Why people don't play much Trickster?

He is walking minigun in his main event and its so fun to eat health states really fast!



  • LeGranEmi
    LeGranEmi Member Posts: 80

    explanation of a mei trickster with 3000 hours only with this killer

    The problem is that when you reach high ranks with e they will genrush you and if you don't know how to use the knives, when to save them, the tricks on the maps or how to use the main event, your power will be useless because you will lose the laceration also that for the killer to be viable you are forced to use memento blades and even though for me it is not a problem because I have 5400 memento addons for other players yes besides BHVR took away the best addons of him making them literally garbage

  • LeGranEmi
    LeGranEmi Member Posts: 80

    I don't know if it's because I've been a trickster since the moment it came out, but the recoil in the controller was never a problem. I think it's just that people didn't want to learn how to use it.

  • MalekithHatesSnow
    MalekithHatesSnow Member Posts: 253

    Honestly its more of his design I just don't like it I'll play a killer if they're bad but look cool but Trickster (IMO) doesn't appeal to me

  • MudSpit83
    MudSpit83 Member Posts: 117

    I just got done playing him for like 8 matches straight

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,098

    34 killers. if u not super fun or strong u want be pick.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,828

    Every time I play him survivors DC or get extremely angry.

    I don't even know how to play him right.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 664

    Each times I play a range killer, I get an indoor map

    And that's the case for trikster, each times I try him

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Trickster feels clunky and is a little bit boring to me.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Boring, little skill expression, weak, and I honestly just think he looks bad.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,997
    edited March 7

    Trickster isn’t weak. what the flip lol the rest I agree with.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 908

    Since the buff, I don't play as him anymore because it makes me feel guilty. He's way too much for the lobbies that I typically get as Killer and I'm not even good with him.

    It just feels cheap to shred through health states before the Survivors can get to anywhere safe. And if you're doing badly with his blades, no worries because he's 115% speed now for some reason. A shame, because I really like him as a Character.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,572

    Everytime i play him, i just catch myself on thought, that i do literally nothing to win a chase and win regardless. Just look at survivor and spam m1. It's fun and boring in the same time. There is more skill in going against him, than in playing as him. Playing Trickster is just waiting for survivor be in you LoS.

    But before his last update he was weak on top of it, now i play him at least once a month.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,719

    He's extremely map dependant.

    I think he is heavily overestimated and overrated.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,878

    I am SO GLAD they don't as he is VERY annoying, I am glad I rarely see Trickster or Twins as I find both very unfun to verse.

    I do not enjoy playing him either and I only played him to P3 him and do all his achievements then I was glad I could never touch this vile creature again

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,818

    That recoil was absolutely a problem on console with a controller. It was unpredictable and you couldn't react in time to somewhat stay on target with the dead zones in the sticks & gross input delay, even at max sensitivity. Putting aside game performance issues because console + DBD. I could only imagine what our Switch cousins get out of Trickster...

    Now with the recoil gone it's a significant improvement yes, but he's still a ranged killer and it's still with a controller. With tons of hours of practice you will become an acceptable killer using him, but you'll still hit that mechanical limit, particularly on the older machines.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 962

    He's more than strong enough to win most of any of the matches matchmaking will provide one with. There's some Trickster mains I know that basically always win. Check out ayano_hm or wacek134 on twitch. He is downright oppressive in his camping capabilities, denying unhooks or at least melting through both the unhooker's and unhookee's health states. The frequent availability of Main Event has also made him much more lethal than he used to be.

    I think he just does not feel very rewarding or satisfying to play, since you can spam your ability hits don't mean much. Why play Trickster when you can play Huntress?

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    That’s exactly why… not fun for me anymore

    I played Trix often before they boosted him.

    Now every match is pretty much a effortless victory

  • FrenchBagels
    FrenchBagels Member Posts: 193

    Boring Diet Huntress with extra steps and is up there as the best camper in the game along with Bubba and Billy.

