Skull Merchant Exploit (Not even a surprise)

How is it fair that Skull Merchant can just recall a disabled drone just to put out a brand new one? It makes it so that you are now stuck at a loop (that you would have previously been undetected and safe at because you disabled a drone) where she's gonna get a free health state from you because you're sure to get detected 3 times and become broken. Unbelievable the amount of exploits with this killer.
That's not an exploit, it's how she's supposed to function.
I'm actually not against a brief cooldown between recalling and placing a new one, but it is worth mentioning that there is still a point to disabling drones. If she has to replace the drone, it gives you time to leave the loop without even getting scanned. Granted, that's not particularly fun, it's an issue she shares with Knight and Artist, but it is still counterplay.
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Not an exploit. What is an exploit is Blight sliding against walls that their power is suppose to bump into just to gain crazy speed and do 180 turns on a tile.
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Yeah but the high mobility killer running around with the map with an instadown weapon that doesn't suffer any kind of cooldown for missing [bar a brief slowdown shorter than a pallet stun] and only gets stronger and faster the more he spams his instadown weapon, notcto mention he can hold it as long as he wants now. But the sexy lady with drones? Nah bro boooooo takes no skill, but not Billy, Billy is a okay?
A killer with the ability to literally go through walls, that's perfectly alright.
A killer that has an ability to hit you through walls yep send it through.
A high mobility killer with the ability to slow survivors down if he hits you with his power, being able to hug tech and "urobend" that's totally okay.
The demo with an exploitable hitbox is also fine
But nah boo SM right? Get over it dude. 🙄
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Uh how is that even something to complain about? So she has to manually recall a drone, then go the exact location it was before and set it back up to bypass a hack that takes you like 4 seconds.
Like I get people don't like SM, but this is definitely not something to complain about. Do you think it's the same "exploit" when Trapper does the same thing except actually gets a full down instead of just making you injured?
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The difference is that Skull Merchant takes a health state for free, its base kit, no add on needed. If Trapper wanted to do the same thing, not only does it take an add on, but people start to realize that releasing traps are instadowns and don't do it anymore. There is no getting around the fact that she gets a free health state when you are detected 3 times, which is pretty much guaranteed if you're in chase in a drone. There's no getting around it. She has way too many base kit abilities that should have been made into add ons.
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Facts girl 👌🏼