Why hasn't Lery being killswitched?

The amount of time killer's bring us there just to explot the double basement bug.
Please, killswitch this map
It's such a weird bug because how did it even happen? It's like when Wesker became invisible with the Xeno release, what causes such things lmao? Spaghetti code in action is so funny to witness.
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How can you abuse having 2 basements? I mean you cannot camp both of them? So do you just have easier access to a basement hook and that's it?
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It‘s a feature not a bug!
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Most of these bugs come from changes under the hood that aren't noticeable I think. They probably changed something very minor about Lery's that wasn't worth documenting and now we have two basements.
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It's weird that they don't document all changes, would be cool to see what they're experimenting with to cause such things and predict which change actually caused it lmao.
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Are you sure? It was intended? That can’t be true.
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Now it is
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Interesting 🤔
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Needs to be fixed, but killswitches only occur when there is a game breaking bug. For example, if playing a certain killer could disable everyone's ability to interact with gens. That's game breaking. Having two basements doesn't stop a game from happening.