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    I personally don't enjoy him because of how he looks. For me, the look of the killer matters almost as much as the power. While I get that he's a pop star, he still feels so extra with his cosmetics.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,290

    @FreeKnives I am personally not a fan of his power but to each their own, however I am gonna stop you right there. “Little Skill Expression?”

    That is so far from the truth it’s not even funny. I disagree completely.

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 754

    As someone that mains him, I really like hitting knives but can understand why he’s not favoured over someone like Huntress or even Xeno. I had a huntress daily the other day, and it was just a reminder of how much easier she is at everything.

  • FreeKnives
    FreeKnives Member Posts: 82

    There is a whole Trickster thread that BHVR unpinned....Trickster Feedback..... And I just posted something new there. But basically, A lot of dedicated Trickster mains who are decent veterans to top trickster veterans are losing interest in playing Trickster. I want to like this version of Trickster, I really did, but he feels like an extreme version away from what made him great before...I understand why casual players or people just picking him up feel like hes okay. After playing him a lot and both on Console and PC, I am seeing so much wrong with him now, and its hard to unsee or enjoy the more time you want put into him. I still find enjoyment, but I can see his issues...and he feels weaker even to me. So hes feeling frustrating a lot of the time with good survivors and swfs, because even with faster movement speed its not enough and now my power is weaker to trade for it?

    I am a 900hr Trickster Main with probably around 9/10k lacerations on controller, and I am now starting to play him on PC with 50 hours and 1k lacerations. Controller will always be hard mode so there will always be a skill ceiling of some kind....but on PC its easier to aim,...so I understand now why he feels unrewarding to Trickster veterans on PC. With Trickster Mains, we enjoyed the challenge, getting downs mostly with knives, and the skill expression of downing someone only with knives is less now because of frequent Main Event (though Main Event has skill expression just not in low mmr and more about when you use it). The new skill expression is now not reloading for 3 to 4 chases. But you wont see new Trickster players do that, because if they take the time to learn Trickster properly they will of course lose for a while...and survivors who win against Trickster seem to be pretty ruthless for no reason......Everyone hates Trickster so the more survivors bash on baby Tricksters for losing trying to use their power lol....a new Trickster who spams (throws knives even when missing more than 3 or 4), camps, tunnels and uses meta everything to steam roll is born. If thats anyone who reads this, be patient, focus on his power, join Trickster community, watch others play. The problem is that this Trickster base kit is so much weaker now when using his power, that its hard to learn his power and not be tempted to do anything to win, including just m1 instead.

    I see new Tricksters avoiding his power all the time, rely on Main Event, m1, or meta perks. I dont blame them. This is probably where the "no skill" comes from, new survivors or people who dont know how to counter Trickster in general, just not understanding that these Tricksters are not actually playing well, but if played ruthlessly can win anyway. But its just that the survivors complaining about no skill arent countering him properly. He actually takes a LOT of skill to play him efficiently or properly in medium to high mmr.

    His throw rate, especially in Main Event is slow af, making him significantly weaker, but *yay* you have Main Event that pops every chase....you will secure a down probably, and you NEED to use Main Event, because that is how you play him efficiently now. It just gets repetitive at times. And the Trickster main cant avoid using Main EVent either, or he will run out of knives, and reload more often. Trickster HAS to m1 now more too, cause his throw rate is slower...I think that only adds to more frustration on both sides.

    Or as I have seen with new Tricksters, forgo using your power altogether by just m1'ing mostly, because you are now 4.6 and you can....it feels like a mess to be honest. I love Trickster, everything about him, the way he looks, his cosmetics, his voicelines, story and gameplay.... I will always play this character, and he is difficult to master, but hes just not the same, he lost something....A lot of dedicated mains are giving up on him as of late.

