game. They are entitled little snowflakes that will give up the second things go their way.
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Because the person I replied to replied to a "op" post.
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This was ment as an overall statement. The issue with SM is not that she is op (was Legion op?) but rather very unfun to play against. As many mentioned already, it is very hard to even categorize her stength by now. Is she A+ tier? Or only C? I cant tell for sure. Apparently so many people DC or hook suizide that it is hard to actually take those 70%+ for real. If nobody DC's the killrate might actually be way lower.
But that does not change the fact, that she is dispised by many people, and if we go for statistics we can even say "by almost everyone". Her insane killrate does not come from nowhere. She does not need a nerf, she needs another full rework unfortunatly.
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Yes. I can’t tell you how many threads I’ve seen throughout the forums where people complain about how high skull merchants kill rate is and they want to immediately call for a nerf.
When you ask them what the nerf would be, people have no idea. It’s either something completely unreasonable, delete her or they just don’t really know. So I tell them until we actually come up with constructive feedback why don’t we hold off on all the callouts on nerfs.
Anywho - in regards to skull merchants kill rate being high, every skull merchant I’ve spoken to in here or via PlayStation have a minimum of 1 person that gives up on hook, including when I play skull merchant. In this past week I’ve had a total of 15 survivors kill themselves on hook.
These are her current stats. Dcs are not included.
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I think her power is hard to change in any "fun" way for survivors just like some other boring killers to go against. I think BHVR have done what they can in changing her I mean they won't rework her totally and take away the drones. Problem is mostly that people give up because of her reputation that she got from before the rework and these people killing themselves don't even want to play against the new Skullie.
I tried to play her and I think she is mid tier. I won lot's of games probably 20 in a row but last games I have played against SWFs that had no problem getting 3-4 escapes. She is a rare killer to go against this is why she have the old Hag problem of there being a counterplay but playing so little against a killer it takes years for many to understand how to play against her.
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I dont think it has anything to do with reputation at all. Like said before, i had no clue that she had a bad reputation, since i was not even around at that so called chess merchant time. I am pretty unbiased towards her past, but that does not change the fact that i dislike everything about her now.
Personally, from an objective standpoint, i can agree that she is mid or maybe lower end of high tier. At the end of the day, she can not teleport or zoom around the map with lightning speed at least. Just my personal opinion. But talking about fun, she easily lines up between Legion and Mega Blink Nurse.
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How would anyone go about gathering data on that besides basing it entirely on what's witnessed?
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Give up as in DC (bannable), go AFK (bannable), or die against her solid kit (permitted)?
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Even if it’s ‘witnessed’ it’s still supposition and conjecture. Unless one has the power to read minds (a power one is absolutely wasting if all one’s doing is trying to argue with people on the internet about a B-list game) then one can never really know for sure that the death was intentional. The killer hooked the survivor, the survivor died on hook. That’s legitimate. Anything additional to that by ‘witnesses’ is a story cooked up to serve an agenda.
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When a survivor runs up to me and points to the closest hook, can we not infer they are trying to die? I've had plenty of ppl rage quit from being downed too quickly for their liking for ANY killer. I've also had ppl who completely skip the "getting chased" part.
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If you have solid proof players are griefing & it’s as prevalent in your games as you say, report them and allow BHVR to sort through it.
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Lady Adriana is not comparable to Blight, Nurse, Spirit or "new" Billy... but she is certainly one of strongest M1 Killer in the game (even considering the ease of using her power). Saying she's weak or just "normal"...isn't true.
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There's been plenty of posts about this on the forums. Plenty of ppl even reply how when the killer is skull Merchant, they just "accidentally" play horrible, then have horrible luck followed by being bad at skillchecks.
Read the very first response to this... Is this good enough proof that people are doing it? When they openly admit to it, lol?
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I never quite got why she was always considered average, even before her rework. If she could hold the strongest SWF in the world hostage for almost an hour, how was she an average killer? That sounds pretty strong to me. Especially when she requires very little mechanical skill, unlike Nurse and Blight.