Anti-Camping Hook Meter

Please add the anti-camping hook meter to endgame, multiple times I have been downed and hooked and The Killer just stands and camps my hook until I die because they want to get an easy kill and there is nothing stopping them.
Camping at endgame is justifiable. Being hooked during endgame should feel risky and not a free escape for survivors...
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I'm guessing you're kind of new? It's pretty common knowledge that by then the killer can no longer prevent gens from being finished and needs to secure a kill. It would be silly for the killer to just allow a free unhook and get 0 kills because of it. Plus, depending on the killer (e.g. Bubba is nearly impossible), the hooked survivor can still be saved if their teammates know how to properly hook save. You just need one survivor to take the first hit, the other takes that small window to unhook and then it's just body-blocking until everyone reaches the gate. I would, however, not be opposed to another tweak being done to the anti-camp meter during the actual match. I think it fills up too slowly and I've had matches where the killer purposely camps outside of the 16 meters so the bar won't fill and then just waits until someone comes to the hook.
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Why do you think that perks like DS and Off The Record are disabled in end game?
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With the gens done, there's little else for the killer to do but defend that hook.
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In exchange, let's remove the hatch from this foggy forest. Then we're both even.
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"Free escape"? They managed to get through 5 gens without dying, that's already an achievement. The killer shouldn't get a free kill at that point just because.
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The game is generally balanced around mid to mid-high mmr. The game is killer favored at low mmr. Mid MMR, it's generally balanced, High MMR, it's survivor favored. They aren't going to balance the game around an mmr level where it's considered an achievement surviving 5 gens. Surviving 5 gens isn't that difficult as experience is gained unless you're facing a broken killer like skull merchant\blight\nurse. Once you get some more time in the game, you'll start understanding why these perks disable in the endgame. If someone gets unhooked in the endgame collapse, it's an almost guaranteed escape with their endurance protection unless they are REALLY far from a door, and if there are other survivors to bodyblock protect them, it's gave over for the killer.
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Therefore, when the killer knocks down all the survivors, there should be no reversal. Survivors are not allowed to get up, 4%, or reach the hatch. Isn't that so?
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The game isn't over until it's over. They haven't left yet, so they are still in the game. In end game, the killer has no other objective to defend than the hook. And if that survivor does get unhooked, than they are out with nothing you can do. Base kit BT still works in end game. Why should you not be in danger when you're hooked in end game? You haven't won yet.
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You really shouldnt complain about "free kills" while defending "free escapes". It's hypocrisy.
Furthermore, as people do always point out in that 4k discussion, you dont deserve a 4k just because you killed 3, you need to work for it, which killers do.
Conversely, just because the gens are powered or the gates open doesnt mean you're entitled to escape. You escape once you cross the finish line.
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With the amount of hook camping and tunneling, it really is. It used to be new killers mainly now it's every tier. "It's a viable strat" "It's part of the game" Bring back hatch spawning before endgame. That was a "viable" strat till killers complained and completely changed a core mechanic.
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No way. Why? There's nothing wrong with camping once gens are done and this only punishes killers that had a bad match and have to defend a hook.