    With this version, 4.6 is nice in theory but they took away so much that anyone who knows a lot about playing this character knows...its not worth the trade of his previous stronger basekit. Not to mention it broke so many quality of life things with visual ques, sound, and animations....They took away ramping when throwing knives, his audio for that was removed, and his weaker throw rate and higher knives to injure make wanting to play him mostly m2 frustrating and hinder you....the fun part about him was using mostly knives. Main Event was so rewarding before because you knew that if you got it multiple times in 1 match, you were playing Trickster really well. It didn't have to be 30 knives to get, but why they went to 6 in PTB Im not sure. Especially because the cool down you have to go through now after Main Event hinders you every time you use it and BECAUSE you HAVE to use Main Event to conserve knives now, you are in that cool down animation a lot. So people learning to use Main Event need to be very careful when to use Main Event. That is where the current skilled expression is now with this version, not reloading for 3 to 4 chases, and knowing when to pop main event especially without an ME extender. But that will start to matter in medium mmr or high mmr, not so much in lower mmr. Survivors arent going to run in a straight line or run in a choo choo train for you anymore. So Main Event loses it lethality with a careful swf, or a survivor who can waste just enough of your time for gens to pop. Which doesn't take long. Hes weaker ironically because of the changes the higher up you go in mmr, and stronger in lower mmr than before. Like the opposite of what they wanted to do I think. He can end chases more quick now because of ME, which helps map pressure yes, but not if you are using his power/knives mostly and dont want to down with m1.... If you are using his power, the chase will take longer than previous Trickster. LOL So....you lose map pressure. Which is why a lot of veteran Tricksters are struggling, because not as much skill expression in m1. No offense to m1 killers.

    I literally haven't seen a Trickster in months and finally went against a new one, on console at that...I was so excited..... and then he didn't throw a single knife.... He 4k'd with bat only. That broke my heart honestly. But again I cant blame him.

  • Shaddoll_Serpent
    Shaddoll_Serpent Member Posts: 156

    What do you think is skillful about him? Huntress has the orbitals, Slinger has trick shots, Trickster doesn't really have anything skill expressive about his kit as it's just a machine gun with little range so there's nothing really that hard to master with him especially after the changes.

  • FreeKnives
    FreeKnives Member Posts: 82

    Timing is everything with him, survivor prediction in combination with aiming, so shooting around tiles before you even see a survivor and still hitting when they turn the corner, conserving knives so that you dont reload every chase or every other chase, knowing when to pop main event, not missing blades or spamming, knowing how to pocket main event with m1, knowing where you can shoot knives and when, at each tile of each loop of each map, moonwalking with main event and other special techniques of mindgaming that can be extremely risky but high reward, how to build map pressure and knowing which targets to go after because you know how long it would take to down that person at that specific loop, based on your accuracy, how to shoot long shots, and hole shots without missing, showing knife discipline.....these are just some off the top off my head. You know...easy stuff cause Trickster just throws knives...no skill. Right....

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    I don't like the k-pop aesthetic and find his personality grating. I actually like the power in a vacuum but if I want a ranged killer Plague, Artist or Unknown is more my thing.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,023
    edited March 8

    I used to have this mindset that Trickster didn't have much to master because of the little amount of dedicated Trickster mains, but the amount of maps that have holes and the existence of ricochet gives him a lot to master.

    Trick Blades probably has the highest skill floor of any killer add-on because of how janky bounce logic is in DBD (even more evident with Unknown) and while there are some good Trick Bladers, I don't think even a single Trickster player has been able to master the Trick Blades because of the amount of maps and different potential ricochet spots. You have to learn so much in order to even utilize the basics of ricochet Trickster.

    He can also do trick shots just like Deathslinger, his projectiles are fast and capable of damaging survivors in areas that Huntress wouldn't be able to do, and even if it's limited by an add-on, ricochet is a unique aspect of him that allows him to get hits like no other ranged killer. While he does have one of the lowest skill floors in the game (just backrev a survivor and take out 2 health states immediately in a dead zone, 115% allows for easy M1's), there's a lot to master in his kit that not many have dedicated themselves to doing which is completely justified because of how stressful he is when it comes to experimental plays compared to Deathslinger for instance (Deathslinger can reload at any time, Trickster has to go to a locker to reload and has to hit a survivor 8 times to get rid of a health state).

    To not enjoy Trickster's playstyle is fair, but to say he has little skill expression is a stretch.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Main Event for me is really fun and this is what is great with new Trickster for me. He feels like walking minigun! haha

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,173

    Nah, they are pretty correct. As GoodBoyKaru wrote, the outcome of the chase is not determined by the skill of the players, but rather the map. You have a bunch of high walls? Good, you might have a chance. Only low walls or a deadzone? Great, you are dead.

    IMO out of all the ranged Killers, Trickster is easily the most forgiving one. Including the Unknown.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,290

    I think your question has been answered by the various amounts of people replying. I’ll leave it at that

  • FreeKnives
    FreeKnives Member Posts: 82
    edited March 8

    I also enjoyed that machine gun at first, it was a honeymoon phase for me I guess with PTB version, (though I never liked getting main event so much) but it does remove the accuracy skill ceiling he had, making his special power more accessible, while simultaneously making him weaker in the overall match, when you want to use him more strategically or against good survivors/swfs. This Trickster is deadly in 1v1 in the open, but with the slower throw rate and higher knives to injure, it kind of makes it so the chase takes longer than before at tiles...so it really didn't improve him where things count. Actually the best improvement this trickster has is Photocard imo, but the basekit changes makes his map pressure weaker with good survivors than before. And gens pop quick so with this Trickster it can be very stressful to handle good survivors. So i always tell people get your Trickster to higher mmr, and then see if you still feel the same or if you notice any change at all. A lot of people start having to rely more and more on m1, as they go up in mmr and I know people dont pick this killer to be an m1 killer, so when you feel like its better or faster to m1....thats a turn off.

    The worlds best Trickster Main, could get 252 wins in a row with 4.4 Trickster, thats world record for this character, a C tier underestimated killer at that....he mastered his accuracy on the utmost scariest level ina year or so, and proved with practice Trickster could be lethal even as a "weaker" killer. No one has come close to that winstreak... and he was even one of the first to be able to use Trickster in a comp setting with a more comp playstyle, or basically well. He still wrecks people today but this Trickster is weaker so comp setting is a bit harder now....I dont even think he can do comp now, but I know he did try to do a winstreak multiple times but cant get anywhere near his old personal best number. He is really inspiring to watch honestly. He is insanely good regardless, but as you can imagine with some of the skill ceiling removed...Main Event starts to feel cheap now with it coming so often. And when going against good survivors, being good at 1v1s in the open starts to feel less good because you are wasting more time at tiles trying to use just your power...and then being forced to m1 because you have to or gens will start popping. Its very frustrating as a dedicated Trickster main...who prides themselves on downing people with accuracy and skill....

    Main Event is just so often it doesn't really give you a chance to breathe with your skill. But I do understand knives go brrr with Main Event lol, and people like to pick up characters casually, without trying to main him or when survivors arent as good you get to mow them down like grass, which is fun as hell ngl. That feels good, of course! But not long term, and its pissing off a lot of survivors atm xD. But to tbf, they could not group up and stop running to the open lol. Kind on them to learn how to counter this killer. I get mad when people call for nerfs with killers and refuse to learn the counterplay.

  • KazRen
    KazRen Member Posts: 187

    Very map dependent. I enjoy playing trickster but my god it feels awful to play him on maps with lots of LOS blockage like Tobo or Hawkins. It does feel great to shred through health states with main event though.

  • Shaddoll_Serpent
    Shaddoll_Serpent Member Posts: 156

    None of those are Trickster exclusive, that's all general killer game sense and skills you should have developed playing anyone.

    That's still little skill expression or floor compared to a majority of other killers. I don't think trick blades has much mastering solely because like you said, janky bounce logic. Only so much you could reliably do with an ability like that.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 9

    He's pretty weak might as well play huntress instead. More skill expression, cooler trick shots, medium strength, and way more fun cosmetics.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,542
    edited March 9

    He's weaker than people let on. Yes, strong when you've got tons of hours in him, but even then most killer give better results for that kind of time investment. In higher skill matches people use his lullaby to prepare to prerun. His throwrate is slow without memento blades, and good survivors know which tiles Trickster can or can't easily get a hit with power, and they take advantage of that.

    He's pretty strong vs altruism, shredding multiple healtstates in the open and punishing unhooks, but good players will learn how to juke and dodge to make his "shredding healthstates" not as easy as it sounds. And often they'll know when to leave a person on hook and just do gens instead.

    His killrate is bottom 8 according to official stats, low for a killer that people say is "super easy, braindead and requires no skill" and is "super oppressive in chase". I think people have confirmation bias and remember the times where they went down in 5 seconds on a short wall tile, and forget the times they lasted tons of time in chase because of connected tiles with tall walls.

  • FreeKnives
    FreeKnives Member Posts: 82

    Bro, you are so wrong on so many levels. His power and how you use it dictates how you use the generic game sense you are talking about. And believe me having general game sense is not enough, you still need to know how the killers power works and how you can use their power. Thats like saying Im good at Trapper, therefore Im gonna be good at Huntress when I pick her up for the first time. And Im giving you examples of where Trickster is different and how you need to be good with him, but you see what you want to see.

    Saying a killer that you dont play has little skill expression, is about a mute point as it gets. And frankly, Im tired of hearing people say it.

  • FreeKnives
    FreeKnives Member Posts: 82

    People die to a killer and say "no skill" and rarely ever look at what they did, this is why people are claiming hes not weak...not the people that main him and play him daily. Trickster IS WEAKER in this state, because of the tweak to basekit (throw rate, ramping, and knives to injure) and the literal only thing that makes him playable is his laceration decay. I will never understand the complaints about Trickser and the immediate bias people have without ever playing him or learning correct counter play.

    Trickster is good at 1v1, but matches aren't 1v1, they are 1v4, and hes frustrating right now in higher mmr. Shreds through people who run in straight lines and group up, and weak when it comes to good survivors who can waste maybe 10 to 15 seconds of your time, long enough for the other 3 you arent chasing to finish gens. He was much stronger basekit in his 4.4 version. And honestly if we had current photocard, haste/reward addons and maybe even haste added to a more rewarding combo system, to 4.4 version that would have been enough to alleviate some of 4.4 Trickster's frustrations. But here we are...the "buff" that turned into a nerf....that turned into just a different less unique version that is either strong in 1v1, but repetitive (because of reliance on m1 and Main Event), or frustrating and weak depending (because of throw rate and knives to injure) on mmr and survivors.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,724

    He's still very difficult to play on controller. The removal of recoil helps, but it still feels like trying to steer a shopping cart like a racecar.

    Also I hate his character. The All-Kill chapter was a shameless cash-in on the K-pop fad and I think his lore is lame and uninteresting. I considered him the worst killer in the game until Skull Merchant came along.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    Getting good with Trick Blades takes a lot of skill and I have been able to land downs past 40 meters with him since he has no recoil. So I would say being able to throw one blade at a time and land 8 past 40 meters is skillful.

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 662

    Completely unappealing to me personally. Most of the people I had playing the game with me quit around when we got Blight then Twins....and then.. Trickster.. Seeing all of that with him at the end made none of them ever want to come back as the Killers are what pull most people in regardless of which side they play.

    It was pretty much a domino effect that year. Blight came out and was meh until they changed him up a bit, Twins released and still to this day are a buggy nightmare, and then all I heard about Trickster was "Is this a joke? This doesn't even look like a Killer.." And thus there went my friends. Away from the game. Never to return to the shallow end of the pool.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    3000 hours but you mention "high ranks" in your first sentence. Didn't mmr get introduced together with Grades like 2 years ago or whatever?

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,997

    He’s a machine gun that can only be countered (somewhat) by tall walls.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,952

    BECAUSE he got turned from cool pot shots to minigun is why I don't play him. I'd rather have the 6 knives to injure 110 trickster rather than 115 and no recoil.

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    Maybe people don't like the in-game fantasy he represents. His lore is just a phsycho guy with a lot of throwing knives. That's about as deep as SM's. It's more of a thriller story than a horror one.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,818

    No matter what base speed Trickster has that awful recoil had to go. Made him actually unplayable on console with the controller.